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Zeno of the Beta Star
Zeno of the Beta Star
Rarity 5-star★ - 7-star★
Role Physical AttackerDebuffer
Chain Family Absolute Mirror of Equity
Divine Ruination
Aureole Ray
Bolting Strike
Acquisition Rare SummonTooltip-Question
Time Limited No
Series FFBE
Gender Male‎Tooltip-Question
Race HumanTooltip-Question
No. 8253, 8254, 8255
TMR Obsidian HelmObsidian Helm
Obsidian HelmObsidian HelmHelm
Stats: ATK+42, DEF+20
Effect: Mind AblazeMind Ablaze
Mind AblazeMind Ablaze
Increase MP (20%)
Increase LB gauge fill rate (50%)
STMR Searing EmberSearing Ember
Searing EmberSearing EmberKatana
Stats: ATK+180
Effect: Merciless KatanaMerciless Katana
Merciless KatanaMerciless Katana
Increase ATK (40%)
Increase physical damage against humans (75%)

The Beta Star of the Orders, said to be the strongest man with a blade. Zeno is a veteran member of the organization, and seems to have the Emperor's complete trust. Apparently the Emperor feels that Zeno is filled with a murderous intent towards him, but he still chooses to keep him close.


Stats Tooltip-Question[]

Rarity HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check Tooltip-Question Exp. Growth Pattern
5-star★ 2950
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
9 1 LB 6
6-star★ 3835
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
9 2 LB 6
7-star★ 4985
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
9 2 LB 6

Resistance Tooltip-Question[]

Element Resistance
Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Status Ailment Resistance
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -


Dagger Sword Great Sword Katana
Hat Helm Clothes Light Armor Heavy Armor Accessory
Rarity Ability Slots Affinity
5-star★ 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 2, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 6
6-star★ 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 3, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 7
7-star★ 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 4, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 8

Innate Abilities[]


Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
5-star★ 1 Cold Blood - Flint Cold Blood - Flint Inflict petrify (80%) to all enemies
Decrease fire resistance (75%) for 5 turns to all enemies
5-star★ 12 Fingersnap Fingersnap Physical damage (1.1x) to one enemy
Remove all status effects from one enemy
1Attack frames: 70 6
5-star★ 23 Dual Slash Dual Slash Physical damage combo (2 times, 1.6x each, 3.2x total) to all enemies D 27
5-star★ 45 Mirror of Equity - Acuity Mirror of Equity - Acuity Physical damage (3x) to one enemy
Increase ability modifier (0.25x) for 5 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Absolute Mirror of Equity, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+1, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+2, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity+1, True Mirror of Equity+2
Recover MP (100) to caster
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
8Attack frames: 70,76,82,88,94,100,106,112 48
5-star★ 56 Scorch Scorch Awk+2 Fire physical damage (16x) to one enemy
Decrease fire resistance (120%) for 5 turns to one enemy
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
8Attack frames: 70,76,82,88,94,100,106,112 40
5-star★ 67 Iai Strike Iai Strike Inflict death (50%) to all enemies 25
5-star★ 80 Dismissal Dismissal Physical damage (4x) to one enemy
Inflict stop (50%) for 3 turns to one enemy
1Attack frames: 1 30
6-star★ 1 Blazing Heat - Ash Blazing Heat - Ash Fire physical damage (3.2x) to all enemies
Add fire element to physical attacks for 5 turns to caster
Chain=Divine Ruination
7Attack frames: 70,77,82,89,96,103,110 42
6-star★ 32 Imminent Death Imminent Death Inflict death (50%) or deal physical damage (4x) to one enemy 1Attack frames: 70 24
6-star★ 42 Firaga Slash Firaga Slash Fire physical damage (1x) to one enemy
Fire physical damage (2x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies
Add fire element to physical attacks for 5 turns to caster
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
7,1Attack frames: 70,76,82,88,94,100,106,112 45
6-star★ 52 Mirror of Equity - Disorder Mirror of Equity - Disorder Physical damage (2.8x) to all enemies
Increase ability modifier (0.25x) for 5 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Absolute Mirror of Equity, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+1, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+2, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity+1, True Mirror of Equity+2
Restore HP (3000) and MP (100) to caster
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
8Attack frames: 70,76,82,88,94,100,106,112 56
6-star★ 72 Mirror of Equity - Supremacy Mirror of Equity - Supremacy Physical damage (2.3x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Increase ATK (200%) for 5 turns to caster
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
8Attack frames: 70,76,82,88,94,100,106,112 58
6-star★ 82 Absolute Mirror of Equity Absolute Mirror of Equity Physical damage (0.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Physical damage (6x) to one enemy
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
7,1Attack frames: 70,76,82,88,94,100,106,112 62
6-star★ 92 Double Blade Art Double Blade Art Cast 2 times: Absolute Mirror of Equity, Blazing Heat - Ash, Cold Blood - Flint, Crimson Flash, Dismissal, Firaga Slash, Imminent Death, Kaleido Slash, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+1, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+2, Perfect Void, Perfect Void+1, Perfect Void+2, Scorch, Scorch+1, Scorch+2, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity+1, True Mirror of Equity+2
6-star★ 92 Kaleido Slash Kaleido Slash Physical damage (4x) with consecutive increase (2 times, 1x each, 6x max) to all enemies
Chain=Aureole Ray
30Attack frames: 42,46,50,54,58,62,66,70,74,78,82,86,90,94,98,102,106,110,114,118,122,126,130,134,138,142,146,150,154,158 52
6-star★ 100 Crimson Flash Crimson Flash Physical damage (4x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Increase LB gauge (2) to all allies
Chain=Bolting Strike
9Attack frames: 42,48,54,60,66,72,78,84,90 55
7-star★ 105 Perfect Void Perfect Void Awk+2 [5 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase ATK (250%) for 999 turns to caster (can't be dispelled)
Increase ability modifier (2x) for 999 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Absolute Mirror of Equity, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+1, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+2, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity+1, True Mirror of Equity+2
7-star★ 110 True Mirror of Equity True Mirror of Equity Awk+2 [4 turns cooldown, available on turn 4]
Physical damage (1.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Physical damage (7.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Increase ability modifier (2.5x) for 5 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Absolute Mirror of Equity, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+1, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+2, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity+1, True Mirror of Equity+2
Enable skill for 3 turns to caster: Triple Blade Art
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
7,1Attack frames: 70,76,82,88,94,100,106,112 90
7-star★ 120 Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar Awk+2 Physical damage (1x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Physical damage (8.5x) with consecutive increase (3 times, 2x each, 14.5x max) to all enemies
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
7,1Attack frames: 70,76,82,88,94,100,106,112 60
Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect
5-star★ 1 Dual Wield Dual Wield Enable dual wielding of one-handed weapons
5-star★ 34 Katana Mastery Katana Mastery Increase ATK (50%) when equipped with a katana
5-star★ 67 Protection of the Orders Protection of the Orders Recover MP (5%) per turn
Auto-cast Protection of the Orders every turn
5-star★ 72 Seething Anguish Seething Anguish Increase ATK, DEF and HP (20%)
6-star★ 22 Bestower of Names Bestower of Names Recover MP (10%) per turn
Increase resistance to blind, paralyze and petrify (100%)
6-star★ 62 Strength of the Orders Strength of the Orders Awk+2 Increase ATK, DEF, SPR, HP and MP (50%)
Increase resistance to confuse (100%)
Increase physical damage against humans (100%)
6-star★ 100 Dual Wield Prodigy Dual Wield Prodigy Increase ATK (30%) when equipped with a katana
Increase equipment ATK (100%) when dual wielding
Increase chain modifier cap (200%) when dual wielding
7-star★ 101 Seeing Red Seeing Red [Requirement: TMR or STMR equipped]
Increase equipment ATK (100%) when dual wielding
Chance to counter physical attacks (35%) with Seeing Red (max 1/turn)
Chance to counter magic attacks (35%) with Seeing Red (max 1/turn)
7-star★ 101 Fired Up Fired Up Auto-cast Fired Up every turn
7-star★ 110 Soul of Ashes Soul of Ashes Awk+2 Increase HP, MP, ATK, DEF and SPR (30%) when equipped with a katana
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%)
Increase LB damage (100%)
7-star★ 115 SPR +20% SPR +20% Increase SPR (20%)
Condition Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
Activated by
Protection of the Orders
Protection of the Orders Mitigate physical damage taken (10%) for 99999 turns to caster
Mitigate magic damage taken (10%) for 99999 turns to caster
Activated by
Seeing Red
Seeing Red Decrease ATK and DEF (65%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Activated by
Fired Up
Fired Up Increase ATK (200%) for 3 turns to caster
Activated by
True Mirror of Equity
Triple Blade Art Cast 3 times: Cold Blood - Flint, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Scorch, Dismissal, Blazing Heat - Ash, Imminent Death, Firaga Slash, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Absolute Mirror of Equity, Kaleido Slash, Crimson Flash, Perfect Void, True Mirror of Equity, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Scorch, Scorch, Perfect Void, Perfect Void, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar


Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
6-star★ 12 Firaja Firaja Fire magic damage (35x) to all enemies 1Attack frames: 210 28

Limit Burst[]

Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
5-star★ Subjection to Equity - Crimson Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (7x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies 14Attack frames: 92,109,115,121,137,143,159,165,171,187,193,209,215,235 23 LB
Lv 20
Physical damage (8.9x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies
6-star★ Subjection to Equity - Crimson Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (8.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies
Increase ability modifier (3x) for 4 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Absolute Mirror of Equity
14Attack frames: 92,109,115,121,137,143,159,165,171,187,193,209,215,235 28 LB
Lv 25
Physical damage (10.9x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies
Increase ability modifier (3x) for 4 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Absolute Mirror of Equity
7-star★ Subjection to Equity - Crimson Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (12x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies
Increase ability modifier (3x) for 4 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Absolute Mirror of Equity, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+1, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+2
Increase ability modifier (1.5x) for 4 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity+1, True Mirror of Equity+2
14Attack frames: 92,109,115,121,137,143,159,165,171,187,193,209,215,235 36 LB
Lv 30
Physical damage (14.9x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies
Increase ability modifier (3x) for 4 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Absolute Mirror of Equity, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+1, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+2
Increase ability modifier (1.5x) for 4 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity+1, True Mirror of Equity+2

Awakenable Abilities[]

Ability Awakening[]

Name Effect Hits MP Type T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Gil
Scorch Fire physical damage (4.5x) to one enemy
Decrease fire resistance (100%) for 5 turns to one enemy
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
8 25
Scorch Awk+1 Fire physical damage (9x) to one enemy
Decrease fire resistance (100%) for 5 turns to one enemy
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
8 25 Black 10 8 2 1 - Gil120,000
Scorch Awk+2 Fire physical damage (16x) to one enemy
Decrease fire resistance (120%) for 5 turns to one enemy
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
8 40 Black 15 12 4 1 - Gil120,000
Strength of the Orders Increase ATK, DEF, HP and MP (30%) - -
Strength of the Orders Awk+1 Increase ATK, DEF, SPR, HP and MP (30%)
Increase physical damage against humans (50%)
- - Support 10 8 2 1 - Gil250,000
Strength of the Orders Awk+2 Increase ATK, DEF, SPR, HP and MP (50%)
Increase resistance to confuse (100%)
Increase physical damage against humans (100%)
- - Support 15 12 4 1 1 Gil250,000
Perfect Void [10 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase ATK (250%) for 10 turns to caster
Increase ability modifier (1x) for 10 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Absolute Mirror of Equity, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+1, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+2, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity+1, True Mirror of Equity+2
- 120
Perfect Void Awk+1 [8 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase ATK (250%) for 10 turns to caster
Increase ability modifier (1.5x) for 10 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Absolute Mirror of Equity, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+1, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+2, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity+1, True Mirror of Equity+2
- 120 Support 10 8 3 1 - Gil375,000
Perfect Void Awk+2 [5 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase ATK (250%) for 999 turns to caster (can't be dispelled)
Increase ability modifier (2x) for 999 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Absolute Mirror of Equity, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+1, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+2, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity+1, True Mirror of Equity+2
- 120 Support 15 12 5 1 1 Gil375,000
Soul of Ashes Increase ATK and DEF (30%) when equipped with a katana
Increase LB gauge fill rate (50%)
- -
Soul of Ashes Awk+1 Increase ATK, DEF and SPR (30%) when equipped with a katana
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%)
- - Guard 10 8 3 1 - Gil375,000
Soul of Ashes Awk+2 Increase HP, MP, ATK, DEF and SPR (30%) when equipped with a katana
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%)
Increase LB damage (100%)
- - Guard 15 12 5 1 1 Gil375,000
True Mirror of Equity [4 turns cooldown, available on turn 4]
Physical damage (1.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Physical damage (5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Increase ability modifier (1.5x) for 4 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Absolute Mirror of Equity, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+1, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+2, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity+1, True Mirror of Equity+2
Enable skill for 2 turns to caster: Triple Blade Art
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
- 90
True Mirror of Equity Awk+1 [4 turns cooldown, available on turn 4]
Physical damage (1.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Physical damage (6x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Increase ability modifier (2x) for 4 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Absolute Mirror of Equity, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+1, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+2, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity+1, True Mirror of Equity+2
Enable skill for 2 turns to caster: Triple Blade Art
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
- 90 Tech 10 8 3 1 - Gil500,000
True Mirror of Equity Awk+2 [4 turns cooldown, available on turn 4]
Physical damage (1.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Physical damage (7.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Increase ability modifier (2.5x) for 5 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Absolute Mirror of Equity, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+1, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar+2, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity+1, True Mirror of Equity+2
Enable skill for 3 turns to caster: Triple Blade Art
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
- 90 Tech 15 12 5 2 2 Gil500,000
Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar Physical damage (1x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Physical damage (4x) with consecutive increase (4 times, 1.5x each, 10x max) to all enemies
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
- 60
Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar Awk+1 Physical damage (1x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Physical damage (6x) with consecutive increase (4 times, 1.5x each, 12x max) to all enemies
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
- 60 Power 10 8 2 1 - Gil250,000
Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar Awk+2 Physical damage (1x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Physical damage (8.5x) with consecutive increase (3 times, 2x each, 14.5x max) to all enemies
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
- 60 Power 15 12 4 1 1 Gil250,000
Triple Blade Art Cast 3 times: Cold Blood - Flint, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Scorch, Dismissal, Blazing Heat - Ash, Imminent Death, Firaga Slash, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Absolute Mirror of Equity, Kaleido Slash, Crimson Flash, Perfect Void, True Mirror of Equity, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Scorch, Scorch, Perfect Void, Perfect Void, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar - - Activated by True Mirror of Equity
Triple Blade Art Cast 3 times: Cold Blood - Flint, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Scorch, Dismissal, Blazing Heat - Ash, Imminent Death, Firaga Slash, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Absolute Mirror of Equity, Kaleido Slash, Crimson Flash, Perfect Void, True Mirror of Equity, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Scorch, Scorch, Perfect Void, Perfect Void, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar - - Activated by True Mirror of Equity
Triple Blade Art Cast 3 times: Cold Blood - Flint, Mirror of Equity - Acuity, Scorch, Dismissal, Blazing Heat - Ash, Imminent Death, Firaga Slash, Mirror of Equity - Disorder, Mirror of Equity - Supremacy, Absolute Mirror of Equity, Kaleido Slash, Crimson Flash, Perfect Void, True Mirror of Equity, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Scorch, Scorch, Perfect Void, Perfect Void, True Mirror of Equity, True Mirror of Equity, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar, Obliterating Mirror of Equity's Roar - - Activated by True Mirror of Equity

Awakening Materials[]

6-star★ 7-star★
Icon-Calamity GemCalamity Gem (20)
Icon-Prismatic HornPrismatic Horn (10)
Icon-Calamity WritCalamity Writ (10)
Icon-Rainbow BloomRainbow Bloom (5)
Icon-Divine CrystalDivine Crystal (5)
Icon-Unit's PrismZeno of the Beta Star's Prism


5-star★ 6-star★ 7-star★

Zeno of the Beta Star

Zeno of the Beta Star

Zeno of the Beta Star


Background Story[]

5★ The Beta Star of the Orders, said to be the strongest man with a blade. Zeno is a veteran member of the organization, and seems to have the Emperor's complete trust. Apparently the Emperor feels that Zeno is filled with a murderous intent towards him, but he still chooses to keep him close.
6★ Zeno's private life is shrouded in mystery, and rumor has it that only the Emperor has seen him without his armor. No one really knows what he does on his missions, and it is unclear whether or not he has any living relatives or friends. However, it is his ability to overcome solitude that impresses the Emperor most of all.
7★ The aura about Zeno changed slightly after a certain period of time, but only a handful of people ever noticed this. The Emperor carried out a secret investigation to uncover the truth behind it all, and learned that Zeno was suffering from a disease that would eventually claim his life. However, one question still remained—was this the true reason behind his strange behavior?


5★ I'll show you the power that earned me the rank of Beta Star.
6★ What I want most is right in front of me, and even there I can't reach it. For now, at least...
7★ I refuse to run from death. I need that power.


5★ <blank>
6★ You better give up now. We will never be friends.
7★ Everyone dies, but no one should sit around just waiting for it to happen.


5★ So you mean to make me your partner. Do you even know what that means?
6★ So you mean to make me your partner. Do you even know what that means?
7★ So you mean to make me your partner. Do you even know what that means?

Trust Mastery[]

You're after something bigger than this, aren't you? Fine. You can count on my blade.

User Review[]

