Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki

Tech Milcryst

A crystal which brings out the potential of abilities. It is necessary in awakening technical abilities.

Crafting recipe[]



Ability Awakening Material

  • As of batch 16.5 (2018-06-28)
  • Totals shown are for +1 and +2 awakenings combined.
Skill Unit Total Needed
Ace Adventurer Helena 25
Acrobatics Juggler 20
Analysis Aileen 20
ATK +20% Dracu Lasswell 20
Authority Zargabaath 20
Battle Cyborg Grace 20
Black Lion's Crest Orlandeau 20
Black Sheep Knight Knight Delita 25
Blade Adept Fencer 20
Branded Heretic Mercenary Ramza 20
Cannon Dance Soleil 20
Checkmate Fencer 20
Double Dice Setzer 20
Double Trouble Killing Machine 20
Doublehand Demon Rain 38
Garland 38
Dual Edge Zidane 20
Dual Guns Amelia 13
Duelist Pose Fryevia 38
Elf Superior Lunera 22
Entrust White Witch Fina 20
Fists of Fire Yda 20
Focus Magic Vivi 20
Heavy Arms Proficiency Olive 38
Hex Strike Black Cat Lid 13
Kata Yda 8
Magical Activation Trance Terra 38
Manufacture Ruggles 20
Master Thief Xon 20
Mirage Hayate 13
Nature Protector Black Cat Lid 20
Panzer Dance Soleil 20
Perfect Balance Xiao 20
Pike Master Reberta 20
Power Charge Randi 20
Power Seeker Ashe 20
Roar of Laughter (FFVI) Kefka 25
Rune Protector White Knight Noel 20
Schwert Dance Soleil 20
Self-Sacrifice Gaffgarion 25
Shooting Dance Soleil 20
Spear Adept Nine 20
Spear Mastery Fohlen 20
Steal Time Thief 20
Sun Crest Tidus 25
Sword Master Luneth 20
Sword Mastery Ray Jack 25
Bandit (Ability) Thief 20
Two-Hit Combo Yun 20
Unleashed Chakra Xiao 20
Weapon Collector Gilgamesh 25
Zoldaad Guard Sozhe 20

How to obtain[]

Dropped from
