Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
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There are several types of summoning available in the game:

Summon Currency Summon Pool
Once a Day Limited Summon Lapis Rare summon unit with increased rate for featured units.
Step-up Summon Lapis Rare summon unit with increased rate for featured units with additional bonus per step.
Featured Summon Lapis
Rare Summon Ticket
Guaranteed Ticket (4★/5★/NV)
10% Summon Ticket (5★/NV)
30% Summon Ticket (5★/NV)
Guaranteed Ticket (5★/NV)
Rare summon unit with increased rate for featured units.
Type Summon Lapis
Rare Summon Ticket
Guaranteed Ticket (4★/5★/NV)
10% Summon Ticket (5★/NV)
30% Summon Ticket (5★/NV)
Guaranteed Ticket (5★/NV)
Rare summon unit with a restriction on 5★/NV units.
5★ Select Summon 5★ Select Summon Ticket (10) Select a 5★ unit that can be awakened to 7★ with no limited units.
Raid Summon Raid Coin Event materials, unit, or enhancers.
Exvius Summon EX Ticket (3★/4★/5★)
EX Ticket (4★/5★)
EX Ticket (5★)
NV EX Ticket (3★/4★/5★/NV)
NV EX Ticket (4★/5★/NV)
NV EX Ticket (5★/NV)
Rare summon unit with no limited units*.
*Limited time, featured units are only available for the first week.
NV Guaranteed EX Summon 1/10 NV Summon Ticket (10) Summon a NV unit with no limited units*.
*Limited time, featured units are only available for the first week.
5+1/10+1 Ticket Summon 5+1 Summon Ticket (3★/4★/5★)
10+1 Summon Ticket (3★/4★/5★)
Rare summon unit with no featured units. One 4★+ guaranteed.
10+1 NV Ticket Summon 10+1 Summon Ticket (3★/4★/5★/NV) Rare summon unit with no featured units. One 4★+ guaranteed.
5★ Guaranteed 10+1 Ticket Summon 5★ Guaranteed 10+1 Summon Ticket (3★/4★/5★) Rare summon unit with no featured units. One 5★ guaranteed.
Slot Summon Slot Token Misc. item or enhancers.
Arena Summon Arena Summon Ticket Misc. item or enhancers.
Standard Summon Friend Point Standard summon unit.

Rare Summon[]

Even though it's called a rare summon, the game itself revolves around getting strong rare summon units to defeat stronger foes.

Screenshot-5 Stars Summon

No more troll rainbow crystal after gacha change

Whenever there are more than one featured unit of the same rarity, the chance is split evenly among them. Off-banner units are also split evenly among remaining non-featured units.

While rare summon units have several rarities available for awakening, their base rarities differs from one to another. Rare summon unit can only be summoned from their base rarities. For example, if you happen to summon a 5-star★ unit from a rainbow crystal, that unit will be a base 5-star★.

Below are the chances to pull rare summon unit of each rarities. You can check more detailed summon rate in-game on the summon menu, click on "Drop Rates" button and then click another "Drop Rates" button.

Rare Summon Rate
Rarity Crystal Featured Unit Off-banner Unit Total
3-star★ Blue 10% * N[1] 42.5% - (10% * N[1]) 42.5%
4-star★ Gold 10% * N[1] 42.5% - (10% * N[1]) 42.5%
5-star★ Rainbow 1.5% * N[1] 12% - (1.5% * N[1]) 12%
NV Orange 1% * N[1] 3% - (1% * N[1]) 3%

4★+ Guaranteed Summon[]

You can increase the summoning rate by using a multi-summon for Lapis5,000 or by using a Guaranteed Ticket (4★/5★/NV), given from various event and promotion. In case of the multi-summon, only the first summon has an increased rate, while the rest are using the rate seen above.

Guaranteed Summon Rate
Rarity Crystal Featured Unit Off-banner Unit Total
4-star★ Gold 47.5% Confirmation Needed 38% Confirmation Needed 85% Confirmation Needed
5-star★ Rainbow 1.5% * N[1] Confirmation Needed 12% - (1.5% * N[1]) Confirmation Needed 12% Confirmation Needed
NV Orange 1% * N[1] Confirmation Needed 3% - (1% * N[1]) Confirmation Needed 3% Confirmation Needed

Crystal Upgrade[]

Rainbow Upgrade

Animation difference: Gold crystal on the left will upgrade into a rainbow crystal while the one on the right will not

Crystal might upgrade to a higher rarity during summoning. However, this is just a cosmetic, and does not impact the summoning rate at all. Even before cracking the crystal open, the game has already determined which unit has been summoned.

There is a difference in animation when a gold crystal will upgrade into a rainbow crystal. The amount of rays emitted from the crystal before breaking are much less, about half of the usual amount, not enough to cover most of the screen.

This difference is only applicable to gold crystal upgrade, and there is no discernible sign when a blue crystal will upgrade. A faster crystal breaking animation is played when a blue crystal upgrades.

Upgrade Chances Per Rarity
Rarity Crystal Chance
4-star★ Gold 75%
4-star★ Blue > Gold 25%
5-star★ Rainbow 70%
5-star★ Gold > Rainbow 20%
5-star★ Blue > Gold > Rainbow 10%

Summon Updates[]

  • December 2, 2016.
    • Normalized pull.
  • February 23, 2017.
    • Gacha change.
  • November 24, 2017.
    • Rainbow rate increased from 1% to 3%. Blue featured summon rate decreased from 20% to 19.5%.
    • Featured unit rate on guaranteed summon (+1 or 4★+ Guaranteed Ticket) doubled.
  • January 25, 2018.
    • Summon rates were published (rarity only, i.e. Blue, Gold or Rainbow).
  • April 20, 2018.
    • The first type summon was introduced.
  • May 11, 2018.
    • The first step-up summon was introduced.
  • May 17/June 7, 2018.
    • Detailed summon rates were published.
    • The page was fixed the following month.
  • August 16, 2018.
    • 5★ select summon was introduced.
  • November 7, 2019
    • 3★+ summons: Rainbow rate increased from 3% to 5%. Featured rainbow rates increased from 1% to 1.5%.
    • 4★+ summons: Rainbow rate increased from 5% to 7%.
    • Several units of all rarities removed from featured summons.
  • August 20, 2020
    • NV rarity introduced. Various summon rate changes.
    • Rare summon banner removed.
  • August 27, 2020
    • Units that received Neo Vision Awakenings are re-added to the featured summons.
  • December 3, 2020
    • NV rate increased from 1.25% to 2%. Rainbow rate decreased from 8.75% to 8%.
  • March 18, 2021
    • NV rate increased from 2% to 3%. Rainbow rate increased from 8% to 12%.

Featured Summon[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

  • Units: Dioxus
  • Release Date: 2023-3-23
  • Available Until: 2023-4-12

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Featured Summon for Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Featured Summon for Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
  • Units: Mid, Yego
  • Release Date: 2023-2-24
  • Available Until: 2023-3-8

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Featured Summon for Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

Final Fantasy V[]

Featured Summon for Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Featured Summon for Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

Final Fantasy V[]

Featured Summon for Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Featured Summon for Final Fantasy Brave Exvius


Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Past Featured Summon[]

See also[]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 N = Number of on-banner units of that rarity
    e.g. More on-banner rainbows will result in a smaller chance of pulling an off-banner one.