Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
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Rarity 5-star★ - 7-star★
Role Physical Attacker
Chain Family Chaos Wave Awakened
Meteor Rain
Divine Ruination
Absolute Mirror of Equity
Categories Light
Another World
Acquisition Rare SummonTooltip-Question
Time Limited Collaboration
Series Kingdom Hearts
Gender Male‎Tooltip-Question
Race HumanTooltip-Question
No. 1505, 1506, 1507
TMR Kingdom KeyKingdom Key
Kingdom Key (KH)Kingdom KeySword
Stats: ATK+160
Effect: Key's Begotten PowerKey's Begotten Power
Key's Begotten PowerKey's Begotten Power
Increase equipment ATK (50%) when dual wielding
Recover MP (5%) per turn
Increase resistance to all elements (10%)
Exclusive: Sora, Sora (KHIII)
STMR Heart's LightHeart's Light
Heart's LightHeart's Light
Increase ATK (70%)
Increase equipment ATK (50%) when dual wielding

A boy from a distant realm composed of small worlds who wields a keyblade. Upbeat and energetic, there is no one who cares more about friendship than Sora.


Stats Tooltip-Question[]

Rarity HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check Tooltip-Question Exp. Growth Pattern
5-star★ 2853
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 4 LB 6
6-star★ 3708
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 4 LB 6
7-star★ 4820
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 4 LB 6

Resistance Tooltip-Question[]

Element Resistance
Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Status Ailment Resistance
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -


Sword Great Sword Katana
Light Shield Hat Helm Clothes Light Armor Heavy Armor Accessory
Rarity Ability Slots Affinity
5-star★ 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 6, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 6, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 6
6-star★ 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 7, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 7, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 7
7-star★ 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 7, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 7, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 7

Equipment with Exclusive Effects[]

Icon Name Type Effect
Icon-Kingdom Key (KH) Kingdom Key (KH) Sword ATK+160
Effect: Key's Begotten PowerKey's Begotten Power
Key's Begotten PowerKey's Begotten Power
Increase equipment ATK (50%) when dual wielding
Recover MP (5%) per turn
Increase resistance to all elements (10%)
, Damage range 105% - 125%
Exclusive: Sora, Sora (KHIII)
Icon-Oathkeeper Oathkeeper Sword ATK+170, MAG+62
Effect: Keyblade of LightKeyblade of Light
Keyblade of LightKeyblade of Light
Increase equipment ATK (50%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Increase equipment ATK (50%) when dual wielding
, Damage range 105% - 125%
Exclusive: Sora, Sora (KHIII)
Icon-Oblivion (KH) Oblivion (KH) Sword ATK+118
Effect: Damage range 105% - 125%
Exclusive: Sora, Sora (KHIII)
Icon-Starlight (KH) Starlight (KH) Sword ATK+110
Effect: Damage range 105% - 125%
Ability: StarlightStarlight
Cast 2 times: Any of Elena's skills

Exclusive: Sora, Sora (KHIII), Riku, Riku (KHIII), Kairi (KHIII), Young Xehanort (KHDR)

Innate Abilities[]


Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
5-star★ 12 Slapshot Slapshot Physical damage (4.2x) to one enemy
Increase LB gauge (4) to caster
3Attack frames: 17,39,78 24
5-star★ 22 Stun Impact Stun Impact Physical damage (3.6x) to all enemies
Inflict confuse (50%) to all enemies
1Attack frames: 80 26
5-star★ 46 Hurricane Blast Hurricane Blast Physical damage (2.5x) to one enemy
Decrease DEF and SPR (60%) for 4 turns to one enemy
9Attack frames: 80,92,104,116,128,140,152,164,176 22
5-star★ 80 Blitz Blitz Physical damage (5.5x) to one enemy 1Attack frames: 42 34
6-star★ 20 Vortex Vortex Physical damage combo (2 times, 3.2x each, 6.4x total) to one enemy
Increase LB gauge fill rate (150%) for 3 turns to all allies
1Attack frames: 57 30
6-star★ 40 Ripple Drive Ripple Drive Physical damage (3.5x) to all enemies
Increase ATK (150%) for 5 turns to caster
Chain=Meteor Rain
8Attack frames: 84,92,100,108,116,124,132,140 46
6-star★ 75 Sonic Blade Sonic Blade Physical damage (0.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Physical damage (3x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Chain=Divine Ruination
6,1Attack frames: 70,77,82,89,96,103,110 52
6-star★ 100 Dual Command Dual Command Cast 2 times: Ars Arcanum, Ars Arcanum+1, Ars Arcanum+2, Blitz, Combo Plus, Combo Plus+1, Combo Plus+2, Hurricane Blast, Ripple Drive, Slapshot, Sonic Blade, Strike Raid, Strike Raid+1, Strike Raid+2, Stun Impact, Vortex
7-star★ 105 Combo Plus Combo Plus Awk+2 [5 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase ATK (300%) for 5 turns to caster
Increase ability modifier (3x) for 5 turns to caster: Ars Arcanum, Ars Arcanum+1, Ars Arcanum+2, Strike Raid, Strike Raid+1, Strike Raid+2
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Command
7-star★ 105 Ars Arcanum Ars Arcanum Awk+2 Physical damage (2x) to one enemy
Physical damage (45x) with consecutive increase (4 times, 2x each, 53x max) to one enemy
Add light element to physical attacks for 4 turns to caster
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
7,1Attack frames: 70,76,82,88,94,100,106,112 72
7-star★ 110 Strike Raid Strike Raid Awk+2 Physical damage (40x) to all enemies
Decrease DEF and SPR (70%) for 4 turns to all enemies
1Attack frames: 50 64
Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect
5-star★ 1 Dodge Roll Dodge Roll Increase HP (10%)
Increase physical evasion (30%)
Increase resistance to sleep, silence and confuse (100%)
5-star★ 65 MP Haste MP Haste Increase MP (10%)
Recover MP (10%) per turn
Increase LB gauge (3) per turn
6-star★ 1 Dual Blade Mastery Dual Blade Mastery Increase chain modifier cap (200%) when dual wielding
6-star★ 1 Lucky Strike Lucky Strike Awk+2 Increase ATK and DEF (20%)
Increase equipment ATK (150%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%)
Increase physical damage against fairies (100%)
Auto-cast Lucky Strike at the start of a battle, upon revival, or after brave shift
6-star★ 50 Second Chance Second Chance Increase ATK and SPR (20%)
Chance to ignore fatal damage (100%) when HP is above 1% (max 1 time)
6-star★ 100 Combo Master Combo Master Increase ATK, DEF, MAG, SPR, HP and MP (20%)
Increase equipment ATK (50%) when dual wielding
Enable dual wielding of one-handed weapons
7-star★ 101 Chosen by the Keyblade Chosen by the Keyblade [Requirement: TMR or STMR equipped]
Increase ATK (40%) and HP and MP (20%)
Increase ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR (20%) when equipped with Kingdom Key (KH), Oblivion (KH) or Oathkeeper
7-star★ 110 Berserk Berserk Increase ATK (30%)
Increase equipment ATK (100%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Increase ATK (150%) when HP drops below 80%
7-star★ 115 ATK +20% ATK +20% Increase ATK (20%)
7-star★ 120 Twin Limit Upgrade Twin Limit Upgrade Awk+2 Increase LB damage (100%)
Increase equipment ATK (80%) when dual wielding
Increase ability modifier (3x): Sonic Blade, Vortex
Upgrade LB
Condition Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
Activated by
Lucky Strike
Lucky Strike Enable skill for 1 turn to caster: Triple Command
Activated by
Lucky Strike, Combo Plus, Ragnarok
Triple Command Cast 3 times: Slapshot, Stun Impact, Hurricane Blast, Blitz, Vortex, Ripple Drive, Sonic Blade, Combo Plus, Ars Arcanum, Strike Raid, Combo Plus, Combo Plus, Ars Arcanum, Ars Arcanum, Strike Raid, Strike Raid


Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
5-star★ 12 Libra Libra View info on one enemy 1
5-star★ 22 Firaga Firaga Fire magic damage (20x) to all enemies
Chain=Chaos Wave Awakened
8Attack frames: 42,62,82,102,122,142,162,182 20
5-star★ 22 Blizzaga Blizzaga Ice magic damage (20x) to all enemies
Chain=Chaos Wave Awakened
8Attack frames: 42,62,82,102,122,142,162,182 20
5-star★ 22 Thundaga Thundaga Lightning magic damage (20x) to all enemies
Chain=Chaos Wave Awakened
8Attack frames: 42,62,82,102,122,142,162,182 20
6-star★ 10 Curaga Curaga Heal (1000 HP, 3.4x) to all allies 15
6-star★ 20 Aeroga Aeroga Wind magic damage (20x) to all enemies
Chain=Chaos Wave Awakened
8Attack frames: 42,62,82,102,122,142,162,182 20
6-star★ 20 Graviga Graviga HP damage (75%) to all enemies 1Attack frames: 0 20

Limit Burst[]

Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
5-star★ Ragnarok Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (22.1x) to one enemy
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (60%) for 4 turns to one enemy
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Command
6Attack frames: 30,46,59,73,89,153 22 LB
Lv 20
Physical damage (24x) to one enemy
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (60%) for 4 turns to one enemy
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Command
6-star★ Ragnarok Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (24.6x) to one enemy
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (65%) for 4 turns to one enemy
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Command
6Attack frames: 30,46,59,73,89,153 27 LB
Lv 25
Physical damage (27x) to one enemy
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (65%) for 4 turns to one enemy
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Command
7-star★ Ragnarok Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (27.1x) to one enemy
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (70%) for 4 turns to one enemy
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Command
6Attack frames: 30,46,59,73,89,153 32 LB
Lv 30
Physical damage (30x) to one enemy
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (70%) for 4 turns to one enemy
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Command
- Ragnarok Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (65.1x) to one enemy
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (75%) for 4 turns to one enemy
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Command
6Attack frames: 30,46,59,73,89,153 32 LB
Lv 30
Physical damage (68x) to one enemy
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (75%) for 4 turns to one enemy
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Command
- Ragnarok Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (65.1x) to one enemy
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (75%) for 4 turns to one enemy
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Command
6Attack frames: 30,46,59,73,89,153 32 LB
Lv 30
Physical damage (68x) to one enemy
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (75%) for 4 turns to one enemy
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Command

Awakenable Abilities[]

Ability Awakening[]

Name Effect Hits MP Type T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Gil
Lucky Strike Increase ATK and DEF (20%)
Increase equipment ATK (50%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%)
- -
Lucky Strike Awk+1 Increase ATK and DEF (20%)
Increase equipment ATK (50%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%)
Increase physical damage against fairies (100%)
- - Support 10 8 2 - - Gil250,000
Lucky Strike Awk+2 Increase ATK and DEF (20%)
Increase equipment ATK (150%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%)
Increase physical damage against fairies (100%)
Auto-cast Lucky Strike at the start of a battle, upon revival, or after brave shift
- - Support 15 12 4 1 - Gil250,000
Twin Limit Upgrade Increase LB damage (30%)
Increase equipment ATK (50%) when dual wielding
Increase ability modifier (3x): Sonic Blade, Vortex
- -
Twin Limit Upgrade Awk+1 Increase LB damage (100%)
Increase equipment ATK (80%) when dual wielding
Increase ability modifier (3x): Sonic Blade, Vortex
- - Tech 10 8 2 1 - Gil375,000
Twin Limit Upgrade Awk+2 Increase LB damage (100%)
Increase equipment ATK (80%) when dual wielding
Increase ability modifier (3x): Sonic Blade, Vortex
Upgrade LB
- - Tech 15 12 4 1 1 Gil375,000
Combo Plus [5 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase ATK (200%) for 4 turns to caster
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Command
Increase ability modifier (3x) for 4 turns to caster: Ars Arcanum, Ars Arcanum+1, Ars Arcanum+2, Strike Raid, Strike Raid+1, Strike Raid+2
- 80
Combo Plus Awk+1 [5 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase ATK (300%) for 4 turns to caster
Increase ability modifier (3x) for 4 turns to caster: Ars Arcanum, Ars Arcanum+1, Ars Arcanum+2, Strike Raid, Strike Raid+1, Strike Raid+2
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Command
- 80 Healing 10 8 3 1 1 Gil500,000
Combo Plus Awk+2 [5 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase ATK (300%) for 5 turns to caster
Increase ability modifier (3x) for 5 turns to caster: Ars Arcanum, Ars Arcanum+1, Ars Arcanum+2, Strike Raid, Strike Raid+1, Strike Raid+2
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Command
- 80 Healing 15 12 5 1 1 Gil500,000
Ars Arcanum Physical damage (1x) to one enemy
Physical damage (4x) with consecutive increase (4 times, 2.5x each, 14x max) to one enemy
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
- 72
Ars Arcanum Awk+1 Physical damage (1.5x) to one enemy
Physical damage (28x) with consecutive increase (4 times, 2x each, 36x max) to one enemy
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
- 72 Power 10 8 3 1 - Gil375,000
Ars Arcanum Awk+2 Physical damage (2x) to one enemy
Physical damage (45x) with consecutive increase (4 times, 2x each, 53x max) to one enemy
Add light element to physical attacks for 4 turns to caster
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
- 72 Power 15 12 5 1 1 Gil375,000
Strike Raid Physical damage (11x) to all enemies
Decrease DEF and SPR (60%) for 4 turns to all enemies
1 64
Strike Raid Awk+1 Physical damage (25x) to all enemies
Decrease DEF and SPR (60%) for 4 turns to all enemies
1 64 Black 10 8 2 1 - Gil375,000
Strike Raid Awk+2 Physical damage (40x) to all enemies
Decrease DEF and SPR (70%) for 4 turns to all enemies
1 64 Black 15 12 4 1 1 Gil375,000
Lucky Strike Enable skill for 1 turn to caster: Triple Command - - Activated by Lucky Strike
Triple Command Cast 3 times: Slapshot, Stun Impact, Hurricane Blast, Blitz, Vortex, Ripple Drive, Sonic Blade, Combo Plus, Ars Arcanum, Strike Raid, Combo Plus, Combo Plus, Ars Arcanum, Ars Arcanum, Strike Raid, Strike Raid - - Activated by Lucky Strike
Triple Command Cast 3 times: Slapshot, Stun Impact, Hurricane Blast, Blitz, Vortex, Ripple Drive, Sonic Blade, Combo Plus, Ars Arcanum, Strike Raid, Combo Plus, Combo Plus, Ars Arcanum, Ars Arcanum, Strike Raid, Strike Raid - - Activated by Combo Plus
Triple Command Cast 3 times: Slapshot, Stun Impact, Hurricane Blast, Blitz, Vortex, Ripple Drive, Sonic Blade, Combo Plus, Ars Arcanum, Strike Raid, Combo Plus, Combo Plus, Ars Arcanum, Ars Arcanum, Strike Raid, Strike Raid - - Activated by Combo Plus
Triple Command Cast 3 times: Slapshot, Stun Impact, Hurricane Blast, Blitz, Vortex, Ripple Drive, Sonic Blade, Combo Plus, Ars Arcanum, Strike Raid, Combo Plus, Combo Plus, Ars Arcanum, Ars Arcanum, Strike Raid, Strike Raid - - Activated by Combo Plus

Awakening Materials[]

6-star★ 7-star★
Icon-Fairies' WritFairies' Writ (20)
Icon-Rainbow BloomRainbow Bloom (10)
Icon-Calamity GemCalamity Gem (10)
Icon-Prismatic HornPrismatic Horn (5)
Icon-Divine CrystalDivine Crystal (5)
Icon-Unit's PrismSora's Prism


5-star★ 6-star★ 7-star★





Background Story[]

5★ A boy from a distant realm composed of small worlds who wields a keyblade. Upbeat and energetic, there is no one who cares more about friendship than Sora.
6★ A boy from a distant realm composed of small worlds who wields a keyblade. Upbeat and energetic, there is no one who cares more about friendship than Sora. His journey to travel from world to world in order to save each of them begins when his own home is swallowed by an impending darkness.
7★ A boy from a distant realm composed of small worlds who wields a keyblade. Upbeat and energetic, there is no one who cares more about friendship than Sora. His journey to travel from world to world in order to save each of them begins when his own home is swallowed by an impending darkness. He firmly believes that his friends are his power.


5★ No frowning, no sad faces.This boat runs on happy faces.
6★ As long as I have my friends by my side, I won't lose to anyone!
7★ My heart will stay with my friends. It'll never die!


5★ <blank>
6★ No matter how deep the darkness, a light shines within.
7★ I can use the Keyblade, but I've got a better weapon. My heart.


5★ I've never seen a world like this before. Are there Keyholes here, too?
6★ I've never seen a world like this before. Are there Keyholes here, too?
7★ I've never seen a world like this before. Are there Keyholes here, too?

Trust Mastery[]

If they don't forget me, then our hearts will be one. My friends are my power!

User Review[]



  • Similar to Noctis, Sora was released near simultaneously on the Global and Japanese version. However, at the time of his release in Global, he would have been far too powerful compared to what was available at that time. In order to balance things, minor changes were made to his trust mastery reward, his limit burst, and a few of his active and passive abilities compared to his Japanese counterpart.
  • Following the 9/18 maintenance, some changes were made to make him more like the Japanese version.
  • Sora has a variation: Sora (KHIII).


  • According to the Kingdom Hearts series, the Keyblades choose their owner, that's why only Sora may use the Kingdom Key and Oblivion. If a Keyblade wielder tries to give it to someone else, the Keyblade will just reappear back in the owner's hands.