Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki



  • Type: Magic Ability (Green Magic Lv 8)
  • Effect:
Reflect 1 spell for 4 turns to one ally
  • MP: 25


  • Does not work against spells with an ignore SPR component such as Ultima.
  • Does not work against Flare, Death, Enthunder.
  • Does not work against most level 8 spells such as Tornado.
    • Does work against V spells.
  • Healing spells are affected.
  • Only works on the following blue magic: Light of Repentance, White Wind.
  • Refer to the mechanics for more information.

Crafting recipe


How to obtain

Learned by

Name Min rarity Level
Edea 4-star★ 60
Dark Spirit Sol 5-star★ 1
Sol 5-star★ 1
Vossler 5-star★ 1
Dancing Heart Penelo 5-star★ 20
Marie 5-star★ 80
Selphie 6-star★ 20
Orran 6-star★ 100
Beatrix 7-star★ 105


Name Min rarity
Carbuncle 3-star★

Ability Awakening

Unit/Skill Name Effect HitsD = Default unit attack MP Type T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Gil

Marie||Reflect +1

Reflect 2 spells for 4 turns to one ally - 25 Green 10 8 3 - - Gil120,000
Reflect +2 Reflect 3 spells for 4 turns to one ally - 25 Green 15 12 5 - - Gil120,000