A legendary spear from the Dragon's Village said to hold the dragon's seal. The tip of this unbreakable spear is honed so sharp that it can pierce dragon scales easily. The spear has a will of its own, and will freeze a wielder's fingers if it deems the wielder unworthy. There is a story of a young Dragoon known to be a "dragon sealer," who departed, spear in hand, to seal a dragon, but he was never seen of again.
- Type: Weapon (Spear)
- Stats: ATK+120
- Element: Ice
- Resistance: -
- Additional effect: Auto-ProtectAuto-Protect
Auto-Protect Auto-buff DEF (100%)Mitigate physical damage taken (30%) for 99999 turns to caster
Crafting recipe
How to obtain
Trust Master Reward