Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
See also: Treasure Hunter

Master Thief


  • Type: Special Ability (Passive)
  • Effect:
Increase rare item drop rate (50%)


  • Does not impact event currency drop rate (for most events).
  • Has an effect on Ability Awakening crysts drops from Story Events. The effect will stack.
  • When ability awakened, the gil effect does not scale or stack with similar abilities (e.g. X Marks the Spot) or multiple units that have it.

Crafting recipe


How to obtain

Learned by

Name Min rarity Level
Xon 6-star★ 88

Ability Awakening

Unit/Skill Name Effect HitsD = Default unit attack MP Type T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Gil

Xon||Master Thief +1

Increase common and rare item drop rate (50%) - - Tech 15 8 5 2 - Gil250,000
Master Thief +2 Increase common and rare item drop rate (50%)
Increase gil obtained from battle (100%)
- - Tech 23 12 8 4 1 Gil250,000