- Type: Special Ability (Passive)
- Effect:
- Increase MAG (30%)
Crafting recipe
How to obtain
- Amphitrite Starlight CoatAmphitrite Starlight Coat
Amphitrite Starlight Coat Stats: ATK+40, MAG+40, MAG +30%Resistance: Water (+50%) - Ashe's RingAshe's Ring
Ashe's Ring Stats: DEF+3, MP +30%, MAG +30%Resistance: Light (+50%) - Clan Master's HeadbandClan Master's Headband
Clan Master's Headband Stats: DEF+12, ATK +30%, MAG +30%Effect: EvadeEvade
, Dual Blade TechniqueDual Blade TechniqueEvade Increase physical evasion (10%)Dual Blade Technique Enable dual wielding of one-handed katanasAllow use of katanas - Enhancer++Enhancer++
Enhancer++ - Facade of BalanceFacade of Balance
Facade of Balance Stats: MAG+45, MP +20%, MAG +30% - Flask of UncertaintyFlask of Uncertainty
Flask of Uncertainty Stats: ATK+60, MAG+170, MAG +30% - Magistral CrestMagistral Crest
Magistral Crest Stats: MAG +30%, SPR +30% - Mythril Rod (FFVII REMAKE)Mythril Rod (FFVII REMAKE)
Mythril Rod (FFVII REMAKE) Stats: MAG+150, MAG +30% - Origin RingOrigin Ring
Origin Ring - ReaverReaver
Reaver Stats: HP+666, MP+66, ATK+33, MAG+130, SPR+36, MAG +30%Element: Fire, DarkEffect: Death AwaitsDeath Awaits
(Grim Lord Sakura only), Damage range 125% - 175%, Accuracy+50%Death Awaits Increase LB gauge (3) per turnTwo-handed weapon - Ring of the LuciiRing of the Lucii
Ring of the Lucii
- Amphitrite Starlight CoatAmphitrite Starlight Coat
Learned by
Name Min rarity Level Ashe 4 32 Circe 5 1 Tiana 5 1 Fryevia 5 7 Summer Folka & Citra 5 18 Exdeath 5 20 Seaside Nichol 5 24 Blossom Sage Sakura 5 31 Belgemine 5 39 Mediena 5 48 Karlette 5 55 Penelo 5 55 Citra 5 60 Vesvia 5 60 Grim Lord Sakura 5 61 Sophia 5 62 Kunshira 5 66 Emperor 5 70 Lunera 5 72 Trance Terra 5 80 Hope (FFXIII-2) 6 1 Veritas of the Light 6 8 Victoria 6 8 Dark Fina 6 12 Seabreeze Dark Fina 6 12 Magna 6 21 Seven 6 24 Hayate 6 30 Kuja 6 30 Lotus Mage Fina 6 37 Sol 6 40 Qin 6 42 Blue Mage Fina 6 50 Ace 6 52 Ramza 6 52 Papalymo 6 53 Seymour 6 67 Summertime Luka 6 67 Popoi 6 71 Pure Summoner Rydia 6 73 Rinoa 6 86 Selphie 7 110
Trust Master Reward