A hardy stone that protects its bearer. Most curiously, its strength seems to depend on the wishes of its owner. If the bearer of one of these stones has a strong desire to protect another, then the stone will be so hard as to be almost unbreakable. But if it is then passed to an owner without such a focus, it can easily be smashed to dust. For this reason, it would seem that these stones are often mistaken as unremarkable rocks by most people who come across them.
Awakening Material
Crafting Material
- Equipment
How to obtain[]
Dropped from
Stolen from
Colosseum Steal
Level Rank Round Monster BGN C 5 Searcher
BombBGN A 1 Balloon BGN A 4 Bas-relief BGN A 5 Abyssal
Dire Lizard
EpimetheusBGN S 2 Imp BGN S 3 Magitek Armor BGN S 4 Bomb