Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
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Rarity 5-star★ - 7-star★
Role Physical TankMagic TankHealer
Chain Family Divine Ruination
Bolting Strike
Aureole Ray
Acquisition Rare SummonTooltip-Question
Time Limited Seasonal
Series FFBE
Gender Female‎Tooltip-Question
Race DemonTooltip-Question
No. 8199, 8200, 8201
TMR Midnight StarMidnight Star
Midnight StarMidnight StarMace
Stats: ATK+15, SPR+95
Effect: DemonizationDemonization
Increase HP (20%) and DEF/SPR (10%)
STMR Malefic HeartMalefic Heart
Malefic HeartMalefic Heart
Increase HP (30%)
Increase DEF/SPR (30%) when equipped with a mace
Increase fire and dark resistance (50%)

A demon born of chaos. Just as proud as her brother Lucius, yet ever more beautiful and elegant, Lilith was surrounded by a plethora of loyal demon followers. However, unlike her older brother, she didn't revel in senseless violence, and instead worked towards assigning proper roles to all her followers. When a being called "the Count" suddenly appeared, she was not hasty in her approach towards him, but rather prioritized discovering the reasons behind his arrival as well as the purpose of his visit.


Stats Tooltip-Question[]

Rarity HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check Tooltip-Question Exp. Growth Pattern
5-star★ 2900
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 3 LB 6
6-star★ 3770
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 4 LB 6
7-star★ 4901
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 4 LB 6

Resistance Tooltip-Question[]

Element Resistance
Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Status Ailment Resistance
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -


Dagger Staff Rod Instrument Whip Mace
Light Shield Heavy Shield Hat Helm Light Armor Heavy Armor Accessory
Rarity Ability Slots Affinity
5-star★ 4 -
6-star★ 4 -
7-star★ 4 -

Equipment with Exclusive Effects[]

Icon Name Type Effect
Icon-Succubus's Satchel Succubus's Satchel Light Shield DEF+65, SPR+100
Effect: Succubus's SatchelSuccubus's Satchel
Succubus's SatchelSuccubus's SatchelLight Shield
Stats: DEF+65, SPR+100
Effect: Succubus's SatchelSuccubus's Satchel
Succubus's Satchel (Ability)Succubus's Satchel
Increase physical evasion (10%)
Increase magic evasion (10%)
(Lilith only)
Icon-True Midnight Star True Midnight Star Mace HP+600, ATK+66, DEF+220
Effect: Unholy RecoveryUnholy Recovery
Unholy RecoveryUnholy Recovery
Auto-cast every turn:
Restore HP/MP (10%) to caster
, Perfect DemonizationPerfect Demonization
Perfect DemonizationPerfect Demonization
Increase static DEF and HP (500)
Exclusive: Lilith, Elegant Temptress Lilith
, Damage range 140% - 160%, Accuracy+50%
Two-handed weapon

Innate Abilities[]


Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
5-star★ 1 Shroud of Elements II Shroud of Elements II Lat+2 [8 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Inflict charm (50%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Increase all elements resistance (80%) for 1 turn to all allies
Increase all elements resistance (100%) for 1 turn to caster
5-star★ 1 Enchanting Boost II Enchanting Boost II Lat+2 [6 turns cooldown, available on turn 3]
Use own LB gauge to fill ally's gauge

1. Auto-cast next turn: Enchanting Boost II
Increase LB gauge (10) to one ally
5-star★ 14 Hypnotic Cry Hypnotic Cry Inflict charm (10%) for 1 turn to one enemy
Magic damage (2x) with SPR scaling to one enemy
1Attack frames: 130 20
5-star★ 32 Serpenté - Kiss of Dusk Serpenté - Kiss of Dusk Awk+2 Inflict charm (30%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Decrease dark resistance (80%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Dark magic damage (10x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Chain=Divine Ruination
7Attack frames: 70,77,82,89,96,103,110 36
5-star★ 32 Serpenté - Kiss of Dawn Serpenté - Kiss of Dawn Awk+2 Inflict charm (30%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Decrease fire resistance (80%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Fire magic damage (10x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Chain=Divine Ruination
7Attack frames: 70,77,82,89,96,103,110 36
5-star★ 80 Serpenté - Unholy Kiss Serpenté - Unholy Kiss Inflict charm (10%) for 1 turn to one enemy
Increase DEF and SPR (120%) for 1 turn to caster
Increase DEF and SPR (100%) for 2 turns to caster
Increase DEF and SPR (80%) for 3 turns to caster
Magic damage (1.5x) with SPR scaling per turn for 3 turns to one enemy
6-star★ 27 Love Hungry Love Hungry Grant HP barrier (1000) for 3 turns to caster
Auto-revive (80% HP) for 3 turns to caster
6-star★ 45 Counter-curse Counter-curse Awk+2 Increase resistance to ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR break and charm (100%) for 4 turns to all allies
Mitigate magic damage taken (30%) for 4 turns to all allies
Remove all debuffs from caster
Cure all status ailments to caster
6-star★ 85 Serpentine Tail Serpentine Tail Cast 2 times: Serpenté - Dawn Lash, Serpenté - Dawn Lash+1, Serpenté - Dawn Lash+2, Serpenté - Dusk Lash, Serpenté - Dusk Lash+1, Serpenté - Dusk Lash+2, Serpenté - Kiss of Dawn, Serpenté - Kiss of Dawn+1, Serpenté - Kiss of Dawn+2, Serpenté - Kiss of Dusk, Serpenté - Kiss of Dusk+1, Serpenté - Kiss of Dusk+2, Serpenté - Kiss of Midnight, Serpenté - Kiss of Midnight+1, Serpenté - Kiss of Midnight+2, Serpenté - Unholy Kiss
6-star★ 90 Demonic Guard - Physical Demonic Guard - Physical Awk+2 Chance to protect all allies from physical damage (80%) with damage mitigation (50-70%) for 4 turns to caster
Increase DEF (130%) for 4 turns to caster
Cure DEF break to caster
6-star★ 90 Demonic Guard - Magical Demonic Guard - Magical Awk+2 Chance to protect all allies from magic damage (80%) with damage mitigation (50-70%) for 4 turns to caster
Increase SPR (130%) for 4 turns to caster
Cure SPR break to caster
6-star★ 100 Serpenté - Dusk Lash Serpenté - Dusk Lash Awk+2 Inflict charm (50%) for 1 turn to one enemy
Decrease dark resistance (90%) for 5 turns to one enemy
Dark magic damage (12x) with SPR scaling to one enemy
Chain=Bolting Strike
9Attack frames: 42,48,54,60,66,72,78,84,90 45
6-star★ 100 Serpenté - Dawn Lash Serpenté - Dawn Lash Awk+2 Inflict charm (50%) for 1 turn to one enemy
Decrease fire resistance (90%) for 5 turns to one enemy
Fire magic damage (12x) with SPR scaling to one enemy
Chain=Bolting Strike
9Attack frames: 42,48,54,60,66,72,78,84,90 45
7-star★ 105 Life Siphon Life Siphon [6 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Inflict charm (20%) for 1 turn to one enemy
Magic damage (3.2x) with SPR scaling per turn for 5 turns to one enemy
Magic damage (4x) as MP drain (50%) to one enemy
7-star★ 110 Enchanting Corruption Enchanting Corruption [5 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase fire and dark resistance (70%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase DEF and SPR (150%) for 3 turns to caster
Increase LB gauge (2-4) to all allies
7-star★ 110 Hypnotic Presence Hypnotic Presence [3 turns cooldown, available on turn 3]
Mitigate physical damage taken (65%) for 1 turn to caster
Mitigate magic damage taken (65%) for 1 turn to caster
Mitigate physical damage taken (45%) for 2 turns to caster
Mitigate magic damage taken (45%) for 2 turns to caster
7-star★ 110 Serpenté - Kiss of Midnight Serpenté - Kiss of Midnight Awk+2 Inflict charm (40%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Fire and dark magic damage (12x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Heal (6000 HP, 4.8x) to caster
Recover MP (75) to caster
Chain=Aureole Ray
30Attack frames: 42,46,50,54,58,62,66,70,74,78,82,86,90,94,98,102,106,110,114,118,122,126,130,134,138,142,146,150,154,158 45
Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect
5-star★ 1 Dream Walker Dream Walker Decrease chance of being targeted (50%)
5-star★ 24 DEF +30% DEF +30% Increase DEF (30%)
5-star★ 42 Succubus's Charm Succubus's Charm Increase resistance to sleep, paralyze, confuse and petrify (100%)
Increase resistance to charm (100%)
5-star★ 68 Crimson Curse Crimson Curse Increase DEF (100%) when HP drops below 50%
Increase SPR (100%) when HP drops below 50%
6-star★ 3 Demonic Instincts Demonic Instincts Increase magic damage against demons (50%)
Increase magic damage against humans (50%)
Increase magic damage against reapers (50%)
6-star★ 18 Vitality Chemistry Vitality Chemistry Chance to counter physical attacks (30%) with Vitality Melding (max 1/turn)
6-star★ 18 Energy Chemistry Energy Chemistry Chance to counter magic attacks (30%) with Energy Melding (max 1/turn)
6-star★ 52 Devilish Wish Devilish Wish Increase SPR (30%)
Increase dark resistance (100%)
6-star★ 69 Devilish Luck Devilish Luck Increase counter chance (100%)
7-star★ 101 Bewitched Aura Bewitched Aura [Requirement: TMR or STMR equipped]
Increase DEF and SPR (30%)
Chance to ignore fatal damage (100%) when HP is above 1% (max 1 time)
Increase LB gauge (2) per turn
7-star★ 115 DEF +20% DEF +20% Increase DEF (20%)
7-star★ 120 Dream Chemistry Dream Chemistry Awk+2 Chance to counter physical attacks (80%) with Dream Melding+2 (max 1/turn)
Chance to counter magic attacks (80%) with Dream Melding+2 (max 1/turn)
Increase SPR and HP (60%) and DEF (30%)
Increase ability modifier (4.8x): Dream Melding+2, Energy Melding, Vitality Melding
Upgrade LB
Condition Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
Activated by
Vitality Chemistry
Vitality Melding Inflict charm (5%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Magic damage (2.4x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Restore HP (15%) to caster
Chain=Divine Ruination
7Attack frames: 70,77,82,89,96,103,110
Activated by
Energy Chemistry
Energy Melding Inflict charm (5%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Magic damage (2.4x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Restore MP (15%) to caster
Chain=Divine Ruination
7Attack frames: 70,77,82,89,96,103,110
Activated by
Dream Chemistry
Dream Melding Awk+2 Inflict charm (50%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Magic damage (2.4x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%) for 1 turn to all allies
Chain=Divine Ruination
7Attack frames: 70,77,82,89,96,103,110

Limit Burst[]

Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
5-star★ Sinister Dance Base
Lv 1
Magic damage (6x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Mitigate damage taken (45%) for 2 turns to caster
Restore HP/MP (40%) to caster
12Attack frames: 85,87,89,91,93,95,97,99,101,103,105,107 22 LB
Lv 20
Magic damage (7.9x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Mitigate damage taken (45%) for 2 turns to caster
Restore HP/MP (40%) to caster
6-star★ Sinister Dance Base
Lv 1
Magic damage (7x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Mitigate damage taken (45%) for 2 turns to caster
Restore HP/MP (50%) to caster
12Attack frames: 85,87,89,91,93,95,97,99,101,103,105,107 26 LB
Lv 25
Magic damage (9.4x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Mitigate damage taken (45%) for 2 turns to caster
Restore HP/MP (50%) to caster
7-star★ Sinister Dance Base
Lv 1
Magic damage (8x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Mitigate damage taken (45%) for 2 turns to caster
Restore HP/MP (60%) to caster
12Attack frames: 85,87,89,91,93,95,97,99,101,103,105,107 30 LB
Lv 30
Magic damage (10.9x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Mitigate damage taken (45%) for 2 turns to caster
Restore HP/MP (60%) to caster
- Sinister Dance Base
Lv 1
Magic damage (24x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Mitigate damage taken (25%) for 3 turns to all allies
Mitigate damage taken (45%) for 3 turns to caster
Restore HP/MP (60%) to caster
12Attack frames: 85,87,89,91,93,95,97,99,101,103,105,107 30 LB
Lv 30
Magic damage (30x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Mitigate damage taken (35%) for 3 turns to all allies
Mitigate damage taken (55%) for 3 turns to caster
Restore HP/MP (70%) to caster
- Sinister Dance Base
Lv 1
Magic damage (24x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Mitigate damage taken (25%) for 3 turns to all allies
Mitigate damage taken (45%) for 3 turns to caster
Restore HP/MP (60%) to caster
12Attack frames: 85,87,89,91,93,95,97,99,101,103,105,107 30 LB
Lv 30
Magic damage (30x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Mitigate damage taken (35%) for 3 turns to all allies
Mitigate damage taken (55%) for 3 turns to caster
Restore HP/MP (70%) to caster

Awakenable Abilities[]

Ability Awakening[]

Name Effect Hits MP Type T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Gil
Serpenté - Kiss of Dusk Inflict charm (5%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Decrease dark resistance (50%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Dark magic damage (2x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
3 20
Serpenté - Kiss of Dusk Awk+1 Inflict charm (5%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Decrease dark resistance (65%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Dark magic damage (6x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Chain=Divine Ruination
7 36 Black 10 8 2 - - Gil120,000
Serpenté - Kiss of Dusk Awk+2 Inflict charm (30%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Decrease dark resistance (80%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Dark magic damage (10x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Chain=Divine Ruination
7 36 Black 15 12 4 1 - Gil120,000
Serpenté - Kiss of Dawn Inflict charm (5%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Decrease fire resistance (50%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Fire magic damage (2x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
3 20
Serpenté - Kiss of Dawn Awk+1 Inflict charm (5%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Decrease fire resistance (65%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Fire magic damage (6x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Chain=Divine Ruination
7 36 Power 10 8 2 - - Gil120,000
Serpenté - Kiss of Dawn Awk+2 Inflict charm (30%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Decrease fire resistance (80%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Fire magic damage (10x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Chain=Divine Ruination
7 36 Power 15 12 4 1 - Gil120,000
Counter-curse Increase resistance to ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR break (100%) for 3 turns to all allies
Remove all debuffs from caster
Cure all status ailments to caster
- 30
Counter-curse Awk+1 Increase resistance to ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR break (100%) for 3 turns to all allies
Mitigate magic damage taken (25%) for 3 turns to all allies
Remove all debuffs from caster
Cure all status ailments to caster
- 40 Green 10 8 3 1 - Gil500,000
Counter-curse Awk+2 Increase resistance to ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR break and charm (100%) for 4 turns to all allies
Mitigate magic damage taken (30%) for 4 turns to all allies
Remove all debuffs from caster
Cure all status ailments to caster
- 60 Green 15 12 5 2 2 Gil500,000
Demonic Guard - Physical Chance to protect all allies from physical damage (75%) with damage mitigation (50-70%) for 3 turns to caster - 36
Demonic Guard - Physical Awk+1 Chance to protect all allies from physical damage (80%) with damage mitigation (50-70%) for 3 turns to caster
Increase DEF (100%) for 3 turns to caster
- 36 Guard 10 8 3 1 - Gil375,000
Demonic Guard - Physical Awk+2 Chance to protect all allies from physical damage (80%) with damage mitigation (50-70%) for 4 turns to caster
Increase DEF (130%) for 4 turns to caster
Cure DEF break to caster
- 36 Guard 15 12 5 1 1 Gil375,000
Demonic Guard - Magical Chance to protect all allies from magic damage (75%) with damage mitigation (50-70%) for 3 turns to caster - 36
Demonic Guard - Magical Awk+1 Chance to protect all allies from magic damage (80%) with damage mitigation (50-70%) for 3 turns to caster
Increase SPR (100%) for 3 turns to caster
- 36 Guard 10 8 3 1 - Gil375,000
Demonic Guard - Magical Awk+2 Chance to protect all allies from magic damage (80%) with damage mitigation (50-70%) for 4 turns to caster
Increase SPR (130%) for 4 turns to caster
Cure SPR break to caster
- 36 Guard 15 12 5 1 1 Gil375,000
Serpenté - Dusk Lash Inflict charm (10%) for 1 turn to one enemy
Decrease dark resistance (60%) for 5 turns to one enemy
Dark magic damage (5x) with SPR scaling to one enemy
8 45
Serpenté - Dusk Lash Awk+1 Inflict charm (30%) for 1 turn to one enemy
Decrease dark resistance (75%) for 5 turns to one enemy
Dark magic damage (8x) with SPR scaling to one enemy
Chain=Bolting Strike
9 45 Black 10 8 3 - - Gil120,000
Serpenté - Dusk Lash Awk+2 Inflict charm (50%) for 1 turn to one enemy
Decrease dark resistance (90%) for 5 turns to one enemy
Dark magic damage (12x) with SPR scaling to one enemy
Chain=Bolting Strike
9 45 Black 15 12 5 1 - Gil120,000
Serpenté - Dawn Lash Inflict charm (10%) for 1 turn to one enemy
Decrease fire resistance (60%) for 5 turns to one enemy
Fire magic damage (5x) with SPR scaling to one enemy
8 45
Serpenté - Dawn Lash Awk+1 Inflict charm (30%) for 1 turn to one enemy
Decrease fire resistance (75%) for 5 turns to one enemy
Fire magic damage (8x) with SPR scaling to one enemy
Chain=Bolting Strike
9 45 Power 10 8 3 - - Gil120,000
Serpenté - Dawn Lash Awk+2 Inflict charm (50%) for 1 turn to one enemy
Decrease fire resistance (90%) for 5 turns to one enemy
Fire magic damage (12x) with SPR scaling to one enemy
Chain=Bolting Strike
9 45 Power 15 12 5 1 - Gil120,000
Serpenté - Kiss of Midnight Inflict charm (5%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Fire and dark magic damage (4x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Heal (1000 HP, 4.8x) to caster
Recover MP (75) to caster
Chain=Aureole Ray
30 45
Serpenté - Kiss of Midnight Awk+1 Inflict charm (20%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Fire and dark magic damage (8x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Heal (3000 HP, 4.8x) to caster
Recover MP (75) to caster
Chain=Aureole Ray
30 45 Healing 10 8 3 1 - Gil250,000
Serpenté - Kiss of Midnight Awk+2 Inflict charm (40%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Fire and dark magic damage (12x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Heal (6000 HP, 4.8x) to caster
Recover MP (75) to caster
Chain=Aureole Ray
30 45 Healing 15 12 5 1 1 Gil250,000
Dream Chemistry Chance to counter physical attacks (80%) with Dream Melding (max 1/turn)
Chance to counter magic attacks (80%) with Dream Melding (max 1/turn)
Increase SPR and HP (30%)
- -
Dream Chemistry Awk+1 Chance to counter physical attacks (80%) with Dream Melding+1 (max 1/turn)
Chance to counter magic attacks (80%) with Dream Melding+1 (max 1/turn)
Increase DEF, SPR and HP (30%)
Increase ability modifier (2.4x): Dream Melding+1, Energy Melding, Vitality Melding
- - Tech 10 8 3 1 - Gil500,000
Dream Chemistry Awk+2 Chance to counter physical attacks (80%) with Dream Melding+2 (max 1/turn)
Chance to counter magic attacks (80%) with Dream Melding+2 (max 1/turn)
Increase SPR and HP (60%) and DEF (30%)
Increase ability modifier (4.8x): Dream Melding+2, Energy Melding, Vitality Melding
Upgrade LB
- - Tech 15 12 5 2 2 Gil500,000
Dream Melding Inflict charm (5%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Magic damage (2.4x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%) for 1 turn to all allies
Chain=Divine Ruination
7 - Activated by Dream Chemistry
Dream Melding Inflict charm (25%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Magic damage (2.4x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%) for 1 turn to all allies
Chain=Divine Ruination
7 - Activated by Dream Chemistry
Dream Melding Inflict charm (50%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Magic damage (2.4x) with SPR scaling to all enemies
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%) for 1 turn to all allies
Chain=Divine Ruination
7 - Activated by Dream Chemistry

Latent Abilities[]

Name Effect Hits MP EP
Shroud of Elements [8 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Inflict charm (30%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Increase all elements resistance (40%) for 1 turn to all allies
Increase all elements resistance (50%) for 1 turn to caster
- 120 Enlightenment Point300
Shroud of Elements I [8 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Inflict charm (40%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Increase all elements resistance (60%) for 1 turn to all allies
Increase all elements resistance (75%) for 1 turn to caster
- 120 Enlightenment Point1,300
Shroud of Elements II [8 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Inflict charm (50%) for 1 turn to all enemies
Increase all elements resistance (80%) for 1 turn to all allies
Increase all elements resistance (100%) for 1 turn to caster
- 120 Enlightenment Point3,400
Enchanting Boost [6 turns cooldown, available on turn 3]
Use own LB gauge to fill ally's gauge

1. Auto-cast next turn: Enchanting Boost
Increase LB gauge (6) to one ally
- 100 Enlightenment Point300
Enchanting Boost I [6 turns cooldown, available on turn 3]
Use own LB gauge to fill ally's gauge

1. Auto-cast next turn: Enchanting Boost I
Increase LB gauge (8) to one ally
- 100 Enlightenment Point1,300
Enchanting Boost II [6 turns cooldown, available on turn 3]
Use own LB gauge to fill ally's gauge

1. Auto-cast next turn: Enchanting Boost II
Increase LB gauge (10) to one ally
- 100 Enlightenment Point3,400

Awakening Materials[]

6-star★ 7-star★
Icon-Calamity GemCalamity Gem (10)
Icon-Calamity WritCalamity Writ (10)
Icon-Fairies' WritFairies' Writ (10)
Icon-Rainbow BloomRainbow Bloom (5)
Icon-Divine CrystalDivine Crystal (15)
Icon-Unit's PrismLilith's Prism


5-star★ 6-star★ 7-star★





Background Story[]

5★ A demon born of chaos. Just as proud as her brother Lucius, yet ever more beautiful and elegant, Lilith was surrounded by a plethora of loyal demon followers. However, unlike her older brother, she didn't revel in senseless violence, and instead worked towards assigning proper roles to all her followers. When a being called "the Count" suddenly appeared, she was not hasty in her approach towards him, but rather prioritized discovering the reasons behind his arrival as well as the purpose of his visit.
6★ A proud and composed demon born of chaos. Unlike her recklessly violent brother, Lilith was able to discern that the Count was far more powerful than them on the battlefield, and therefore managed to concoct a strategy against him. Using her demon followers as bait, she managed to close in on the Count and absorb his dark energy. After sharing some of this power with her brother, she also prepared herself for battle against the Count.
7★ A proud and composed demon who stood tall amidst the wreckage after her and her brother had been brutally battered. Lilith felt no joy in her victory as she watched her brother roar beside the immobile body of the Count. Instead, she just daydreamed about how the remaining dark energy they earnestly sought to absorb from the Count would change them...


5★ Anyone's dark energy can become the source of my power. That goes for both demons and humans.
6★ This is it! This is the delicious dark energy I had been thirsting for!
7★ More! Give me more! Hand over all of your dark energy!


5★ <blank>
6★ The larger the vessel for my soul, the stronger my demonic power grows.
7★ Look at how staggering my soul has become! Now it can consume any and all types of dark energy!


5★ What does a reckless person like yourself want with me?
6★ What does a reckless person like yourself want with me?
7★ What does a reckless person like yourself want with me?

Trust Mastery[]

You are my prisoner now, get it? Carry this with you always as proof of your loyalty to me.

User Review[]


