A mysterious orb formed from the life energy that all living creatures possess. It can be used to make items and magic which use life power, including white magic. Among synthesizing components, life orbs are relatively easy to obtain but they can be used in many different applications, so there is no harm in keeping a good supply at hand. Some say that they are dropped by creatures facing death, but the exact truth of how these orbs form is still not known.
Crafting Material
- Equipment
How to obtain[]
Dropped from
Stolen from
Colosseum Steal
Level Rank Round Monster BGN C 4 Toadgre BGN B 1 Desert Sahagin
XiphactinusBGN B 3 Red Marshmallow BGN A 2 Adamantoise
MermanBGN A 5 Abyssal BGN S 1 Steel Bat BGN S 2 Moogle Eater BGN S 5 Sahagin