Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
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Rarity 5-star★ - 7-star★
Role Physical Attacker
Chain Family Piledriver
Categories Light
Another World
Acquisition Rare SummonTooltip-Question
Time Limited Collaboration
Gender Female‎Tooltip-Question
Race HumanTooltip-Question
No. 1095, 1096, 1097
TMR Glance ReviverGlance Reviver
Glance ReviverGlance ReviverSword
Stats: ATK+135
Element: Dark
STMR Soothsayer BowSoothsayer Bow
Soothsayer BowSoothsayer BowBow
Stats: ATK+160, SPR+30
Two-handed weapon

In the faraway world of Midgard, legend tells of three goddesses of fate. Lenneth is the second in this divine trinity, and as part of it, her spirit can resonate with the souls of the dying, thus allowing her to mete out a proper fate to each.


Stats Tooltip-Question[]

Rarity HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check Tooltip-Question Exp. Growth Pattern
5-star★ 2745
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
4 3 LB 6
6-star★ 3568
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
4 3 LB 6
7-star★ 4638
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
4 3 LB 6

Resistance Tooltip-Question[]

Element Resistance
Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Status Ailment Resistance
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -


Dagger Sword Great Sword Katana Bow Spear
Light Shield Helm Clothes Light Armor Heavy Armor Accessory
Rarity Ability Slots Affinity
5-star★ 4 -
6-star★ 4 -
7-star★ 4 -

Innate Abilities[]


Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
5-star★ 1 Bolt Slash Bolt Slash Physical damage (2.3x) to one enemy 1Attack frames: 12 13
5-star★ 1 Heal Heal Heal (500 HP, 15x) to all allies 28
5-star★ 20 Spread Shot Spread Shot Physical damage (3.5x) to one enemy
Decrease MAG and SPR (50%) for 1 turn to one enemy
2Attack frames: 52,62 24
5-star★ 40 Moment Slide Moment Slide Physical damage (1.3x) to one enemy
Decrease ATK and DEF (50%) for 1 turn to one enemy
1Attack frames: 12 12
5-star★ 50 Crystal Action Crystal Action Inflict stop (50%) for 3 turns to one enemy
Decrease DEF and SPR (50%) for 3 turns to one enemy
5-star★ 70 Tri-Blast Tri-Blast Physical damage (1.7x) to all enemies 3Attack frames: 42,52,62 14
5-star★ 80 Vertical Raid Vertical Raid Physical damage (2.8x) to one enemy
Increase LB gauge (1-3) to caster
2Attack frames: 12,20 23
6-star★ 40 Infinity Blast Infinity Blast Physical damage (3.2x) to all enemies 4Attack frames: 52,62,72,82 25
6-star★ 50 Normal Blade Combo Normal Blade Combo Cast 3 times (unique selection only): Bolt Slash, Code Break, Glowing Pierce, Glowing Pierce+1, Glowing Pierce+2, Moment Slide, Radiant White Wings, Radiant White Wings+1, Radiant White Wings+2, Vertical Raid
6-star★ 50 Normal Bow Combo Normal Bow Combo Cast 3 times (unique selection only): Ethereal Shot, Infinity Blast, Radiant White Wings, Radiant White Wings+1, Radiant White Wings+2, Spread Shot, Tri-Blast
6-star★ 80 Invoke Feather Invoke Feather Revive one KO'd ally (80% HP) 16
6-star★ 100 Glowing Pierce Glowing Pierce Awk+2 Physical damage (14x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Decrease light and dark resistance (100%) for 2 turns to one enemy
7Attack frames: 2,10,18,26,34,42,50 40
7-star★ 105 Code Break Code Break Physical damage (7.5x) to one enemy 1Attack frames: 38 57
7-star★ 105 Ethereal Shot Ethereal Shot Light physical damage (2.1x) to one random enemy
Light physical damage (2.1x) to one random enemy
Light physical damage (2.1x) to one random enemy
Light physical damage (2.1x) to one random enemy
Add light element to physical attacks for 1 turn to caster
1,1,1,1Attack frames: 90,100,110,120 62
7-star★ 110 Radiant White Wings Radiant White Wings Awk+2 [5 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase ATK (200%) for 1 turn to caster
Physical damage (50x) to all enemies
Decrease light and dark resistance (120%) for 4 turns to all enemies
20Attack frames: 26,34,42,50,58,66,74,82,90,98,106,114,122,130,138,146,154,162,170,178 90
Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect
5-star★ 30 Chooser of the Slain Chooser of the Slain Awk+2 Increase HP and MP (10%)
Increase rare item drop rate (30%)
Increase ability modifier (30x): Code Break, Vertical Raid
Increase ability modifier (24x): Infinity Blast, Tri-Blast
Increase ability modifier (7x): Ethereal Shot
5-star★ 62 Attack Power Attack Power Increase ATK (20%)
5-star★ 80 It shall be engraved upon your soul! It shall be engraved upon your soul! Chance to counter physical attacks (40%) with It shall be engraved upon your soul! (max 1/turn)
6-star★ 1 Valkyrie's Bow Valkyrie's Bow Increase ATK, DEF and SPR (30%) when equipped with a sword
Increase ATK (60%) and SPR (30%) when equipped with a bow
Increase equipment ATK (100%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
6-star★ 17 Resist Damage Resist Damage Increase DEF (20%)
6-star★ 17 Resist Magic Resist Magic Increase SPR (20%)
6-star★ 30 Reverie Reverie Auto-cast Reverie at the start of a battle, upon revival, or after brave shift
6-star★ 70 Guts Guts Chance to ignore fatal damage (50%) when HP is above 40% (max 1 time)
6-star★ 90 Valkyrie's Mercy Valkyrie's Mercy Chance to counter magic attacks (30%) with Valkyrie's Mercy (max 1/turn)
7-star★ 101 Power of Creation Power of Creation [Requirement: TMR or STMR equipped]
Increase HP and MP (30%)
Increase LB damage (40%)
Auto-cast Regen at the start of a battle, upon revival, or after brave shift
Recover MP (10%) per turn
7-star★ 115 Fight Fight Awk+2 Increase ATK (90%) and DEF, MAG and SPR (50%)
Increase LB gauge (5) per turn
Increase LB damage (60%)
Recover MP (5%) per turn
7-star★ 120 Three Goddesses of Fate Three Goddesses of Fate Increase ATK, SPR and HP (20%)
Increase equipment ATK (50%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Increase HP and MP (20%) when equipped with a bow
Condition Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
Activated by
It shall be engraved upon your soul!
It shall be engraved upon your soul! Physical damage (1x) to one enemy
Decrease DEF (60%) for 1 turn to one enemy
Increase LB gauge (3) to caster
4Attack frames: 18,25,51,57
Activated by
Reverie Evade 1 physical attack for 9999 turns to caster
Activated by
Valkyrie's Mercy
Valkyrie's Mercy Heal (500 HP, 8x) to all allies
Activated by
Power of Creation
Regen Heal (500 HP, 6x) per turn to one ally 3

Limit Burst[]

Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
5-star★ Nibelung Valesti Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (10.1x) to one enemy 10Attack frames: 98,114,125,137,143,167,199,227,457,510 21 LB
Lv 20
Physical damage (12x) to one enemy
6-star★ Nibelung Valesti Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (11.4x) to one enemy 10Attack frames: 98,114,125,137,143,167,199,227,457,510 24 LB
Lv 25
Physical damage (15x) to one enemy
7-star★ Nibelung Valesti Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (14.2x) to one enemy 10Attack frames: 98,114,125,137,143,167,199,227,457,510 27 LB
Lv 30
Physical damage (20x) to one enemy

Awakenable Abilities[]

Ability Awakening[]

Name Effect Hits MP Type T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Gil
Fight Increase ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR (10%) - -
Fight Awk+1 Increase ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR (30%)
Increase LB gauge (5) per turn
- - Support 10 8 3 1 - Gil375,000
Fight Awk+2 Increase ATK (90%) and DEF, MAG and SPR (50%)
Increase LB gauge (5) per turn
Increase LB damage (60%)
Recover MP (5%) per turn
- - Support 15 12 5 2 1 Gil375,000
Chooser of the Slain Increase HP and MP (10%)
Increase rare item drop rate (30%)
- -
Chooser of the Slain Awk+1 Increase HP and MP (10%)
Increase rare item drop rate (30%)
Increase ability modifier (15x): Vertical Raid
Increase ability modifier (12x): Tri-Blast
- - Tech 10 8 3 1 1 Gil500,000
Chooser of the Slain Awk+2 Increase HP and MP (10%)
Increase rare item drop rate (30%)
Increase ability modifier (30x): Code Break, Vertical Raid
Increase ability modifier (24x): Infinity Blast, Tri-Blast
Increase ability modifier (7x): Ethereal Shot
- - Tech 15 12 5 2 2 Gil500,000
Glowing Pierce Physical damage (2x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Decrease light and dark resistance (60%) for 2 turns to one enemy
7 40
Glowing Pierce Awk+1 Physical damage (8x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Decrease light and dark resistance (80%) for 2 turns to one enemy
7 40 Power 10 8 2 1 - Gil250,000
Glowing Pierce Awk+2 Physical damage (14x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Decrease light and dark resistance (100%) for 2 turns to one enemy
7 40 Power 15 12 4 1 1 Gil250,000
Radiant White Wings [5 turns cooldown, available on turn 5]
Physical damage (10x) to all enemies
Decrease light and dark resistance (100%) for 3 turns to all enemies
20 90
Radiant White Wings Awk+1 [5 turns cooldown, available on turn 5]
Physical damage (30x) to all enemies
Decrease light and dark resistance (100%) for 3 turns to all enemies
20 90 White 10 8 3 1 - Gil375,000
Radiant White Wings Awk+2 [5 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase ATK (200%) for 1 turn to caster
Physical damage (50x) to all enemies
Decrease light and dark resistance (120%) for 4 turns to all enemies
20 90 White 15 12 5 1 1 Gil375,000

Awakening Materials[]

6-star★ 7-star★
Icon-Rainbow BloomRainbow Bloom (20)
Icon-Calamity WritCalamity Writ (10)
Icon-Fairies' WritFairies' Writ (10)
Icon-Calamity GemCalamity Gem (5)
Icon-Divine CrystalDivine Crystal (5)
Icon-Unit's PrismLenneth's Prism


5-star★ 6-star★ 7-star★





Background Story[]

5★ In the faraway world of Midgard, legend tells of three goddesses of fate. Lenneth is the second in this divine trinity, and as part of it, her spirit can resonate with the souls of the dying, thus allowing her to mete out a proper fate to each.
6★ In the faraway world of Midgard, legend tells of three goddesses of fate. Lenneth is the second in this divine trinity, and as part of it, her spirit can resonate with the souls of the dying, thus allowing her to mete out a proper fate to each. As Ragnarok draws near, Odin, the Lord of the Gods, orders her to descend to Midgard. Once there, she is to find souls of fallen heroes who would make suitable einherjar.
7★ In the faraway world of Midgard, legend tells of three goddesses of fate. Lenneth is the second in this divine trinity, and as part of it, her spirit can resonate with the souls of the dying, thus allowing her to mete out a proper fate to each. As Ragnarok draws near, Odin, the Lord of the Gods, orders her to descend to Midgard. Once there, she is to find souls of fallen heroes who would make suitable einherjar. In deference, humans have come to dub her the "Defender of the Fallen" and the "Chooser of the Slain."


5★ Get thee hence! Oblivion awaits thee.
6★ It would seem there is no end to war regardless of the world in question...
7★ This should suffice for cutting down the corrupt. May death grant their pitiful souls a modicum of salvation.


5★ <blank>
6★ Their souls have been released. We have no reason to remain here.
7★ I care not whether you call me a goddess of death or a goddess of war.


5★ To my side, my noble einherjar!
6★ To my side, my noble einherjar!
7★ To my side, my noble einherjar!

Trust Mastery[]

You are not fated to die just yet. Should there be a task you have yet to complete, I shall assist you in it.

User Review[]



  • Obtainable through Rare Summons during the VALKYRIE PROFILE -LENNETH- collaboration event.


  • Lenneth Valkyrie serves as the central protagonist of the Valkyrie Profile series, where she is also the main protagonist of the original Valkyrie Profile.
  • Nibelung Valesti is her trademark finishing move. The move changed based on the attack power of the current weapon she equipped in her title of origin. In Brave Exvius, she uses the full version of the attack.