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Hope (FFXIII-2)
Hope (FFXIII-2)
Rarity 4-star★ - 6-star★
Role Support
Chain Family Chaos Wave Awakened
Categories Support
Acquisition Rare SummonTooltip-Question
Time Limited No
Series FFXIII-2
Gender Male‎Tooltip-Question
Race HumanTooltip-Question
No. 1888, 1889, 1890
TMR Academia's ProdigyAcademia's Prodigy
Academia's ProdigyAcademia's Prodigy
Increase MAG/SPR (30%)
Increase LB gauge fill rate (50%)

The young director of the research institute known as the Academy, located in a distant world where changing the future is possible by traveling through time. Not only is he a polite and friendly young man, he has also gained the unwavering trust of those around him. Hoping to use the power of science to prevent future disasters from happening, he dedicates his time and effort to earning his degree, ultimately rising to the top ranks of the Academy.


Stats Tooltip-Question[]

Rarity HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check Tooltip-Question Exp. Growth Pattern
4-star★ 2099
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 3 LB 6
5-star★ 2729
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 4 LB 6
6-star★ 3548
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 4 LB 6

Resistance Tooltip-Question[]

Element Resistance
Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Status Ailment Resistance
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -


Dagger Staff Rod Throwing
Light Shield Hat Clothes Light Armor Robe Accessory
Rarity Ability Slots Affinity
4-star★ 3 White Magic Affinity Lvl 4, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 7, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 6
5-star★ 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 5, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 8, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 7
6-star★ 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 5, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 8, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 7

Equipment with Exclusive Effects[]

Icon Name Type Effect
Ability 77 Attacker Special Abilities (Passive) Increase ATK, MAG and MP (50%)
Ability 77 Defender Special Abilities (Passive) Increase DEF, SPR and HP (50%)

Innate Abilities[]


Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
4-star★ 1 Academic Toss Academic Toss Magic damage (3x) to all enemies 3Attack frames: 39,41,104 24
5-star★ 40 Conjuring Magician Conjuring Magician Increase MAG (150%) for 4 turns to one ally
Increase LB gauge (2) to one ally
5-star★ 40 Conjuring Knight Conjuring Knight Increase SPR (150%) for 4 turns to one ally
Recover MP (20) to one ally
6-star★ 43 Last Resort: Academia Last Resort: Academia Magic damage (3x) with ignore SPR (50%) to all enemies
Chain=Chaos Wave Awakened
8Attack frames: 42,62,82,102,122,142,162,182 52
6-star★ 65 Analysis: M Weakening (Beasts) Analysis: M Weakening (Beasts) Increase magic damage against beast (50%) for 3 turns to one ally 45
6-star★ 89 Analysis: M Weakening (Machina) Analysis: M Weakening (Machina) Increase magic damage against machina (50%) for 3 turns to one ally 45
6-star★ 100 Dualcast Dualcast Cast 2 times: Any magic except blue magic
Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect
4-star★ 1 MP +20% MP +20% Increase MP (20%)
4-star★ 60 All Grown Up All Grown Up Increase DEF and HP (20%)
Auto-cast Regen at the start of a battle, upon revival, or after brave shift
5-star★ 80 Academy's Top Advisor Academy's Top Advisor Increase MAG and SPR (20%)
Recover MP (3%) per turn
6-star★ 1 MAG +30% MAG +30% Increase MAG (30%)
6-star★ 21 Ark Creator Ark Creator Increase MAG and SPR (20%) and HP and MP (10%)
Condition Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
Activated by
All Grown Up
Regen Heal (1000 HP, 1x) per turn to one ally 3


Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
4-star★ 13 Barfiraga Barfiraga Increase fire resistance (80%) for 4 turns to all allies 15
4-star★ 24 Barblizzaga Barblizzaga Increase ice resistance (80%) for 4 turns to all allies 15
4-star★ 35 Barthundaga Barthundaga Increase lightning resistance (80%) for 4 turns to all allies 15
4-star★ 49 Barwaterga Barwaterga Increase water resistance (80%) for 4 turns to all allies 15
5-star★ 1 Veil Veil Increase resistance to all status ailments (100%) for 5 turns to all allies 28
5-star★ 69 Raise Raise Revive one KO'd ally (30% HP) 12

Limit Burst[]

Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
4-star★ Hope of Academia Base
Lv 1
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (46%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Increase ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (126%) for 3 turns to all allies
14 LB
Lv 15
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (60%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Increase ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (140%) for 3 turns to all allies
5-star★ Hope of Academia Base
Lv 1
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (46%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Increase ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (126%) for 3 turns to all allies
16 LB
Lv 20
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (65%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Increase ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (145%) for 3 turns to all allies
6-star★ Hope of Academia Base
Lv 1
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (46%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Increase ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (126%) for 3 turns to all allies
20 LB
Lv 25
Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (70%) for 3 turns to all enemies
Increase ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (150%) for 3 turns to all allies

Awakening Materials[]

5-star★ 6-star★
Icon-LitrockLitrock (25)
Icon-Fury SeedFury Seed (13)
Icon-Sacred CrystalSacred Crystal (15)
Icon-Lucky SeedlingLucky Seedling (8)
Icon-Holy CrystalHoly Crystal (8)
Icon-Calamity GemCalamity Gem (20)
Icon-Prismatic HornPrismatic Horn (10)
Icon-Calamity WritCalamity Writ (10)
Icon-Fairies' WritFairies' Writ (5)
Icon-Divine CrystalDivine Crystal (5)


4-star★ 5-star★ 6-star★

Hope (FFXIII-2)

Hope (FFXIII-2)

Hope (FFXIII-2)


Background Story[]

4★ The young director of the research institute known as the Academy, located in a distant world where changing the future is possible by traveling through time. Not only is he a polite and friendly young man, he has also gained the unwavering trust of those around him. Hoping to use the power of science to prevent future disasters from happening, he dedicates his time and effort to earning his degree, ultimately rising to the top ranks of the Academy.
5★ The young director of the research institute known as the Academy, located in a distant world where changing the future is possible by traveling through time. Not only is he a polite and friendly young man, he has also gained the unwavering trust of those around him. Hoping to use the power of science to prevent future disasters from happening, he dedicates his time and effort to earning his degree, ultimately rising to the top ranks of the Academy. The loss of his mother and friends during the disaster that struck Cocoon when he was younger is what has motivated him to study space-time.
6★ The young director of the research institute known as the Academy, located in a distant world where changing the future is possible by traveling through time. Not only is he a polite and friendly young man, he has also gained the unwavering trust of those around him. Hoping to use the power of science to prevent future disasters from happening, he dedicates his time and effort to earning his degree, ultimately rising to the top ranks of the Academy. The loss of his mother and friends during the disaster that struck Cocoon when he was younger is what has motivated him to study space-time, and what eventually facilitates his fateful meeting with Serah and Noel.


4★ Everything is in the hands of the younger generation now.
5★ I have a soft spot for the boomerang. It reminds me of a time I never want to forget.
6★ Someone has to shoulder the burden if the Academy is going to move forward.


4★ <blank>
5★ The discoveries we've made will benefit not only the Academy, but the future of humanity.
6★ Only those who hold onto their resolve and find their own path through time have the right to change the future.


4★ Director of Academy Research, Team Alpha. Hope Estheim, at your service.
5★ Director of Academy Research, Team Alpha. Hope Estheim, at your service.
6★ Director of Academy Research, Team Alpha. Hope Estheim, at your service.

Trust Mastery[]

Let's all fight together, for the sake of the future.

User Review[]


