Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
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Rarity 5-star★ - NV
Role Physical AttackerSupport
Chain Family Absolute Mirror of Equity
Bolting Strike
Categories Wind
The Gathering
Elite Soldiers
Acquisition Rare SummonTooltip-Question
Time Limited No
Series FFBE
Gender Male‎Tooltip-Question
Race HumanTooltip-Question
No. 513, 514, 986, 2497
TMR Rider's HelmRider's Helm
Rider's HelmRider's HelmHelm
Stats: ATK+44, DEF+60
Resistance: Disease (Null), Petrify (Null)
Effect: Chocobo Knight's PrideChocobo Knight's Pride
Chocobo Knight's PrideChocobo Knight's Pride
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%)
, Partner's Leap of FaithPartner's Leap of Faith
Partner's Leap of FaithPartner's Leap of Faith
Increase static ATK (500)
Increase ability modifier (30x): Jump attacks, Timed jump attacks
Exclusive: Fohlen
STMR Rider's ArmorRider's Armor
Rider's ArmorRider's ArmorLight Armor
Stats: ATK+68, DEF+14, SPR+18
Resistance: Wind (+80%)
Effect: Custom Made for a Chocobo KnightCustom Made for a Chocobo Knight
Custom Made for a Chocobo KnightCustom Made for a Chocobo Knight
Increase jump damage (100%)
, Mutual Trust with His ChocoboMutual Trust with His Chocobo
Mutual Trust with His ChocoboMutual Trust with His Chocobo
Increase static ATK (500)
Exclusive: Fohlen

An eccentric knight who fights atop a chocobo. Fohlen wears flexible and adjustable armor that allows him to wander around the world working as a mercenary for hire. Chocobos are usually used as a means of transportation and as a tool for cultivating the land, whilst most military forces prefer airships to carry out their duties. For this reason, chocobo knights are often frowned upon, making their numbers scarce.


Stats Tooltip-Question[]

Rarity HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check Tooltip-Question Exp. Growth Pattern
5-star★ 2803
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 4 LB 6
6-star★ 3645
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 4 LB 6
7-star★ 4866
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 4 LB 6
NV 5353
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 4 LB 6
EX 1 6049
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 4 LB 6
EX 2 6584
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 4 LB 6
EX 3 6959
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
3 4 LB 6

Resistance Tooltip-Question[]

Element Resistance
Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Status Ailment Resistance
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -


Dagger Sword Spear
Light Shield Heavy Shield Helm Light Armor Heavy Armor Accessory
Rarity Ability Slots Affinity
5-star★ 4 -
6-star★ 4 -
7-star★ 4 -
NV 4 -

Equipment with Exclusive Effects[]

Icon Name Type Effect
Icon-Rider's Armor Rider's Armor Light Armor ATK+68, DEF+14, SPR+18
Resistance: Wind (+80%)
Effect: Custom Made for a Chocobo KnightCustom Made for a Chocobo Knight
Custom Made for a Chocobo KnightCustom Made for a Chocobo Knight
Increase jump damage (100%)
, Mutual Trust with His ChocoboMutual Trust with His Chocobo
Mutual Trust with His ChocoboMutual Trust with His Chocobo
Increase static ATK (500)
Exclusive: Fohlen
Icon-Rider's Helm Rider's Helm Helm ATK+44, DEF+60
Resistance: Disease (Null), Petrify (Null)
Effect: Chocobo Knight's PrideChocobo Knight's Pride
Chocobo Knight's PrideChocobo Knight's Pride
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%)
, Partner's Leap of FaithPartner's Leap of Faith
Partner's Leap of FaithPartner's Leap of Faith
Increase static ATK (500)
Increase ability modifier (30x): Jump attacks, Timed jump attacks
Exclusive: Fohlen

Innate Abilities[]


Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
5-star★ 1 Fill LB Fill LB [1 use per battle]
Increase LB gauge (999.99) to caster
5-star★ 1 Bladeblitz Bladeblitz Awk+3 Physical damage (96x) to all enemies D 14
5-star★ 1 Triple Chocobo Knight Triple Chocobo Knight Cast 3 times: Innate abilities
5-star★ 1 Chocoboback Lance Chocoboback Lance Lv.5 Physical damage (250x) to one enemy
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
8Attack frames: 70,76,82,88,94,100,106,112 150
5-star★ 1 Chocobo Trample Chocobo Trample Lv.5 Physical damage (200x) to all enemies
Chain=Bolting Strike
9Attack frames: 42,48,54,60,66,72,78,84,90 100
5-star★ 1 Chocobo Sonic Dive Chocobo Sonic Dive Lv.5 Wind physical damage (150x) with timed jump delay (2 turns) to one enemy 1 400
5-star★ 11 Osmose Lance Osmose Lance Hybrid damage (1.4x) to one enemy
Hybrid damage (0.3x) as MP drain (30%) to one enemy
1Attack frames: 1 12
5-star★ 62 Chocobo Dive Chocobo Dive Physical damage (50x) with jump delay (1 turn) to one enemy

If used after Chocobo Boost, name changes into Chocobo Boost Dive:
Physical damage (100x) to all enemies
Physical damage (100x) with timed jump delay (1 turn) to one enemy
6-star★ 21 Aggravate Aggravate Awk+2 Increase chance of being targeted (100%) for 2 turns to caster
Evade 3 physical attacks for 2 turns to caster
6-star★ 33 Extend Extend Increase wind resistance (70%) for 5 turns to all allies
Add wind element to physical attacks for 5 turns to all allies
Increase wind physical damage (30%) for 5 turns to all allies
Increase wind magic damage (30%) for 5 turns to all allies
6-star★ 68 Vortex Vortex Awk+2 Physical damage (100x) to all enemies
Decrease wind resistance (120%) for 5 turns to all enemies
Add wind element to physical attacks for 5 turns to caster
Evade 3 physical attacks for 3 turns to caster
3Attack frames: 42,62,82 26
6-star★ 100 Sonic Blast Sonic Blast Awk+3 Wind physical damage (75x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Evade 3 physical attacks for 3 turns to all allies
7Attack frames: 10,20,30,40,50,60,70 36
7-star★ 105 Chocobo Wind Chocobo Wind [4 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Mitigate damage taken (50%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase wind resistance (100%) for 3 turns to all allies
Decrease wind resistance (130%) for 3 turns to all enemies
7-star★ 110 Chocobo Boost Chocobo Boost Increase ATK (250%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase LB gauge (12.5) to all allies
Increase LB damage (200%) for 3 turns to all allies (can't be dispelled)
Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect
EX 2 1 Warring Spirit Warring Spirit Auto-cast Warring Spirit at the start of a battle
EX 3 1 ATK +500 ATK +500 Increase static ATK (500)
5-star★ 1 DEF +20% DEF +20% Increase DEF (20%)
5-star★ 1 Two-Handed Attacker (ATK) Two-Handed Attacker (ATK) Increase ATK (200%) and DEF, SPR, HP and MP (60%)
Increase LB damage (150%)
Increase equipment ATK (200%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Increase chain modifier cap (100%)
5-star★ 1 Plant Killer+ III Plant Killer+ III Increase physical and magic damage against plants (200%)
5-star★ 1 Bug Killer+ III Bug Killer+ III Increase physical and magic damage against insects (200%)
5-star★ 1 Dragon Killer+ III Dragon Killer+ III Increase physical and magic damage against dragons (200%)
5-star★ 1 Attack (Fohlen) Attack (Fohlen) Upgrade normal attack to Attack (Fohlen)
5-star★ 30 Reduce Encounter Reduce Encounter Decrease encounter rate (25%)
5-star★ 45 Auto-Refresh Auto-Refresh Recover MP (5%) per turn
5-star★ 51 ATK +30% ATK +30% Increase ATK (30%)
5-star★ 73 Befriend Befriend Increase HP and MP (50%)
Increase LB gauge (4) per turn
Enable dual wielding of one-handed weapons
Increase equipment ATK (200%) when dual wielding
5-star★ 80 Spear Mastery Spear Mastery Awk+2 Increase ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR (100%) when equipped with a spear
6-star★ 1 Speedster Speedster Increase wind resistance (50%)
Increase physical evasion (30%)
Auto-cast Speedster at the start of a battle, upon revival, or after brave shift
Chance to counter physical attacks (20%) with Speedster
6-star★ 55 HP +30% HP +30% Increase HP (30%)
6-star★ 88 Partner Partner Increase resistance to paralyze and confuse (100%)
7-star★ 101 Skilled Mercenary Skilled Mercenary [Requirement: TMR or STMR equipped]
Increase static ATK (1500)
Increase ATK and DEF (40%)
Increase physical and magic damage against beasts, avians and aquatics (150/150/150%)
7-star★ 115 SPR +20% SPR +20% Increase SPR (20%)
7-star★ 120 Master Rider Master Rider Increase physical and magic damage against beasts, avians and aquatics (50/50/50%)
Increase jump damage (600%)
Increase LB damage (50%)
Condition Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
Activated by
Warring Spirit
Warring Spirit Increase LB gauge (60) to caster
Activated by
Attack (Fohlen)
Attack (Fohlen) Physical damage (90x) to one enemy
Increase LB gauge (6) to caster
3Attack frames: 35,48,81
Activated by
Speedster Evade 3 physical attacks for 3 turns to caster
Activated by
Speedster Decrease wind resistance (130%) for 3 turns to one enemy

Leader Skill[]

Min rarity Icon Name Effect
7-star★ Victorious The Gathering Victorious The Gathering [Requirement: Set as party leader]
Increase ATK and MAG (100%) to all The Gathering allies
NV Victorious The Gathering II Victorious The Gathering II [Requirement: Set as party leader]
Increase ATK and MAG (200%) to all The Gathering allies

Limit Burst[]

Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
5-star★ Resonant Slash Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (2.5x) to all enemies
Decrease DEF (20%) for 3 turns to all enemies
11Attack frames: 70,73,76,103,105,108,125,127,130,163,166 14 LB
Lv 20
Physical damage (3.45x) to all enemies
Decrease DEF (39%) for 3 turns to all enemies
6-star★ Resonant Slash Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (2.7x) to all enemies
Decrease DEF (30%) for 3 turns to all enemies
13Attack frames: 70,73,76,103,105,108,125,127,130,163,166,169,172 16 LB
Lv 25
Physical damage (3.9x) to all enemies
Decrease DEF (54%) for 3 turns to all enemies
7-star★ Resonant Slash Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (11.1x) to all enemies
Decrease DEF (35%) for 3 turns to all enemies
13Attack frames: 70,73,76,103,105,108,125,127,130,163,166,169,172 25 LB
Lv 30
Physical damage (14x) to all enemies
Decrease DEF (64%) for 3 turns to all enemies
NV Resonant Slash Base
Lv 1
Grant tag-team attack for specific abilities for 1 turn to caster: Resonant Slash
Physical damage (280x) to all enemies
Decrease DEF (85%) for 5 turns to all enemies
15Attack frames: 70,73,76,90,103,105,108,125,127,130,150,163,166,169,172 64 / 25 LB
Lv 40
Grant tag-team attack for specific abilities for 1 turn to caster: Resonant Slash
Physical damage (280x) to all enemies
Decrease DEF (85%) for 5 turns to all enemies
SLB One with His Chocobo Base
Lv 1
Increase wind physical damage (40%) for 5 turns to caster
Increase wind magic damage (40%) for 5 turns to caster
Cure ATK break to caster
Increase ATK (300%) for 5 turns to caster
Increase ability modifier (170x) for 5 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Chocobo Boost Dive, Chocobo Dive, Chocobo Sonic Dive, Chocobo Sonic Dive+1, Chocobo Sonic Dive+2, Chocobo Sonic Dive+3, Chocobo Sonic Dive+4
64 / 25 LB
Lv 40
Increase wind physical damage (40%) for 5 turns to caster
Increase wind magic damage (40%) for 5 turns to caster
Cure ATK break to caster
Increase ATK (300%) for 5 turns to caster
Increase ability modifier (170x) for 5 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Chocobo Boost Dive, Chocobo Dive, Chocobo Sonic Dive, Chocobo Sonic Dive+1, Chocobo Sonic Dive+2, Chocobo Sonic Dive+3, Chocobo Sonic Dive+4

Awakenable Abilities[]

Brave Abilities[]

Name Effect Hits MP Type T1 T2 T3 Brave Insignia Gil
Chocoboback Lance Lv.1 Physical damage (170x) to one enemy
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
8 150
Chocoboback Lance Lv.2 Physical damage (190x) to one enemy
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
8 150 Green 15 8 - - Gil100,000
Chocoboback Lance Lv.3 Physical damage (210x) to one enemy
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
8 150 Green 20 15 - 10 Gil100,000
Chocoboback Lance Lv.4 Physical damage (230x) to one enemy
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
8 150 Green 35 22 3 15 Gil150,000
Chocoboback Lance Lv.5 Physical damage (250x) to one enemy
Chain=Absolute Mirror of Equity
8 150 Green 75 37 5 20 Gil300,000
Chocobo Trample Lv.1 Physical damage (120x) to all enemies
Chain=Bolting Strike
9 100
Chocobo Trample Lv.2 Physical damage (140x) to all enemies
Chain=Bolting Strike
9 100 Green 15 8 - - Gil100,000
Chocobo Trample Lv.3 Physical damage (160x) to all enemies
Chain=Bolting Strike
9 100 Green 20 15 - 10 Gil100,000
Chocobo Trample Lv.4 Physical damage (180x) to all enemies
Chain=Bolting Strike
9 100 Green 35 22 3 15 Gil150,000
Chocobo Trample Lv.5 Physical damage (200x) to all enemies
Chain=Bolting Strike
9 100 Green 75 37 5 20 Gil300,000
Chocobo Sonic Dive Lv.1 Wind physical damage (110x) with timed jump delay (2 turns) to one enemy 1 400
Chocobo Sonic Dive Lv.2 Wind physical damage (120x) with timed jump delay (2 turns) to one enemy 1 400 Green 15 8 - - Gil100,000
Chocobo Sonic Dive Lv.3 Wind physical damage (130x) with timed jump delay (2 turns) to one enemy 1 400 Green 20 15 - 10 Gil100,000
Chocobo Sonic Dive Lv.4 Wind physical damage (140x) with timed jump delay (2 turns) to one enemy 1 400 Green 35 22 3 15 Gil150,000
Chocobo Sonic Dive Lv.5 Wind physical damage (150x) with timed jump delay (2 turns) to one enemy - 400 Green 75 37 5 20 Gil300,000

Ability Awakening[]

Name Effect Hits MP Type T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Gil
Bladeblitz Physical damage (58x) to all enemies - 14
Bladeblitz Awk+1 Physical damage (24x) to all enemies - 14 Power 10 8 3 - - Gil120,000
Bladeblitz Awk+2 Physical damage (48x) to all enemies - 14 Power 15 12 5 1 - Gil120,000
Bladeblitz Awk+3 Physical damage (96x) to all enemies - 14 Power 20 16 8 2 - Gil120,000
Sonic Blast Wind physical damage (50x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Evade 3 physical attacks for 3 turns to caster
7 45
Sonic Blast Awk+1 Wind physical damage (50x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Evade 3 physical attacks for 3 turns to caster
7 36 Power 20 15 10 4 1 Gil1,000,000
Sonic Blast Awk+2 Wind physical damage (75x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Evade 3 physical attacks for 3 turns to caster
7 36 Power 30 23 15 8 2 Gil1,000,000
Sonic Blast Awk+3 Wind physical damage (75x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Evade 3 physical attacks for 3 turns to all allies
7 36 Power 40 31 20 12 3 Gil1,000,000
Vortex Physical damage (50x) to all enemies
Decrease wind resistance (120%) for 5 turns to all enemies
Add wind element to physical attacks for 5 turns to caster
3 26
Vortex Awk+1 Physical damage (100x) to all enemies
Decrease wind resistance (120%) for 5 turns to all enemies
Add wind element to physical attacks for 5 turns to caster
3 26 Power 10 8 3 - - Gil120,000
Vortex Awk+2 Physical damage (100x) to all enemies
Decrease wind resistance (120%) for 5 turns to all enemies
Add wind element to physical attacks for 5 turns to caster
Evade 3 physical attacks for 3 turns to caster
3 26 Power 15 12 5 1 - Gil120,000
Aggravate Increase chance of being targeted (75%) for 2 turns to caster - 14
Aggravate Awk+1 Increase chance of being targeted (75%) for 2 turns to caster
Evade 2 physical attacks for 2 turns to caster
- 14 Guard 15 8 5 1 - Gil250,000
Aggravate Awk+2 Increase chance of being targeted (100%) for 2 turns to caster
Evade 3 physical attacks for 2 turns to caster
- 14 Guard 23 12 8 2 1 Gil250,000
Spear Mastery Increase ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR (50%) when equipped with a spear - -
Spear Mastery Awk+1 Increase ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR (75%) when equipped with a spear - - Tech 15 8 5 1 - Gil250,000
Spear Mastery Awk+2 Increase ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR (100%) when equipped with a spear - - Tech 23 12 8 2 1 Gil250,000

Awakening Materials[]

6-star★ 7-star★
Icon-Prismatic HornPrismatic Horn (20)
Icon-Fairies' WritFairies' Writ (10)
Icon-Rainbow BloomRainbow Bloom (10)
Icon-Calamity GemCalamity Gem (5)
Icon-Divine CrystalDivine Crystal (5)
Icon-Unit's PrismFohlen's Prism
NV EX 1 EX 2 EX 3
Icon-Fohlen FragmentFohlen Fragment (25)
Icon-Ascension PearlAscension Pearl
Icon-Fohlen FragmentFohlen Fragment (50)
Icon-Ascension PearlAscension Pearl (2)
Icon-Fohlen FragmentFohlen Fragment (75)
Icon-Ascension PearlAscension Pearl (3)
Icon-Fohlen FragmentFohlen Fragment (100)
Icon-Ascension PearlAscension Pearl (3)
Icon-Transcension PearlTranscension Pearl


5-star★ 6-star★ 7-star★ NV






Background Story[]

5★ An eccentric knight who fights atop a chocobo. Fohlen wears flexible and adjustable armor that allows him to wander around the world working as a mercenary for hire. Chocobos are usually used as a means of transportation and as a tool for cultivating the land, whilst most military forces prefer airships to carry out their duties. For this reason, chocobo knights are often frowned upon, making their numbers scarce.
6★ A knight that combines his strength as a warrior with the swiftness of his chocobo. Chocobo knights make for chivalrous and heroic figures in battle, but Fohlen didn't learn his true purpose until he set out on a journey of self-discovery with his feathery partner. He learned every single fighting skill he knows firsthand by vanquishing beasts in order to cover for his traveling expenses. A free-spirit by nature, Fohlen allows very little to ruffle his feathers.
7★ A chocobo knight that fights alongside his chocobo companion. Fiercely independent, Fohlen traveled the land as a mercenary battling atop his agile, feathery friend until he was persuaded to join Zoldaad's secret forces. Now he works directly under Shera. Owing to his travels, Fohlen is very well-informed and seems to know something about Amelia's past.
NV A chocobo knight that fights alongside his chocobo companion. Fiercely independent, Fohlen traveled the land as a mercenary battling atop his agile, feathery friend until he was persuaded to join Zoldaad's secret forces. Now he works directly under Shera. Owing to his travels, Fohlen is very well-informed and seems to know something about Amelia's past.


5★ Chomp, chomp!
...That wasn't me just now,
it was my happy, little partner.
6★ Oh wow, isn't that nice!
My partner and I can grow stronger together.
7★ I feel more capable than before. Even my partner doesn't seem like a normal chocobo anymore.
NV I feel more capable than before. Even my partner doesn't seem like a normal chocobo anymore.


5★ <blank>
6★ Chomp! Chomp!
...Oh? Seems my partner is pleased!
7★ So this is a chocobo knight's true power... Even I'm surprised by it.
NV So this is a chocobo knight's true power... Even I'm surprised by it.


5★ I am Fohlen!
This chocobo is my partner.
We both look forward to working with you.
6★ Do you think it's old-fashioned
for a knight to ride on a chocobo?
Wait until you see what I'm capable of.
7★ With my pal's legs and my sword combined, no enemy can stand in our way! I assure you, we will come in handy.
NV With my pal's legs and my sword combined, no enemy can stand in our way! I assure you, we will come in handy.

Trust Mastery[]

To have believed in a weird one like me,
you must be quite strange, yourself.
I look forward to our continued path together!

User Review[]




  • His name could be derived from an atmospheric phenomenon called "föhn," a type of dry wind that descends on the slopes of some rocky elevations, such as mountain ranges.
  • Rides a Chocobo.
  • Fohlen is an original FFBE unit that is alive relative to the main story.