Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
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Rarity 5-star★ - 7-star★
Role Physical Attacker
Chain Family Bolting Strike
Aureole Ray
Acquisition Rare SummonTooltip-Question
Time Limited No
Series FFBE
Gender Female‎Tooltip-Question
Race HumanTooltip-Question
No. 8193, 8194, 8195
TMR OnimaruOnimaru
Stats: ATK+140, SPR+30
Effect: Demon ExecutionerDemon Executioner
Demon ExecutionerDemon Executioner
Increase physical damage against demons (25%)
STMR VampyrismVampyrism
Increase ATK (40%) when equipped with a katana
Increase ATK (40%) when equipped with clothes
Increase physical damage against demons and humans (25%)

The vision of a hemomancer of mysterious origins manifested from someone's emotions. Ellesperis is rumored to have been a shadowy temptress known for her assassinations of unmarried corrupt politicians, and other military leaders.


Stats Tooltip-Question[]

Rarity HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check Tooltip-Question Exp. Growth Pattern
5-star★ 2820
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
2 5 LB 6
6-star★ 3666
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
2 6 LB 6
7-star★ 4765
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
2 6 LB 6

Resistance Tooltip-Question[]

Element Resistance
Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Status Ailment Resistance
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -


Sword Great Sword Katana Fist
Hat Helm Clothes Light Armor Accessory
Rarity Ability Slots Affinity
5-star★ 4 -
6-star★ 4 -
7-star★ 4 -

Equipment with Exclusive Effects[]

Icon Name Type Effect
Icon-Metal Earrings Metal Earrings Accessory ATK+18, DEF+3
Effect: Sharp MetalSharp Metal
Sharp MetalSharp Metal
Increase ATK (20%) when equipped with a katana

Innate Abilities[]


Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
5-star★ 1 Blood Twirl Blood Twirl Physical damage (2.4x) with HP sacrifice (15%) to all enemies
Restore HP (2000) and MP (30) to all allies, except caster
1Attack frames: 0 25
5-star★ 8 Jaw Dropper Jaw Dropper Increase ATK (120%) for 5 turns to caster
Evade 3 physical attacks for 5 turns to caster
5-star★ 32 Open You Up Open You Up Physical damage (4x) with HP sacrifice (20%) to one enemy
Decrease DEF (60%) for 5 turns to one enemy
Decrease ice and dark resistance (75%) for 5 turns to one enemy
Chain=Bolting Strike
9Attack frames: 42,48,54,60,66,72,78,84,90 40
5-star★ 35 Cocytus Blade Cocytus Blade Ice physical damage (3.5x) to one enemy
Add ice element to physical attacks for 5 turns to caster
Chain=Bolting Strike
9Attack frames: 42,48,54,60,66,72,78,84,90 32
5-star★ 35 Hades Blade Hades Blade Dark physical damage (3.5x) to one enemy
Add dark element to physical attacks for 5 turns to caster
Chain=Bolting Strike
9Attack frames: 42,48,54,60,66,72,78,84,90 32
5-star★ 78 Vengeful Blade Vengeful Blade Physical damage (3x) with HP sacrifice (10%) to all enemies
Heal (3600 HP, 18x) split over 3 turns to caster
Refresh (120 MP, 0.6x) split over 3 turns to caster
Chain=Aureole Ray
30Attack frames: 42,46,50,54,58,62,66,70,74,78,82,86,90,94,98,102,106,110,114,118,122,126,130,134,138,142,146,150,154,158 40
6-star★ 12 Overflow Overflow Grant HP barrier (1500) for 3 turns to caster
Auto-revive (80% HP) for 3 turns to caster
Increase ability modifier (1x) for 3 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Blood Dance, Blood Flash, Blood Sacrifice, Blood Twirl, Cocytus Blade, Demon Splitter, Hades Blade, Hemomancer's Strike, Human Splitter, Open You Up, Vengeful Blade
6-star★ 42 Forced Transfusion Forced Transfusion Physical damage (2.1x) as HP drain (10%) to one enemy
Physical damage (0.3x) as MP drain (20%) to one enemy
1Attack frames: 40 20
6-star★ 65 Ambidexterity Ambidexterity Cast 2 times: Blood Dance, Blood Flash, Blood Sacrifice, Blood Twirl, Cocytus Blade, Demon Splitter, Forced Transfusion, Hades Blade, Hemomancer's Armor, Hemomancer's Blade, Hemomancer's Strike, Human Splitter, Jaw Dropper, Open You Up, Overflow, Vengeful Blade
6-star★ 100 Human Splitter Human Splitter Increase physical damage against human (50%) for 2 turns to caster
Physical damage (5.5x) to one enemy
Chain=Bolting Strike
9Attack frames: 42,48,54,60,66,72,78,84,90 40
6-star★ 100 Demon Splitter Demon Splitter Increase physical damage against demon (50%) for 2 turns to caster
Physical damage (5.5x) to one enemy
Chain=Bolting Strike
9Attack frames: 42,48,54,60,66,72,78,84,90 40
7-star★ 101 Hemomancer's Blade Hemomancer's Blade [6 turns cooldown, available on turn 1, single cast when dual wielding]
Physical damage (5x) with HP sacrifice (50%) to one enemy
Increase ATK (250%) for 5 turns to caster
Increase ability modifier (1.5x) for 5 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Blood Dance, Blood Flash, Blood Sacrifice, Blood Twirl, Cocytus Blade, Demon Splitter, Hades Blade, Hemomancer's Strike, Human Splitter, Open You Up, Vengeful Blade
1Attack frames: 1
7-star★ 101 Blood Dance Blood Dance Physical damage (10x) to one enemy
Recover HP (2000) to caster
Chain=Bolting Strike
9Attack frames: 42,48,54,60,66,72,78,84,90 64
7-star★ 101 Blood Flash Blood Flash Physical damage (10x) to one enemy
Recover MP (80) to caster
Chain=Bolting Strike
9Attack frames: 42,48,54,60,66,72,78,84,90 64
7-star★ 105 Blood Sacrifice Blood Sacrifice Physical damage (7.5x) with HP sacrifice (15%) to all enemies
Increase LB gauge (5-10) to caster
8Attack frames: 42,52,62,72,82,92,102,112 40
7-star★ 110 Hemomancer's Strike Hemomancer's Strike [4 turns cooldown, available on turn 4]
Physical damage (2x) with HP sacrifice (30%) to one enemy
Physical damage (8x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Decrease DEF and SPR (74%) for 3 turns to one enemy
Chain=Bolting Strike
8,1Attack frames: 42,48,54,60,66,72,78,84,90 60
7-star★ 110 Hemomancer's Armor Hemomancer's Armor [5 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Grant HP barrier (3000) for 5 turns to all allies
Increase LB gauge (100%) to caster
Increase LB gauge fill rate (200%) for 5 turns to all allies
Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect
5-star★ 16 Fang of the Vampyr Fang of the Vampyr Increase ATK (30%) and MP (20%)
5-star★ 42 Death's Door Death's Door Chance to ignore fatal damage (100%) when HP is above 10% (max 1 time)
5-star★ 58 Moribund Killer Moribund Killer Increase equipment ATK (75%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
5-star★ 64 Unstoppable Unstoppable Increase ATK (170%) for 2 turns when HP drops below 81%
Increase DEF (170%) for 2 turns when HP drops below 81%
Increase resistance to stop (100%)
5-star★ 70 Desire Incarnate Desire Incarnate Increase resistance to blind, confuse and petrify (100%)
Increase resistance to charm (100%)
5-star★ 80 Too Pretty To Hit Too Pretty To Hit Increase physical evasion (20%)
Decrease chance of being targeted (50%)
6-star★ 5 Way of the Vampyr Way of the Vampyr Increase ATK, DEF, HP and MP (30%)
Increase ATK (30%) when equipped with a katana
Recover MP (5%) per turn
7-star★ 101 Vampyr Mastery Vampyr Mastery [Requirement: TMR or STMR equipped]
Enable skill: Multidexterity
Increase physical damage against demons (50%)
Increase physical damage against humans (50%)
Increase equipment ATK (100%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding a one-handed weapon
Increase ATK (40%)
7-star★ 115 MP +20% MP +20% Increase MP (20%)
7-star★ 120 Ultimate Blood Dancer Ultimate Blood Dancer Increase ATK, DEF and HP (20%)
Increase equipment ATK (75%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Recover MP (5%) per turn
Condition Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
Activated by
Vampyr Mastery
Multidexterity Cast 3 times: Blood Twirl, Jaw Dropper, Open You Up, Vengeful Blade, Overflow, Forced Transfusion, Human Splitter, Demon Splitter, Blood Sacrifice, Hemomancer's Strike, Hemomancer's Armor, Cocytus Blade, Hades Blade, Hemomancer's Blade, Blood Dance, Blood Flash

Limit Burst[]

Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
5-star★ The Thirst Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (6x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies
Physical damage (3x) as HP drain (10%) to all enemies
Recover MP (100) to caster
Increase ability modifier (3x) for 4 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Blood Twirl, Open You Up, Vengeful Blade
1,1Attack frames: 190,210 22 LB
Lv 20
Physical damage (8x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies
Physical damage (3x) as HP drain (10%) to all enemies
Recover MP (120) to caster
Increase ability modifier (3x) for 4 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Blood Twirl, Open You Up, Vengeful Blade
6-star★ The Thirst Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (7x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies
Physical damage (3x) as HP drain (20%) to all enemies
Recover MP (150) to caster
Increase ability modifier (3x) for 4 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Blood Twirl, Cocytus Blade, Demon Splitter, Hades Blade, Human Splitter, Open You Up, Vengeful Blade
1,1Attack frames: 190,210 26 LB
Lv 25
Physical damage (9.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies
Physical damage (3x) as HP drain (20%) to all enemies
Recover MP (175) to caster
Increase ability modifier (3x) for 4 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Blood Twirl, Cocytus Blade, Demon Splitter, Hades Blade, Human Splitter, Open You Up, Vengeful Blade
7-star★ The Thirst Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (9.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies
Physical damage (3x) as HP drain (30%) to all enemies
Recover MP (200) to caster
Increase ability modifier (3x) for 4 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Blood Dance, Blood Flash, Blood Twirl, Cocytus Blade, Demon Splitter, Hades Blade, Human Splitter, Open You Up, Vengeful Blade
1,1Attack frames: 190,210 30 LB
Lv 30
Physical damage (12.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies
Physical damage (3x) as HP drain (30%) to all enemies
Recover MP (260) to caster
Increase ability modifier (3x) for 4 turns to caster (can't be dispelled): Blood Dance, Blood Flash, Blood Twirl, Cocytus Blade, Demon Splitter, Hades Blade, Human Splitter, Open You Up, Vengeful Blade

Awakening Materials[]

6-star★ 7-star★
Icon-Prismatic HornPrismatic Horn (10)
Icon-Calamity GemCalamity Gem (10)
Icon-Calamity WritCalamity Writ (10)
Icon-Rainbow BloomRainbow Bloom (5)
Icon-Divine CrystalDivine Crystal (15)
Icon-Unit's PrismEllesperis's Prism


5-star★ 6-star★ 7-star★





Background Story[]

5★ The vision of a hemomancer of mysterious origins manifested from someone's emotions. Ellesperis is rumored to have been a shadowy temptress known for her assassinations of unmarried corrupt politicians, and other military leaders.
6★ The vision of a hemomancer of mysterious origins manifested from someone's emotions. Ellesperis was born from the unholy union between a succubus and a vampire. Due to this rare combination, she came to manifest the unique ability to control both human desire, and blood. This included her own, and that of her opponents'.
7★ The vision of a hemomancer of mysterious origins manifested from someone's emotions. Though Ellesperis was trained and kept in the shadows by her handlers, and in actuality an unwilling killer, word soon spread of the "Blood Dancer"—her ruthlessness legend. Whether this vision of her spawned as a result of remorse and a yearning to clear her name, or the intent to continue her killing-spree, only time will tell.


5★ Why are you giving me this power?
6★ More power will only lead to more death...
7★ If only I could use this strength for a nobler purpose.


5★ <blank>
6★ The stronger I grow, the more blood that shall be spilled. Are you willing to allow this?
7★ I can make a puppet out of you with my abilities, and yet it feels as if I am the one with the strings.


5★ Humans cannot control their desires, much less the blood coursing through their bodies...
But I can.
6★ Humans cannot control their desires, much less the blood coursing through their bodies...
But I can.
7★ Humans cannot control their desires, much less the blood coursing through their bodies...
But I can.

Trust Mastery[]

I see no malice in your desires, and no corruption in your blood. Take this, it may prove useful in the future.

User Review[]



