Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki

Dark Visions Abyss


  • Origin: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
  • Type: Ranked Event

Every couple months, Dark Visions Abyss is held. Participation is limited to the top 3000 rankers of the previous Dark Visions event. Qualifying players will receive an invitation to their in-game mailbox.

Form a party of up to 6 unique units (companions cannot be taken into battle). Units, Equipment and VCs released after the current instance of DV Abyss cannot be used or equipped. Parties can be organized via the "Load" and "Save" options, which includes up to 20 save slots, separate from normal gameplay. The "Copy Party" and "Load Party" options allows the current party to be copied into a different party slot. The "Select Multiple" option allows for multiple units to be selected when creating a party, rather than normally selecting them one at a time.

Bringing units that have the necessary element to match the elemental party buff will receive a +10% damage boost.

The overall ranking is a cumulative total of points from each of the area's stages. Setting additional scores in a given stage will only overwrite the previous score, not add to it.

Scoring Rules[]

A grade from B to S+ and points will be rewarded based on how effectively each area was cleared.

Description Notes
- Quest Cleared: Fixed score added by clearing the quest.
  • Both stages: 80,000
DMG Most Damage 1 Turn: Score based on the maximum amount of damage dealt in one turn to an enemy. Increases with more damage.
  • Max pts: No cap (theoretically ~100 billion damage)
  • Points = 5000 + damage/85899, rounded down
EFF # of Effective Attacks: Score based on number of attacks used that are effective against the enemy's elemental weakness. Increases with more attacks.
  • Max pts: 10,000
  • 1700 pts per attack
  • 6 attacks to cap
KO # Times KO'd: Score based on the number of times units were KO'd. Increases with fewer times.
  • Max pts: 75,000
  • -12,500 pts per death.
  • Self-inflicted KOs count
RCV DMG Received: Score based on total damage taken from enemies. Increases with less damage.
  • Max pts: 150,000
  • If more than 5'000 damage is received: -10,000 pts & -DMG Received ratio
  • RCV/Points scaling unknown.
CHN Biggest Chain: Score based on the highest number of chains performed in one turn. Increases with more chains.
  • Max pts: 15,000
  • 150 points per chain (100 = 15,000 pts)

Dark Visions Abyss #7[]


You can check your points and rank by clicking on "Achievement Status" inside the raid vortex. All rewards will be sent to your mailbox. Individual rewards can be collected as soon as you get enough points, but rank rewards will only be distributed 14 days after the event is finished.

Individual Rewards[]

Points Reward
150,000 pts Azure PearlAzure Pearl (50)
200,000 pts Icon-Dark MatterDark Matter (100)
250,000 pts Azure PearlAzure Pearl (50)
300,000 pts Icon-Dark MatterDark Matter (250)
350,000 pts Azure PearlAzure Pearl (50)
400,000 pts 5-star★ Super Trust Moogle (All 50%)
450,000 pts Azure PearlAzure Pearl (50)
500,000 pts Icon-Dark MatterDark Matter (250)
550,000 pts Icon-GalvaniteGalvanite
600,000 pts Azure PearlAzure Pearl (50)
650,000 pts Icon-Dark MatterDark Matter (400)
700,000 pts Azure PearlAzure Pearl (50)
750,000 pts Icon-Master's CrownMaster's Crown
800,000 pts Emperor Gigantuar
850,000 pts 5-star★ Super Trust Moogle (All 50%)
900,000 pts Emperor Gigantuar
950,000 pts Icon-GalvaniteGalvanite
1,000,000 pts 5-star★ Super Trust Moogle (All 100%)

Ranking Rewards[]

Rank Reward
1 Dark Visions Abyss Emblem - Rainbow
Dark Visions Abyss Emblem - Rainbow

Dark Fortress Vanharma
Dark Fortress Vanharma Fragment (350)

2 - 10 Dark Visions Abyss Emblem - Gold
Dark Visions Abyss Emblem - Gold

Dark Fortress Vanharma
Dark Fortress Vanharma Fragment (350)

11 - 50 Dark Visions Abyss Emblem - Silver
Dark Visions Abyss Emblem - Silver

Dark Fortress Vanharma
Dark Fortress Vanharma Fragment (300)

51 - 100 Dark Visions Abyss Emblem - Silver
Dark Visions Abyss Emblem - Silver

Dark Fortress Vanharma
Dark Fortress Vanharma Fragment (250)

101 - 300 Dark Visions Abyss Emblem - Silver
Dark Visions Abyss Emblem - Silver

Dark Fortress Vanharma
Dark Fortress Vanharma Fragment (200)

301 - 500 Dark Visions Abyss Emblem - Bronze
Dark Visions Abyss Emblem - Bronze

Dark Fortress Vanharma
Dark Fortress Vanharma Fragment (150)

501 - 1,000 Dark Visions Abyss Emblem - Bronze
Dark Visions Abyss Emblem - Bronze

Dark Fortress Vanharma
Dark Fortress Vanharma Fragment (100)

1,001 - 2,000 Dark Fortress Vanharma

Dark Fortress Vanharma Fragment (50)

2,001 - 3,000 Dark Fortress Vanharma

Battle Info[]

Area Energy Type Weakness Name [Race]
1 5 P - Abyssal Chaos Bismarck of Destruction [Aquatic]
2 5 M - Abyssal Holy King Ashal [Human]

Boss Info (Abrogator of Order Risen from Darkness)[]

Abyssal Chaos Bismarck of Destruction No. NUMBER
Race Aquatic

Abyssal Chaos Bismarck of Destruction

Level 99
HP 1,500,000,000
MP 9,999
Element Resistance
Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Status Ailment Resistance
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
null null null null null null null null
Other Resistance
Vulnerable to ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR break.


Name Effect Target ATK DMG Element
Tentacle Flurry

Physical damage (1.8x) to one enemy
Physical damage (1.8x) to one enemy
Physical damage (1.8x) to one enemy
Physical damage (1.8x) to one enemy

ST Physical

Physical damage (2x) to all enemies
Icon-Stop Status Inflict stop (100%) for 3 turns to all enemies

AoE Physical
Polluted Stream

Water magic damage (3x) to all enemies
Icon-Poison Resistance Inflict poison (100%) to all enemies

AoE Magic Water
Abyssal End

Ability 38 Inflict death (100%) or deal dark magic damage (3x) to one enemy
Dark magic damage (3x) to all enemies

Magic Dark
Elemental Wave - Dark

Dark magic damage (3.5x) to all enemies

AoE Magic Dark
Dark Wave

Dark fixed attack with magic damage (2x) to all enemies

AoE Fixed Magic Dark
Water Wave

Water fixed attack with magic damage (2x) to all enemies

AoE Fixed Magic Water

Icon-Confuse Resistance Inflict confuse (80%) to all enemies

Diluvial Umbral Calamity

Decrease water and dark resistance (40%) for 5 turns to all enemies

Abyssal Caution

Decrease ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (100%) for 5 turns to all enemies

Soul Seal

Remove one enemy from the fight for 2 turns

Soul Erase

Remove one enemy from the fight permanently

Hadopelagic Zone

Enable area effect to enemy's area: Decrease water and dark resistance (50%) for unlimited turns

Chaos Field

Enable area effect to ally's area: Increase water and dark physical damage (50%) for unlimited turns,
Increase water and dark magic damage (50%) for unlimited turns

Quest Area Effect

Enable area effect to quest area: Increase water and dark physical damage (50%),
Increase water and dark magic damage (50%)


Attack Pattern[]

  • Preemptive Strike:
    • Quest Area Effect
    • Hadopelagic Zone
    • Ends turn
  • 50% HP Threshold:
    • Soul Seal
Order Attack Pattern for Turn (5-turn rotation)
1 Tentacle Flurry

Abyssal End
Abyssal Caution

2 Illude

Diluvial Umbral Calamity
Water Wave
Dark Wave

3 Elemental Wave - Dark

Polluted Stream
Chaos Field

4 Diluvial Umbral Calamity

Water Wave
Dark Wave

5 Soul Erase

Water Wave
Dark Wave

Boss Info (King of El Magna Risen from Darkness)[]

Abyssal Holy King Ashal No. NUMBER
Race Human

Abyssal Holy King Ashal

Level 99
HP 1,500,000,000
MP 9,999
Element Resistance
Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Status Ailment Resistance
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
null null null null null null null null
Other Resistance
Vulnerable to ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR break.


Name Effect Target ATK DMG Element
Rampaging Ice Claws

Ice physical damage (2.5x) to all enemies

AoE Physical Ice

Wind physical damage (3x) to all enemies

AoE Physical Wind

Dark physical damage (3x) to all enemies

AoE Physical Dark
Crazed Gaol of Shadows

Dark magic damage (6x) to all enemies

AoE Magic Dark
Crazed Gaol of Frost

Ice magic damage (6x) to all enemies

AoE Magic Ice
Crazed Gaol of Gales

Wind magic damage (6x) to all enemies

AoE Magic Wind
Crazed Gaol of Radiance

Light magic damage (6x) to all enemies

AoE Magic Light
Evil Purifying Light

Light magic damage (2.5x) to all enemies

AoE Magic Light
Petrifying Storm

Wind fixed attack with physical damage (0.25x) to all enemies
Icon-Petrification Resistance Inflict petrify (100%) to all enemies.

AoE Fixed Physical Wind
Ancient Summoning Arts: Dark Garuda

Wind fixed attack with magic damage (0.5x) to all enemies
Decrease physical accuracy (100%) for 5 turns to all enemies

AoE Fixed Magic Wind
Ancient Summoning Arts: Dark Fenrir

Ice and dark fixed attack with magic damage (0.5x) to all enemies
Increase ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (5%) for 5 turns to caster
Evade 6 physical attacks for 5 turns to caster

Fixed Magic Ice Dark
Ancient Summoning Arts: Dark Lakshmi

Light fixed attack with magic damage (0.5x) to all enemies
Ability 4 Recover HP (5%) to caster

Fixed Magic Light
Ancient Summoning Arts: Dark Bahamut

Fixed attack with magic damage (10x) to all enemies

AoE Fixed Magic
Great Dance

Magic damage (0.2x) as MP drain (100%) to all enemies

AoE Magic Fixed
Powerful Hex

Icon-Disease Resistance Inflict disease (80%) to all enemies

Universal Ruin

Decrease all elements resistance (100%) for 3 turns to all enemies

Charm of the Goddess

Icon-Charm Status Inflict charm (100%) for 3 turns to one enemy

King of El Magna's Esper Zone

Enable area effect to ally's area: Increase ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR (5%) for unlimited turns
Enable area effect to enemy's area: Decrease all elements resistance (50%) for 5 turns


Attack Pattern[]

Order Attack Pattern for Turn (5-turn rotation)
1 Ancient Summoning Arts: Dark Garuda

Petrifying Storm
Powerful Hex
Ancient Summoning Arts: Dark Fenrir

2 Ancient Summoning Arts: Dark Lakshmi

Crazed Gaol of Radiance
King of El Magna's Esper Zone

3 Charm of the Goddess

Great Dance
Evil Purifying Light
Rampaging Ice Claws
Crazed Gaol of Shadows
Universal Ruin

4 Crazed Gaol of Gales

Crazed Gaol of Frost

5 Ancient Summoning Arts: Dark Bahamut

Crazed Gaol of Frost
Crazed Gaol of Gales
Crazed Gaol of Radiance
Crazed Gaol of Shadows



Past Dark Visions Event Archives[]

2023-2024 Archive


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