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Dangerous Ariana
Dangerous Ariana
Rarity 4-star★ - 6-star★
Role SupportMagic Attacker
Chain Family Bolting Strike
Chaos Wave Awakened
Acquisition Reward UnitsTooltip-Question
Time Limited Collaboration
Gender Female‎Tooltip-Question
Race HumanTooltip-Question
No. 8023, 8024, 8025
TMR Symphonic FlairSymphonic Flair
Symphonic FlairSymphonic Flair
Increase ATK and MAG (40%) when equipped with an instrument

A beautiful singer from a distant world, whose goal is to bring love and grow peace in the realm. Born as a talented young singer, she started performing from a young age. She became committed to her passion for music and eventually became a popular singer.


Stats Tooltip-Question[]

Rarity HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check Tooltip-Question Exp. Growth Pattern
4-star★ 1686
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
1 4 LB 2
5-star★ 2192
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
1 5 LB 2
6-star★ 2850
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
1 6 LB 2

Resistance Tooltip-Question[]

Element Resistance
Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Status Ailment Resistance
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -


Staff Rod Instrument
Light Shield Hat Clothes Robe Accessory
Rarity Ability Slots Affinity
4-star★ 3 Black Magic Affinity Lvl 7
5-star★ 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 3, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 8
6-star★ 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 4, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 8

Equipment with Exclusive Effects[]

Icon Name Type Effect
Icon-Bunny Mask Bunny Mask Hat MP+20, DEF+12, MAG+25
Exclusive: Dangerous Ariana
Icon-Bunny Mask Bunny Mask Hat MP+20, DEF+12, MAG+25
Exclusive: Dangerous Ariana
Global materia 1500000006 Encore Special Abilities (Passive) Grants DualcastDualcast
Cast 2 times: Any magic except blue magic

Grants MAG +15%MAG +15%
MAG +15%MAG +15%
Increase MAG (15%)

Grants HP +10%HP +10%
HP +10%HP +10%
Increase HP (10%)
Icon-Evening Glove Evening Glove Accessory DEF+3, MAG+15%, SPR+10%
Exclusive: Dangerous Ariana
Icon-Evening Glove Evening Glove Accessory DEF+3, MAG+15%, SPR+10%
Exclusive: Dangerous Ariana
Icon-Microphone Microphone Instrument ATK+14, MAG+58, SPR+15
Resistance: Silence (Null)
Effect: Damage range 105% - 125%
Exclusive: Dangerous Ariana
Icon-Stylish Black Dress Stylish Black Dress Clothes DEF+28, MAG+30
Effect: EvadeEvade
Increase physical evasion (10%)

Exclusive: Dangerous Ariana
Icon-Stylish Black Dress Stylish Black Dress Clothes DEF+28, MAG+30
Effect: DeflectDeflect
Increase physical evasion (10%)

Exclusive: Dangerous Ariana

Innate Abilities[]


Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
4-star★ 1 Magic Shot Magic Shot Magic damage (1.2x) to one enemy 1Attack frames: 100 6
5-star★ 21 Mesmerize Mesmerize Inflict sleep and silence (30%) to all enemies 20
5-star★ 36 Dance Tune Dance Tune Increase ATK (60%) for 3 turns to all allies while singing 48
5-star★ 46 Slow Ballad Slow Ballad Increase MAG (60%) for 3 turns to all allies while singing 48
6-star★ 100 Pre-chorus Pre-chorus Increase LB gauge fill rate (150%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase chance of being targeted (30%) for 3 turns to caster
Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect
4-star★ 15 DEF +10% DEF +10% Increase DEF (10%)
4-star★ 40 MP +10% MP +10% Increase MP (10%)
4-star★ 57 MAG +10% MAG +10% Increase MAG (10%)
6-star★ 25 Passion Passion Increase resistance to confuse and petrify (100%)
6-star★ 61 Soul Voice Soul Voice Decrease MP used for songs (50%)


Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
4-star★ 20 Thundara Thundara Lightning magic damage (10x) to all enemies
Chain=Bolting Strike
9Attack frames: 42,48,54,60,66,72,78,84,90 10
4-star★ 30 Biora Biora Dark magic damage (10x) to all enemies
Dark magic damage (10x) per turn for 5 turns to all enemies (can't be dispelled)
Inflict poison (100%) to all enemies
1Attack frames: 180 12
5-star★ 52 Osmose Osmose Magic damage (0.3x) as MP drain (30%) to one enemy 10
6-star★ 41 Thundaga Thundaga Lightning magic damage (20x) to all enemies
Chain=Chaos Wave Awakened
8Attack frames: 42,62,82,102,122,142,162,182 20
6-star★ 51 Bioga Bioga Dark magic damage (20x) to all enemies
Dark magic damage (20x) per turn for 5 turns to all enemies (can't be dispelled)
Inflict poison (100%) to all enemies
1Attack frames: 210 20

Limit Burst[]

Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
4-star★ Touch It Base
Lv 1
Magic damage (2.2x) to all enemies
Decrease lightning and dark resistance (15%) for 3 turns to all enemies
1Attack frames: 320 12 LB
Lv 15
Magic damage (2.9x) to all enemies
Decrease lightning and dark resistance (15%) for 3 turns to all enemies
5-star★ Touch It Base
Lv 1
Magic damage (2.4x) to all enemies
Decrease lightning and dark resistance (20%) for 3 turns to all enemies
1Attack frames: 320 14 LB
Lv 20
Magic damage (3.35x) to all enemies
Decrease lightning and dark resistance (20%) for 3 turns to all enemies
6-star★ Touch It Base
Lv 1
Magic damage (2.7x) to all enemies
Decrease lightning and dark resistance (25%) for 3 turns to all enemies
1Attack frames: 320 16 LB
Lv 25
Magic damage (3.9x) to all enemies
Decrease lightning and dark resistance (25%) for 3 turns to all enemies

Awakening Materials[]

5-star★ 6-star★
Icon-PerfumePerfume (5)
Icon-LipstickLipstick (5)
Icon-Nail PolishNail Polish (5)
Icon-Face PowderFace Powder (5)
Icon-Hair SprayHair Spray (5)
Icon-PerfumePerfume (10)
Icon-LipstickLipstick (10)
Icon-Nail PolishNail Polish (10)
Icon-Face PowderFace Powder (10)
Icon-Hair SprayHair Spray (10)


4-star★ 5-star★ 6-star★

Dangerous Ariana

Dangerous Ariana

Dangerous Ariana


Background Story[]

4★ A beautiful singer from a distant world, whose goal is to bring love and grow peace in the realm. Born as a talented young singer, she started performing from a young age. She became committed to her passion for music and eventually became a popular singer.
5★ A beautiful singer from a distant world, whose goal is to bring love and grow peace in the realm. A natural born singer who started performing ever since she was a child. The combination of her incredible vocal range and her passion for music made her a force to be reckoned with!
6★ A beautiful singer from a distant world, whose goal is to bring love and grow peace in the realm. Raised with a flair for music, she started performing from a young age. Incited by her desire to create and share wonderful music with the world, she worked hard to become a successful singer.


4★ Don't you worry about a thing, we're gonna be alright.
5★ Let's plant love and grow peace!
6★ Focus! Then take me all the way...


4★ <blank>
5★ Been waiting and waiting for you to make a move.
6★ That's it! Put your heart into it!


4★ All I want is the love of my fans!
5★ Tell me what you came here for?
6★ Love is one of the most beautiful things in life.

Trust Mastery[]

Music drives my whole life.
Let's make some good music together!

User Review[]




  • This unit is based on the internationally acclaimed singer Ariana Grande.
  • Listen to the FFBE version of Ariana Grande's single, "Touch It".
  • Listen to the FULL REMIX of the FFBE version of Ariana Grande's single: Touch It (FFBE Remix).
  • Dangerous Ariana is based on Ariana Grande's latest album "Dangerous Woman". The outfit she wears in her in-game sprite is the same as the album's cover art.