Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki

Cut Through


  • Type: Special Ability (Active)
  • Effect:
Physical damage (2.5x) with ignore DEF (25%) to one enemy

If used after Blade Torrent, name changes into Slay:
Physical damage (2.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy


  • Cut Through +2 becomes Slay if used after Advance.

Crafting recipe


How to obtain

Learned by

Name Min rarity Level
Luneth 5-star★ 80

Ability Awakening

Unit/Skill Name Effect HitsD = Default unit attack MP Type T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Gil

Luneth||Cut Through +1

Physical damage (2.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy

If used after Blade Torrent, name changes into Slay:
Physical damage (3.75x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
1New attack frame: 60 45 Power 20 15 10 4 1 Gil1,000,000
Cut Through +2 Physical damage (3.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy

If used after Advance or Blade Torrent, name changes into Slay:
Physical damage (5.25x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
1New attack frame: 60 45 Power 30 23 15 8 2 Gil1,000,000