Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
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Cloud (KH)
Cloud (KH)
Rarity 5-star★ - 7-star★
Role Physical Attacker
Chain Family Meteor Rain
Divine Ruination
Categories Attacker
Another World
Acquisition Rare SummonTooltip-Question
Time Limited Collaboration
Series Kingdom Hearts
Gender Male‎Tooltip-Question
Race HumanTooltip-Question
No. 1508, 1509, 1510
TMR Cloud's CloakCloud's Cloak
Cloud's Cloak (KH)Cloud's CloakAccessory
Stats: ATK+40, DEF+10, SPR+10
Effect: Cloud's CloakCloud's Cloak
Cloud's Cloak (Ability)Cloud's Cloak
Increase equipment ATK (50%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
STMR Buster SwordBuster Sword
Buster Sword (KH)Buster SwordGreat Sword
Stats: ATK+190
Two-handed weapon

A mysterious swordsman from a distant realm composed of small worlds who wields a buster sword. Cloud is not one to openly express his emotions, let alone involve himself with others.


Stats Tooltip-Question[]

Rarity HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check Tooltip-Question Exp. Growth Pattern
5-star★ 2856
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
1 10 LB 6
6-star★ 3712
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
1 12 LB 6
7-star★ 4825
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
1 12 LB 6

Resistance Tooltip-Question[]

Element Resistance
Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Status Ailment Resistance
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -


Sword Great Sword Mace
Hat Helm Clothes Light Armor Heavy Armor Accessory
Rarity Ability Slots Affinity
5-star★ 4 -
6-star★ 4 -
7-star★ 4 -

Innate Abilities[]


Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
5-star★ 12 Braver Braver Physical damage (3.4x) to one enemy 1Attack frames: 6 18
5-star★ 34 Cross-slash Cross-slash Physical damage (3x) to one enemy
Inflict paralyze (80%) to one enemy
5Attack frames: 19,45,75,105,135 26
5-star★ 57 Blade Beam Blade Beam Physical damage (3.25x) to all enemies 2Attack frames: 4,8 30
5-star★ 80 Assault Charge Assault Charge Physical damage (2.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Increase ability modifier (2x) for 3 turns to caster: Assault Charge, Sonic Blade, Split Burst
1Attack frames: 17 48
6-star★ 28 Climhazzard Climhazzard Physical damage (5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy 1Attack frames: 19 52
6-star★ 49 Meteor Rain Meteor Rain Physical damage (3x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies
Chain=Meteor Rain
8Attack frames: 84,92,100,108,116,124,132,140 45
6-star★ 60 Split Burst Split Burst Physical damage (2.75x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Physical damage (6x) per turn for 3 turns to one enemy
Refresh (90 MP) split over 3 turns to caster
1Attack frames: 19 48
6-star★ 75 Sonic Blade Sonic Blade Physical damage (0.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Physical damage (2.75x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies
Chain=Divine Ruination
6,1Attack frames: 70,77,82,89,96,103,110 52
6-star★ 100 Double Limit Double Limit Cast 2 times: Assault Break, Assault Break+1, Assault Break+2, Assault Charge, Blade Beam, Braver, Climhazzard, Continuum Cut, Continuum Cut+1, Continuum Cut+2, Cross-slash, Cross-slash - Omen, Cross-slash - Omen+1, Cross-slash - Omen+2, Cross-slash+, Meteor Rain, Sonic Blade, Split Burst
7-star★ 105 Cross-slash - Omen Cross-slash - Omen Awk+2 [4 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase ATK (300%) for 4 turns to caster
Cure ATK break to caster
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Cross-slash+
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Limit
7-star★ 105 Assault Break Assault Break Awk+2 [2 turns cooldown, available on turn 2]
Physical damage (28.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
1Attack frames: 19 72
7-star★ 105 Continuum Cut Continuum Cut Awk+2 Physical damage (17x) to one enemy
Physical damage (29x) to all enemies
Increase LB gauge (5) to caster
Chain=Divine Ruination
6,1Attack frames: 70,77,82,89,96,103,110 68
Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect
5-star★ 1 Unyielding Resolve Unyielding Resolve Increase ATK (20%)
Chance to ignore fatal damage (100%) when HP is above 1% (max 1 time)
5-star★ 80 Black-Winged Swordsman Black-Winged Swordsman Increase HP and MP (50%) and ATK, DEF, MAG and SPR (30%)
6-star★ 1 Hero in Training Hero in Training Increase ATK (30%) when equipped with a great sword
Increase equipment ATK (100%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Increase LB gauge (5) per turn
6-star★ 72 Hazard Evasion Hazard Evasion Auto-cast Hazard Evasion at the start of a battle, upon revival, or after brave shift
Recover MP (7%) per turn
Increase resistance to blind, sleep, confuse and disease (100%)
6-star★ 100 Show me your strength! Show me your strength! Chance to counter physical attacks (50%) with Show me your strength! (max 1/turn)
Chance to counter magic attacks (50%) with Show me your strength! (max 1/turn)
7-star★ 101 Hades's Mercenary Hades's Mercenary [Requirement: TMR or STMR equipped]
Increase ATK (40%)
Increase LB damage (40%)
7-star★ 110 Battle Expert Battle Expert Awk+2 Increase ATK (60%)
Increase equipment ATK (100%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Increase physical damage against humans (100%)
7-star★ 115 ATK +20% ATK +20% Increase ATK (20%)
7-star★ 120 Those Drawn to One's Darkness Those Drawn to One's Darkness Awk+2 Increase DEF, SPR and HP (20%)
Increase ability modifier (2x): Assault Break, Assault Break+1, Assault Break+2
Increase ability modifier (3x): Continuum Cut, Continuum Cut+1, Continuum Cut+2
Increase LB damage (60%)
Upgrade LB
Condition Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
Activated by
Hazard Evasion
Hazard Evasion Increase ATK (120%) for 99999 turns to caster
Activated by
Show me your strength!
Show me your strength! Increase ability modifier (1x) for 3 turns to caster: Assault Charge, Sonic Blade, Split Burst
Activated by
Cross-slash - Omen
Cross-slash+ Physical damage (50x) to all enemies
Inflict paralyze (100%) to all enemies
5Attack frames: 19,45,75,105,135 75
Activated by
Cross-slash - Omen
Triple Limit Cast 3 times: Braver, Cross-slash, Blade Beam, Assault Charge, Climhazzard, Meteor Rain, Split Burst, Sonic Blade, Cross-slash - Omen, Assault Break, Continuum Cut, Cross-slash+, Cross-slash - Omen, Cross-slash - Omen, Assault Break, Assault Break, Continuum Cut, Continuum Cut, Cross-slash+

Limit Burst[]

Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
5-star★ Omnislash Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (18.6x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy 7Attack frames: 216,250,276,288,298,307,360 24 LB
Lv 20
Physical damage (20.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
6-star★ Omnislash Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (20.6x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy 7Attack frames: 216,250,276,288,298,307,360 30 LB
Lv 25
Physical damage (23x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
7-star★ Omnislash Base
Lv 1
Physical damage (22.1x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy 7Attack frames: 216,250,276,288,298,307,360 36 LB
Lv 30
Physical damage (25x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
- Omnislash Base
Lv 1
Increase LB damage (50%) for 1 turn to caster (can't be dispelled)
Physical damage (32.1x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
7Attack frames: 216,250,276,288,298,307,360 36 LB
Lv 30
Increase LB damage (50%) for 1 turn to caster (can't be dispelled)
Physical damage (35x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
- Omnislash Base
Lv 1
Increase LB damage (50%) for 1 turn to caster (can't be dispelled)
Physical damage (32.1x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
7Attack frames: 216,250,276,288,298,307,360 36 LB
Lv 30
Increase LB damage (50%) for 1 turn to caster (can't be dispelled)
Physical damage (35x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy

Awakenable Abilities[]

Ability Awakening[]

Name Effect Hits MP Type T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Gil
Battle Expert Increase ATK (30%)
Increase equipment ATK (50%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
- -
Battle Expert Awk+1 Increase ATK (60%)
Increase equipment ATK (50%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
- - Tech 10 8 3 1 - Gil375,000
Battle Expert Awk+2 Increase ATK (60%)
Increase equipment ATK (100%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Increase physical damage against humans (100%)
- - Tech 15 12 5 1 1 Gil375,000
Those Drawn to One's Darkness Increase DEF, SPR and HP (20%)
Increase ability modifier (2x): Assault Break, Assault Break+1, Assault Break+2
Increase ability modifier (3x): Continuum Cut, Continuum Cut+1, Continuum Cut+2
- -
Those Drawn to One's Darkness Awk+1 Increase DEF, SPR and HP (20%)
Increase ability modifier (2x): Assault Break, Assault Break+1, Assault Break+2
Increase ability modifier (3x): Continuum Cut, Continuum Cut+1, Continuum Cut+2
Increase LB damage (60%)
- - Guard 10 8 2 1 - Gil375,000
Those Drawn to One's Darkness Awk+2 Increase DEF, SPR and HP (20%)
Increase ability modifier (2x): Assault Break, Assault Break+1, Assault Break+2
Increase ability modifier (3x): Continuum Cut, Continuum Cut+1, Continuum Cut+2
Increase LB damage (60%)
Upgrade LB
- - Guard 15 12 4 1 1 Gil375,000
Cross-slash - Omen [4 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase ATK (250%) for 3 turns to caster
Cure ATK break to caster
Enable skill for 4 turns to caster: Cross-slash+
Enable skill for 4 turns to caster: Triple Limit
- 70
Cross-slash - Omen Awk+1 [4 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase ATK (300%) for 4 turns to caster
Cure ATK break to caster
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Cross-slash+
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Limit
- 70 Tech 10 8 3 1 1 Gil500,000
Cross-slash - Omen Awk+2 [4 turns cooldown, available on turn 1]
Increase ATK (300%) for 4 turns to caster
Cure ATK break to caster
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Cross-slash+
Enable skill for 5 turns to caster: Triple Limit
- 70 Tech 15 12 5 1 1 Gil500,000
Assault Break [4 turns cooldown, available on turn 4]
Physical damage (13.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
1 72
Assault Break Awk+1 [2 turns cooldown, available on turn 2]
Physical damage (23.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
1 72 Power 10 8 2 - - Gil250,000
Assault Break Awk+2 [2 turns cooldown, available on turn 2]
Physical damage (28.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
1 72 Power 15 12 4 1 - Gil250,000
Continuum Cut Physical damage (1x) to one enemy
Physical damage (12x) to all enemies
Chain=Divine Ruination
- 68
Continuum Cut Awk+1 Physical damage (9.5x) to one enemy
Physical damage (21.5x) to all enemies
Chain=Divine Ruination
- 68 Black 10 8 2 1 - Gil375,000
Continuum Cut Awk+2 Physical damage (17x) to one enemy
Physical damage (29x) to all enemies
Increase LB gauge (5) to caster
Chain=Divine Ruination
- 68 Black 15 12 4 1 1 Gil375,000
Cross-slash+ Physical damage (20x) to all enemies
Inflict paralyze (100%) to all enemies
5 75 Activated by Cross-slash - Omen
Triple Limit Cast 3 times: Braver, Cross-slash, Blade Beam, Assault Charge, Climhazzard, Meteor Rain, Split Burst, Sonic Blade, Cross-slash - Omen, Assault Break, Continuum Cut, Cross-slash+, Cross-slash - Omen, Cross-slash - Omen, Assault Break, Assault Break, Continuum Cut, Continuum Cut, Cross-slash+ - - Activated by Cross-slash - Omen
Triple Limit Cast 3 times: Braver, Cross-slash, Blade Beam, Assault Charge, Climhazzard, Meteor Rain, Split Burst, Sonic Blade, Cross-slash - Omen, Assault Break, Continuum Cut, Cross-slash+, Cross-slash - Omen, Cross-slash - Omen, Assault Break, Assault Break, Continuum Cut, Continuum Cut, Cross-slash+ - - Activated by Cross-slash - Omen
Cross-slash+ Physical damage (50x) to all enemies
Inflict paralyze (100%) to all enemies
5 75 Activated by Cross-slash - Omen
Triple Limit Cast 3 times: Braver, Cross-slash, Blade Beam, Assault Charge, Climhazzard, Meteor Rain, Split Burst, Sonic Blade, Cross-slash - Omen, Assault Break, Continuum Cut, Cross-slash+, Cross-slash - Omen, Cross-slash - Omen, Assault Break, Assault Break, Continuum Cut, Continuum Cut, Cross-slash+ - - Activated by Cross-slash - Omen

Awakening Materials[]

6-star★ 7-star★
Icon-Fairies' WritFairies' Writ (20)
Icon-Rainbow BloomRainbow Bloom (10)
Icon-Calamity GemCalamity Gem (10)
Icon-Prismatic HornPrismatic Horn (5)
Icon-Divine CrystalDivine Crystal (5)
Icon-Unit's PrismCloud (KH)'s Prism


5-star★ 6-star★ 7-star★

Cloud (KH)

Cloud (KH)

Cloud (KH)


Background Story[]

5★ A mysterious swordsman from a distant realm composed of small worlds who wields a buster sword. Cloud is not one to openly express his emotions, let alone involve himself with others.
6★ A mysterious swordsman from a distant realm composed of small worlds who wields a buster sword. Cloud is not one to openly express his emotions, let alone involve himself with others. In his search for a certain someone he forms a pact with Hades, who promises to help him on his quest.
7★ A mysterious swordsman from a distant realm composed of small worlds who wields a buster sword. Cloud is not one to openly express his emotions, let alone involve himself with others. In his search for a certain someone he forms a pact with Hades, who promises to help him on his quest. This arrangement requires Cloud to enter a tourney that makes or breaks heroes where he is forced to face Sora in battle.


5★ If there's a job to do I'll get it done, no matter the opponent.
6★ Don't panic. I've fought great enemies and won.
7★ I don't care about what happens to this world.


5★ <blank>
6★ As long as there is darkness in my heart, I'll never wake from this nightmare.
7★ Ain't no gettin' off the train we're on now.


5★ I'm looking for someone. If you promise to help, I'll lend you my strength.
6★ I'm looking for someone. If you promise to help, I'll lend you my strength.
7★ I'm looking for someone. If you promise to help, I'll lend you my strength.

Trust Mastery[]

I fell into darkness, and I couldn't find the light. Don't you lose sight of it.

User Review[]



  • Cloud has several variants: Cloud (KH), Cloud (FFVII: AC), Cloud (FFVII REMAKE) and Cloud Strife.
  • Similar to Noctis, Cloud (KH) was released near simultaneously on the Global and Japanese version. However, at the time of his release in Global, he would have been far too powerful compared to what was available at that time. In order to balance things, minor changes were made to his trust mastery reward, his limit burst, and a few of his active and passive abilities compared to his Japanese counterpart.
  • Following the 9/18 maintenance, some changes were made to make him more like the Japanese version.