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Cid (FFIV)
Cid (FFIV)
Rarity 4-star★ - 6-star★
Role Physical AttackerSupport
Categories Attacker
Acquisition Rare SummonTooltip-Question
Time Limited No
Series FFIV
Gender Male‎Tooltip-Question
Race HumanTooltip-Question
No. 1648, 1649, 1650
TMR Stubborn OxStubborn Ox
Stubborn OxStubborn Ox
Increase HP/DEF (20%)
Auto-cast Stubborn Ox at the start of battle

An airship engineer who appears in the tales of a blue planet watched over by two moons. He develops airships in the military kingdom of Baron, concentrating so much on his work that he doesn't return home for days. Stubborn but caring, his apprentices have the utmost faith in him.


Stats Tooltip-Question[]

Rarity HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check Tooltip-Question Exp. Growth Pattern
4-star★ 2196
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
1 8 LB 6
5-star★ 2855
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
1 10 LB 6
6-star★ 3712
900 + 450
150 + 75
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
65 + 32
1 12 LB 6

Resistance Tooltip-Question[]

Element Resistance
Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Status Ailment Resistance
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -


Bow Axe Hammer Mace Fist
Light Shield Heavy Shield Hat Helm Clothes Light Armor Heavy Armor Accessory
Rarity Ability Slots Affinity
4-star★ 3 -
5-star★ 4 -
6-star★ 4 -

Innate Abilities[]


Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect Hits Tooltip-Question MP
4-star★ 10 Analyze (FFIV) Analyze (FFIV) Fixed attack with physical damage (1.2x) to one enemy
View info on one enemy
1Attack frames: 130 10
4-star★ 60 Treasured Bomb Treasured Bomb Physical damage (2.2x) to one enemy 3Attack frames: 42,62,82 16
5-star★ 80 Engineer's Eye - Physical Engineer's Eye - Physical Increase ATK (100%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase physical damage against machina (25%) for 3 turns to all allies
5-star★ 80 Engineer's Eye - Magic Engineer's Eye - Magic Increase MAG (100%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase magic damage against machina (25%) for 3 turns to all allies
6-star★ 1 Full-Power Hammer Full-Power Hammer Physical damage (5.4x) to one enemy 1Attack frames: 42 40
6-star★ 24 Upgrade - Fire Upgrade - Fire Increase ATK (100%) for 4 turns to caster
Add fire element to physical attacks for 4 turns to caster
6-star★ 36 Upgrade - Ice Upgrade - Ice Increase ATK (100%) for 4 turns to caster
Add ice element to physical attacks for 4 turns to caster
6-star★ 48 Upgrade - Lightning Upgrade - Lightning Increase ATK (100%) for 4 turns to caster
Add lightning element to physical attacks for 4 turns to caster
6-star★ 60 Upgrade - Wind Upgrade - Wind Increase ATK (100%) for 4 turns to caster
Add wind element to physical attacks for 4 turns to caster
6-star★ 80 My once-in-a-lifetime unaided flight! My once-in-a-lifetime unaided flight! Physical damage (4.2x) to one enemy
Increase LB gauge (3) to all allies
1Attack frames: 240 36
Min rarity Level Icon Name Effect
4-star★ 1 Baron Airshipwright Baron Airshipwright Increase ATK and DEF (20%)
4-star★ 34 ATK +20% ATK +20% Increase ATK (20%)
5-star★ 1 Airship Designer Airship Designer Increase ATK (30%) when equipped with a hammer
Increase DEF (30%) when equipped with a heavy shield
5-star★ 45 DEF +20% DEF +20% Increase DEF (20%)
6-star★ 1 Genuine Artisan Genuine Artisan Increase DEF and HP (20%)
Increase physical damage against machinas (50%)
6-star★ 1 Beloved Tools Beloved Tools Increase ATK and DEF (30%) when equipped with a hammer
Increase physical damage against machinas (50%)
6-star★ 100 Hey, Cid! Hey, Cid! Increase HP (30%)
Chance to ignore fatal damage (50%) when HP is above 40% (max 1 time)

Limit Burst[]

Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
4-star★ Airship, takeoff! Base
Lv 1
Increase ATK and DEF (96%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase physical damage against machina (30%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase magic damage against machina (30%) for 3 turns to all allies
14 LB
Lv 15
Increase ATK and DEF (110%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase physical damage against machina (30%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase magic damage against machina (30%) for 3 turns to all allies
5-star★ Airship, takeoff! Base
Lv 1
Increase ATK and DEF (101%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase physical damage against machina (40%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase magic damage against machina (40%) for 3 turns to all allies
16 LB
Lv 20
Increase ATK and DEF (120%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase physical damage against machina (40%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase magic damage against machina (40%) for 3 turns to all allies
6-star★ Airship, takeoff! Base
Lv 1
Increase ATK and DEF (106%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase physical damage against machina (50%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase magic damage against machina (50%) for 3 turns to all allies
20 LB
Lv 25
Increase ATK and DEF (130%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase physical damage against machina (50%) for 3 turns to all allies
Increase magic damage against machina (50%) for 3 turns to all allies

Awakening Materials[]

5-star★ 6-star★
Icon-LitrockLitrock (25)
Icon-Fury SeedFury Seed (13)
Icon-Sacred CrystalSacred Crystal (15)
Icon-Lucky SeedlingLucky Seedling (8)
Icon-Holy CrystalHoly Crystal (8)
Icon-Calamity GemCalamity Gem (20)
Icon-Prismatic HornPrismatic Horn (10)
Icon-Calamity WritCalamity Writ (10)
Icon-Fairies' WritFairies' Writ (5)
Icon-Divine CrystalDivine Crystal (5)


4-star★ 5-star★ 6-star★

Cid (FFIV)

Cid (FFIV)

Cid (FFIV)


Background Story[]

4★ An airship engineer who appears in the tales of a blue planet watched over by two moons. He develops airships in the military kingdom of Baron, concentrating so much on his work that he doesn't return home for days. Stubborn but caring, his apprentices have the utmost faith in him.
5★ An airship engineer who appears in the tales of a blue planet watched over by two moons. He develops airships in the military kingdom of Baron, concentrating so much on his work that he doesn't return home for days. Stubborn but caring, his apprentices have the utmost faith in him. Cid treats Cecil like a son, joining him in the middle of his journey.
6★ An airship engineer who appears in the tales of a blue planet watched over by two moons. He develops airships in the military kingdom of Baron, concentrating so much on his work that he doesn't return home for days. Stubborn but caring, his apprentices have the utmost faith in him. Cid treats Cecil like a son, joining him in the middle of his journey. He sustained serious injuries in order to help his companions escape, and even though he could no longer assist on the battlefield, he performed airship maintenance and renovation to support Cecil from the sidelines.


4★ Don't you worry. I'm taking up the slack! You just leave things to ol' Cid for a while!
5★ I'm Cid—there's nothing I can't do!
6★ Oh, don't you go falling in love with me too now!


4★ <blank>
5★ Don't call me old man! I'm still so young!
6★ Airship engineer Cid, bombs away! My once-in-a-lifetime unaided flight!


4★ Nothing to worry about now—Cid's here to help! All engines, full power!
5★ Nothing to worry about now—Cid's here to help! All engines, full power!
6★ Nothing to worry about now—Cid's here to help! All engines, full power!

Trust Mastery[]

Someday I'll give you a ride on one of my babies!

User Review[]

