Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
Chamber of the Vengeful


  • In addition to completing missions for rewards, 11 extra challenges will be available for each difficulty. The extra challenges revolve around completing the trial using different units, thus challenging the player to use different team compositions with the units at their disposal.
  • Though companion units will not count towards the extra challenges, the player may take their own unit in place of a companion unit, which will count towards the extra challenges.
  • Once a unit has been used, "Used" will flash on that unit to indicate it has already been counted towards the extra challenge total. Using the same unit of a different rarity will not affect its used status.
  • Featured bonus units will receive a special 30% increased parameter to all stats.

Trial List[]

Name Notable Reward Type Effect
Chamber of Arms See Chamber of Arms for more information.
Chamber of the Indignant See Chamber of the Indignant for more information.
The Empress's Vengeance
[Vestige of Morgana]
Difficulty: 550~900
Engulfing Light++Engulfing Light++ Materia Increase MAG (150%) when equipped with a rod

Increase equipment MAG (150%) when single wielding any weapon with or without shield

Icon-ItemEmpress's Celestite Rod++ Rod MAG+235, SPR+195
Effect: Unquestionable Magic PowerUnquestionable Magic Power
Unquestionable Magic PowerUnquestionable Magic Power
Increase equipment MAG and SPR (50%) when single wielding any weapon
, LB Damage +50%LB Damage +50%
LB Damage +50%LB Damage +50%
Increase LB damage (50%)
, High Spirits+High Spirits+
High Spirits+High Spirits+
Auto-cast High Spirits+ at the start of a battle
, Damage range 125% - 175%, Accuracy+50%
Two-handed weapon
Icon-ItemImperial Robe++ Clothes DEF+60, MAG+80, SPR+80, HP +20%, MAG +20%, SPR +20%
Resistance: Dark (60%), Blind (Null)
The Empress's Resolution
[Vestige of Morgana]
Difficulty: 550~900
Engulfing Light+Engulfing Light+ Materia Increase MAG (100%) when equipped with a rod

Increase equipment MAG (100%) when single wielding any weapon with or without shield

Icon-Empress's Celestite RodEmpress's Celestite Rod Rod MAG+180, SPR+150
Effect: Unquestionable Magic PowerUnquestionable Magic Power
Unquestionable Magic PowerUnquestionable Magic Power
Increase equipment MAG and SPR (50%) when single wielding any weapon
, High SpiritsHigh Spirits
High SpiritsHigh Spirits
Increase ATK/MAG (20%)
, Damage range 125% - 175%, Accuracy+50%
Two-handed weapon
Icon-Empress's Celestite Rod+Empress's Celestite Rod+ Rod MAG+200, SPR+175
Effect: Unquestionable Magic PowerUnquestionable Magic Power
Unquestionable Magic PowerUnquestionable Magic Power
Increase equipment MAG and SPR (50%) when single wielding any weapon
, LB Damage +50%LB Damage +50%
LB Damage +50%LB Damage +50%
Increase LB damage (50%)
, High Spirits+High Spirits+
High Spirits+High Spirits+
Auto-cast High Spirits+ at the start of a battle
, Damage range 125% - 175%, Accuracy+50%
Two-handed weapon
Icon-Imperial Robe+Imperial Robe+ Clothes DEF+55, MAG+69, SPR+69, HP +15%, MAG +15%, SPR +15%
Resistance: Dark (60%), Blind (Null)
Not Toying Around
[Elf Off the Handle]
Difficulty: 117~295
Soldier's MightSoldier's Might Materia Increase ATK/MAG (50%) when equipped with a mace
Freezing EnchantmentFreezing Enchantment Materia Increase ATK/MAG (60%) when equipped with an ice weapon
Icon-Jolly Snow GlobeJolly Snow Globe Accessory ATK+10, DEF+20, SPR+20, HP +10%, MP +10%
Resistance: Wind (+20%)
Effect: Jolly Set (Globe)Jolly Set (Globe)
Jolly Set (Globe)Jolly Set
Increase SPR/MP (20%) when equipped with Jolly Elk Antlers
Icon-Jolly Elk AntlersJolly Elk Antlers Hat ATK+10, DEF+20, SPR+20, HP +15%, MP +15%
Resistance: Wind (+30%)
Effect: Jolly Set (Antlers)Jolly Set (Antlers)
Jolly Set (Antlers)Jolly Set
Increase SPR/MP (20%) when equipped with Jolly Elf Suit
Icon-Jolly Elf SuitJolly Elf Suit Clothes ATK+20, DEF+35, SPR+35, HP +20%, MP +20%
Resistance: Wind (+30%)
Effect: Jolly Set (Suit)Jolly Set (Suit)
Jolly Set (Suit)Jolly Set
Increase SPR/MP (40%) when equipped with Jolly Snow Globe
Bogeyman Nights
[Creepy Bogeyman]
Difficulty: 117~295
Brawler's MightBrawler's Might Materia Increase ATK (60%) when equipped with a fist
Obscure MightObscure Might Materia Increase ATK (80%) when equipped with a dark weapon
Icon-Twilight RelicTwilight Relic Accessory ATK+15, DEF+15, SPR+15
Resistance: Light (+20%), Blind (+20%), Disease (+20%)
Effect: Twilight Set (Relic)Twilight Set (Relic)
Twilight Set (Relic)Twilight Set
Increase ATK/DEF (20%) when equipped with Twilight Hood
Icon-Twilight HoodTwilight Hood Hat ATK+20, DEF+20, SPR+20, MP +15%
Resistance: Light (+30%), Blind (+30%), Disease (+30%)
Effect: Twilight Set (Hood)Twilight Set (Hood)
Twilight Set (Hood)Twilight Set
Increase ATK/DEF (20%) when equipped with Twilight Cloak
Icon-Twilight CloakTwilight Cloak Clothes ATK+27, DEF+27, SPR+27, MP +15%
Resistance: Light (+30%), Blind (+50%), Disease (+50%)
Effect: Twilight Set (Cloak)Twilight Set (Cloak)
Twilight Set (Cloak)Twilight Set
Increase ATK/DEF (40%) when equipped with Twilight Relic
Demon Matsuri
Difficulty: 117~295
Samurai's MightSamurai's Might Materia Increase ATK (60%) when equipped with a katana
Flowing MightFlowing Might Materia Increase ATK (80%) when equipped with a water weapon
Icon-Kyubi PlushieKyubi Plushie Accessory ATK+15, DEF+15, MAG+15
Resistance: Fire (+20%), Confuse (+20%)
Effect: Kyubi Set (Plushie)Kyubi Set (Plushie)
Kyubi Set (Plushie)Kyubi Set
Increase ATK/MAG (20%) when equipped with Kyubi Mask
Icon-Kyubi MaskKyubi Mask Hat ATK+25, DEF+25, MAG+25, HP +15%
Resistance: Fire (+30%), Confuse (+50%)
Effect: Kyubi Set (Mask)Kyubi Set (Mask)
Kyubi Set (Mask)Kyubi Set
Increase ATK/MAG (20%) when equipped with Kyubi Cloak
Icon-Kyubi CloakKyubi Cloak Clothes ATK+25, DEF+30, MAG+30, HP +15%
Resistance: Fire (+30%), Confuse (+50%)
Effect: Kyubi Set (Cloak)Kyubi Set (Cloak)
Kyubi Set (Cloak)Kyubi Set
Increase ATK/MAG (40%) when equipped with Kyubi Plushie
The Empress Supreme
[The Empress Supreme Morgana]
Difficulty: 117~295
Scepter of JusticeScepter of Justice Materia Increase MAG (60%) when equipped with a rod
Engulfing LightEngulfing Light Materia Increase MAG (80%) when equipped with a light weapon
Icon-Imperial HeelsImperial Heels Accessory DEF+10, MAG+15, SPR+15
Resistance: Dark (+15%)
Effect: Set of Virtue (Heels)Set of Virtue (Heels)
Set of Virtue (Heels)Set of Virtue
Increase MAG/SPR (20%) when equipped with Imperial Crown
Icon-Imperial CrownImperial Crown Hat DEF+20, MAG+24, SPR+24, HP +15%
Resistance: Dark (+30%), Blind (+50%)
Effect: Set of Virtue (Crown)Set of Virtue (Crown)
Set of Virtue (Crown)Set of Virtue
Increase MAG/SPR (20%) when equipped with Imperial Robe
Icon-Imperial RobeImperial Robe Robe DEF+50, MAG+30, SPR+30, HP +15%
Resistance: Dark (+30%), Blind (+50%)
Effect: Set of Virtue (Robe)Set of Virtue (Robe)
Set of Virtue (Robe)Set of Virtue
Increase MAG/SPR (40%) when equipped with Imperial Heels
[Eggsterminator Eggstraordinaire]
Difficulty: 117~265
Warrior's MightWarrior's Might Materia Increase ATK (60%) when equipped with a great sword
Electrifying MightElectrifying Might Materia Increase ATK (80%) when equipped with a lightning weapon
Icon-Catastrophic BracerCatastrophic Bracer Accessory ATK+15, DEF+10, SPR+15
Resistance: Earth (+15%)
Effect: Catastrophe Set (Bracer)Catastrophe Set (Bracer)
Catastrophe Set (Bracer)Catastrophe Set
Increase ATK/SPR (20%) when equipped with Catastrophic Crown
Icon-Catastrophic CrownCatastrophic Crown Hat ATK+24, DEF+20, SPR+24, HP +15%
Resistance: Earth (+30%), Petrify (+50%)
Effect: Catastrophe Set (Crown)Catastrophe Set (Crown)
Catastrophe Set (Crown)Catastrophe Set
Increase ATK/SPR (20%) when equipped with Catastrophic Vest
Icon-Catastrophic VestCatastrophic Vest Light Armor ATK+30, DEF+50, SPR+30, HP +15%
Resistance: Earth (+30%), Petrify (+50%)
Effect: Catastrophe Set (Vest)Catastrophe Set (Vest)
Catastrophe Set (Vest)Catastrophe Set
Increase ATK/SPR (40%) when equipped with Catastrophic Bracer

Unreleased Trials[]

Main Article: Category:Nemeses/Unreleased


  • Not Toying Around
  • Bogeyman Nights
  • Demon Matsuri
  • The Empress Supreme
  • Armeggeddon