Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
Movement Frames Hits Multicast Difficulty
None 42-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6 9 N/A
Source Ability Damage Element Target Notes
2B -Neo Vision- Ho229 Type-B (2B -Neo Vision-) Physical AoE Limit Burst
R040: Blade (2B -Neo Vision-) Physical ST
True Charge Blade (2B -Neo Vision-) Physical AoE
True Charge Spear (2B -Neo Vision-) Physical AoE
YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B -Neo Vision-) Physical AoE
A.I. Katy Directive - Crossed Wires Hybrid AoE from 6-star★
A2 -Neo Vision- Finisher (A2 -Neo Vision-) Physical AoE
Offensive Heal Combo (A2 -Neo Vision-) Physical AoE
Ace Striker Tidus Drain Tackle 2 Physical Water ST
Agent Olive Cannon Fire - Crippling Shot Physical AoE from 6-star★
Cannon Fire - Obliteration Physical AoE from 7-star★
Cannon Fire - Scattering Shot Physical AoE from 6-star★
Cannon Fire - Shrouding Cannonballs Physical Dark ST
Akstar -The Return- Dark Blade - Moonless Sky Physical Dark AoE
Flame Blade - Crimson Flash Physical Fire AoE
Al Bhed Girl Rikku Al Bhed Ingenuity Physical ST
Don't forget to thank me if this works! Physical AoE Limit Burst
Lightning Rod Physical Lightning ST
Ta-dah! Physical AoE Limit Burst
Tallboy Physical ST
Alena & Marquis de Léon No Mercy Physical AoE
Amarant Attack (Amarant) Physical ST from 7-star★
Andvari Dead Dance Physical ST
Yggdrasil Depth Charge Physical AoE
Angeal Buster Slash Physical AoE
Angela Loud and Lonely Lass Physical attack with magic damage ST
Aranea Burst Piercer Physical ST from 7-star★
Rapid Piercer Physical ST from 7-star★
Arcane Scholar Kir Ansuz Storm Magic Wind AoE
Argath Nobility's Execution Physical AoE
Aurora Swordmaster Fryevia Aurora - Coupé Physical ST
Aurora - Flick Physical ST
Aurora Blade Physical AoE
Avalanche's Barret Charged Shot Physical AoE
Avalanche's Jessie Latest and Greatest Design Physical AoE
Avalanche's Tifa Chi Trap Physical AoE
The Zangan Way Physical ST
Aya Brea M10B Physical AoE
P90 Physical AoE
Azure Knight Lasswell Reaper Lance Physical AoE
Azure and Crimson Blades Rhus Sonic Excellence - Blast Physical AoE
Balthier Booming Penalty Physical Lightning ST from NV
Freedom Bullet - Rapid Shot Physical ST from NV
Gun Preparation Physical ST from 7-star★
Punishment Bolt I Physical Lightning ST from 7-star★
Punishment Bolt II Physical Lightning ST from NV
Sanction of Thunder Physical Lightning ST from 7-star★
Barret (FFVII REMAKE) Daddy Won't Lose Physical AoE from 7-star★
Time to Pay the Piper Physical AoE from NV
Beach Blaster Olive Cleansing Cannon Physical attack with magic damage ST
Beach Buoy Shinju Beach Whip Magic Earth ST
Sexy Summer Whip Magic Earth ST
Beast King Crocodine Invincible Strength Physical ST
Beatrix I've Never Been So Humiliated Physical AoE
No More Games Physical attack with magic damage AoE from NV
Benedikta Harman Shattering Slash Physical AoE
Benevolent Beauty Rem Accelerate (FF TYPE-0) Physical ST from 7-star★
Breaksight (Rem) Physical attack with magic damage AoE from 6-star★
Cleansing Flame Physical attack with magic damage Fire ST from 6-star★
Cleansing Freeze Physical attack with magic damage Ice ST from 6-star★
Cleansing Lightning Physical attack with magic damage Lightning ST from 6-star★
Flying Daggers+ Physical attack with magic damage ST from 7-star★
Seraphim Strike Physical ST from 7-star★
Berserker Krile Rapid Buster Physical AoE
Berserker Rikku Crackdown Physical ST
Beryl Heaven - Judgement Physical attack with magic damage AoE from 6-star★
Besaid Mage Lulu Submerging Zone Physical attack with magic damage ST
Bewitching Black Mage Lulu Triple Darkra Magic Dark AoE
Bewitching Warrior Yshe Siren Blast - Ice Evoke damage Ice AoE
Siren Blast - Water Evoke damage Water AoE
Black Mage Golbez Ruler of the Night Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Blade Breaker Esther Bolting Crash Physical AoE
Blade of Vengeance Ibara Demonic Cleave Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Demonic Retribution Physical AoE
Malicious Flash Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Blades of Black Flame Raegen Dual Heavy Blade Physical AoE
Blitzball Legend Jecht Jecht Assault Physical AoE
Blood Dancer Ellesperis Blood Strike Physical AoE
Blood Mage Zyrus Blood Sterilization Magic Water AoE
Blossomed Mage Lexa Tempest Magica Magic Wind AoE from 6-star★
Blue Mage Fina Bond with Roca Physical ST from NV
Friends Across the Farplane Physical attack with magic damage AoE from 7-star★
Blue Sky Belle Fran Burning Bow (FFXII) Physical Fire ST from 7-star★
Shooting Star Shot Physical ST from 6-star★
Sky Pirate's Skill Physical ST from 7-star★
Blue Wave Blue Wave Magic Water ST Materia
Bulwark & the Melodic Mascots Chocophony Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Mascophony Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Celestia Blazing Breath Evoke damage Fire AoE
Dragon of Flame Evoke damage Fire AoE from 6-star★
Dragon of Thunder Evoke damage Lightning AoE from 6-star★
Summon Diepvern Evoke damage Lightning AoE
Chains of Fate Mirei Chain Strike Physical AoE
Hit and Run Physical ST
Whiplash Physical AoE
Challenger of Fate Hope Earthquake (FFXIII) Magic Earth AoE
Charlotte & Physalis Knight's Incorruptible Blade Physical ST
Shield Volley Shot Physical AoE
Strongest Crippling Shot Physical ST
Charlotte -Esper of Destruction- Impartial Sword Physical AoE
Cheerful Caroler Ayaka Carol of Frosty Snow Magic Ice AoE
Carol of Holy Night Magic Light AoE
Carol of Joyful Earth Magic Earth AoE
Finale - Dashing Through the Snow Magic Ice AoE
Chorale Abyss Whip Physical Dark AoE
Bond with Nerine (Chorale) Physical AoE
Cutting Punishment Physical AoE
Dark Night's Whip Physical Dark ST
Fatal Punishment Physical AoE
Shadow Whip Spiral Physical Dark ST
Chosen King's Friend Prompto Deathblow (Prompto) Physical AoE
Chosen King's Shield Gladiolus Deathblow (Gladiolus) Physical AoE
Chosen King's Tactician Ignis Spelldaggers - Fire Physical Fire ST
Spelldaggers - Ice Physical Ice ST
Spelldaggers - Light Physical Light ST
Spelldaggers - Lightning Physical Lightning ST
Cid Raines Particle Blade Physical AoE
Cidolfus Telamon Rough-and-Tumble Physical AoE
Circe Predict - Cyclonic Omen Magic Wind ST
Predict - Downpour Magic Water AoE from 6-star★
Predict - Downpour Magic Water AoE from 7-star★
Predict - Dust Devil Magic Wind AoE from 6-star★
Predict - Dust Devil Magic Wind AoE from 7-star★
Predict - Torrential Omen Magic Water ST
Cissnei Illusive Earth Magic Earth AoE
Illusive Fire Magic Fire AoE
Illusive Lightning Magic Lightning AoE
Illusive Wind Magic Wind AoE
Citra Divine Decision Magic Light AoE from 7-star★
Summon Burst Evoke damage AoE from NV
Cleome Master's Teachings Physical ST from 7-star★
Clive Rosfield Flames of Rebirth Physical Fire ST
Spread Combo Physical AoE
Wicked Wheel Physical Wind ST
Cloud Mako Might Physical ST
Cloud (FFVII REMAKE) Plasma Slicer Physical ST
Cloud Strife True Focused Thrust Physical AoE
Cobalt Blade Noctis Going All Out Physical ST
Conche Acoustic Edge Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Bond with Cleome (Conche) Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Cool Moves Addison Rae Shoulder Shake Physical ST
Trendsetter Physical Light ST Limit Burst
True Trendsetter Physical Light ST Limit Burst
Crescens Anemo Omega Magic Wind AoE
Aqua Dhaum Magic Water AoE
Shadow Hand Magic Dark AoE
Terra Holz Magic Earth AoE
Thermo Giest Magic Fire AoE
Crimson Death Reberta Charging Raid Physical ST
Crimson Knight Rain Goliath's Blade Physical AoE
Soul Thrust Physical ST
Cursebringer Neilikka Anima Blast Evoke damage Dark AoE
Wicked Cry Physical Dark ST
Daisy Earth Principle Physical Earth ST from NV
Mazurka's Best Friend? Physical Earth ST from 7-star★
Dark Aldebaran+ Dark Bullet Physical AoE Equipment
Dark Aldebaran++ Dark Bullet Physical AoE Equipment
Dark Dragon Buffon Ochre Blast Magic Earth AoE
Raging Stream Magic Water AoE
Dark Fina -Esper of Destruction- Opaque Serpent Magic Dark AoE
Dark Fina -Warrior's Prayer- Nine Serpent Strike Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Dark Knight Duane Power Ravage Physical AoE
Dark Knight Paine Black Sky Physical Dark AoE
Dark Mage Exdeath Aero Gust Magic Wind AoE from 7-star★
Dark Ruin Magic Dark AoE from 7-star★
Earth Stab Magic Earth AoE from 7-star★
Dark Rain Dark Suppression Magic Dark ST
Dark Sharur+ Dark Pulverize Physical AoE Equipment
Dark Sharur++ Dark Pulverize Physical AoE Equipment
Deity of War Taivas Madeen Blast Evoke damage Light ST
Madeen Sverd Evoke damage Light AoE
Delita Cunning Hero's Sword Physical AoE
Denial of Focus Vanille Annihilating Shot Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Destroyer of All Zoma Kacrackle Magic Ice AoE
Dethroned Heroine Ashe Flame Mist Charge Magic Fire ST from 7-star★
Gale Mist Charge Magic Wind ST from 7-star★
Grand Flame Magic Fire ST from 6-star★
Grand Gale Magic Wind ST from 6-star★
Grand Spark Magic Lightning ST from 6-star★
Heaven's Wrath - Fire Magic Fire AoE from 7-star★
Heaven's Wrath - Lightning Magic Lightning AoE from 7-star★
Heaven's Wrath - Wind Magic Wind AoE from 7-star★
Maelstrom's Bolt - Fire Magic Fire AoE from 7-star★
Maelstrom's Bolt - Lightning Magic Lightning AoE from 7-star★
Maelstrom's Bolt - Wind Magic Wind AoE from 7-star★
Magna Flame Magic Fire ST from 6-star★
Magna Gale Magic Wind ST from 6-star★
Magna Spark Magic Lightning ST from 6-star★
Northswain's Glow - Fire Magic Fire AoE from 7-star★
Northswain's Glow - Lightning Magic Lightning AoE from 7-star★
Northswain's Glow - Wind Magic Wind AoE from 7-star★
Spark Mist Charge Magic Lightning ST from 7-star★
Thunder's Echo+ Magic Lightning ST from 6-star★
Devoted Summoner Yuna Energy Ray (Devoted Summoner Yuna) Evoke damage Light AoE
Hellfire (Devoted Summoner Yuna) None Fire AoE
Meteor Strike (Devoted Summoner Yuna) Evoke damage Fire AoE
Dioxus Elimination Fang Physical AoE
Disciple of Avan Leona Light of Purification Magic Light AoE
Distant Promise Emeralda Anemo Omega Magic Wind AoE
Aqua Dhaum Magic Water AoE
Shadow Finger Magic Dark AoE
Terra Holz Magic Earth AoE
Thermo Giest Magic Fire AoE
Diverti Abyssal Summon Evoke damage Dark ST
Bond with Rinora (Diverti) Physical attack with magic damage ST
Card Assault Physical attack with magic damage ST
Divine Archer Ang Impaling Arrow Physical ST
Swift Arrow Physical AoE
Divine Beast Chow Chow's Fun Time Magic Light ST
Doma Samurai Cyan A Samurai's Worth Physical ST
Dracky Sizzle Magic Lightning AoE from 4-star★
Draconian Princess Fina Lotus Magia Evocation Evoke damage Light ST from NV
Dragon Knight Baran Crest Beam Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Kazap Magic Lightning AoE
Dragon Knight Dai Kaswoosh Magic Wind AoE
Kazap Magic Lightning AoE
Wave Slash Physical AoE
Zapple Magic Lightning ST
Dragon Knight Freya Javelin Rain Physical AoE
Piercing Dragon Knight Spear Physical ST
Dragonlord Sizzle Magic Lightning AoE
Dragonlord Rhus Kokuryu Blast - Earth Evoke damage Earth AoE
Kokuryu Blast - Water Evoke damage Water AoE
Supreme Dragon Cascade Evoke damage WaterEarth AoE
Dragonoid Baran Crest Beam Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Kazap Magic Lightning AoE
Dragonoid Dai Crest Beam Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Kaswoosh Magic Wind AoE
Kazap Magic Lightning AoE
Super Knight Strike Physical AoE
Zapple Magic Lightning ST
Dunefaring King Bart Twin Sonic Physical AoE
Dynast-King's Scion Ashe Unmatched Sword Burst Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Eithne Determination to Destroy Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Devastation for Devastation Physical attack with magic damage ST
Lunashield - Demon Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Tranquility in Nihility Physical attack with magic damage ST
Elazul Mighty Blade Physical AoE
Synchro - ST Meter+ Physical ST
Elegant Temptress Lilith Kiss of Betrayal Physical ST
Kiss of Rapture Physical AoE
Element - Aero Blaster Element - Aero Blaster Magic Wind ST Materia
Element - Aquaball Element - Aquaball Magic Water ST Materia
Element - Electro Bolt Element - Electro Bolt Magic Lightning ST Materia
Element - Ice Blast Element - Ice Blast Magic Ice ST Materia
Element - Magma Burst Element - Magma Burst Magic Fire ST Materia
Element - Photon Beam Element - Photon Beam Magic Light ST Materia
Elena Blade of Crystal Hybrid ST
Blade of Salvation Hybrid ST from 7-star★
Crystal Refraction Hybrid AoE from 7-star★
Piercing Prism Hybrid ST from 7-star★
Eleven Falcon Slash Physical ST from 6-star★
Flame Slash (DQXI S) Physical Fire AoE
Flame Smash Physical Fire ST from 6-star★
Flamesplitter Physical Fire AoE from 7-star★
Gigagash Physical AoE from 7-star★
Gigaslash Physical Lightning AoE from 7-star★
Gigasmash Physical Lightning ST from 6-star★
Quadraslash Physical ST from 7-star★
Quadraslash Physical ST from 7-star★
Ellesperis Blood Dance Physical ST from 7-star★
Blood Flash Physical ST from 7-star★
Cocytus Blade Physical Ice ST
Demon Splitter Physical ST from 6-star★
Hades Blade Physical Dark ST
Hemomancer's Strike None ST from 7-star★
Human Splitter Physical ST from 6-star★
Open You Up Physical ST
Embracer of Duty Edgar Drill (FFVI) Physical ST
Royal Thrust Physical Ice ST
Embracer of Freedom Sabin True Raging Fist Physical ST
Emperor of Palamecia True Cyclone Magic Wind ST
Erik Double Rubblerouser Physical Earth ST from 7-star★
Fatal Flash Physical ST from 7-star★
Mountainmover Physical Earth AoE from 6-star★
Ridgeraiser Physical Earth ST from 6-star★
Twomerang Physical ST from 6-star★
Esther Bolting Strike Physical AoE from 7-star★
Demagnetizing Strike Physical ST from 6-star★
Shock and Awe Physical AoE from 7-star★
Storm Brand Physical Lightning ST from 6-star★
Eternal Radiance Elena Irradiant Retribution Physical attack with magic damage AoE Limit Burst
Judgment of Betelgeuse Physical AoE
Pollux's Blade Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Evoker Bahamur (FFIII) None AoE
Catastro (FFIII) None AoE
Heatra (FFIII) None AoE
Hellfire (FFIII) Evoke damage Fire AoE
Summon: Tempest Evoke damage Wind AoE
True Rend Evoke damage AoE
True Slash Evoke damage AoE
Expert Sharpshooter Irvine Quick Shot (FFVIII) Physical ST
Fabled Guardian Jecht Twin Break Physical ST
Fastest in the Skies Setzer A Friend's Wings Physical AoE
Slot - Dive Bomb Fixed attack with physical damage AoE
Slot - Hellfire Fixed attack with physical damage Fire AoE
Slot - Joker's Death Physical AoE
Slot - Mega Flare Fixed attack with physical damage AoE
Fenrir Kentsui Physical Wind AoE
Fina -Dark Lineage- Resolute Arrow Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Fina -Esper of Destruction- Illuminating Arrow Magic Light AoE
Fina -The Return- Resolute Arrow Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Firion -Neo Vision- Wild Rose Physical AoE
Flagbearer of Reform Glaciela Silver Wolf's Spear Thrust Physical AoE
Flaring Aether Rain Pulverizing Force Physical AoE
Fleetfooted Sky Pirate Balthier Aqua Shot (FFXII) Physical Water ST
Gungnir (FFXII) Physical Fire ST
Mud Shot (FFXII) Physical Earth ST
Pride of the Leading Man Physical ST
Sky Pirate's Skill Physical AoE
Floral Fallal Yuna Aqua Whirl (MAG) Magic Water AoE
Dream Pollen Magic Wind AoE
True Electric Whirl (MAG) Magic Lightning AoE
Fohlen Chocobo Trample Physical AoE
Folka True Mind Blast Magic AoE from NV
Former Orastery Minister Shantotto Bolt Crusher Magic Lightning AoE from NV
Divine Crusher Magic Light AoE from NV
Flame Crusher Magic Fire AoE from NV
Results of Magical Research Magic Light ST from NV
Wind Crusher Magic Wind AoE from NV
Frostblade Fryevia Aurora Blade Physical AoE
Azure - Riposte Physical AoE
Full Moon Karten Feral Frenzy Physical AoE
Haunting Barrage Physical ST
Lupine Laceration Physical ST
Predatory Pounce Physical ST
Somber Claw Physical Dark AoE
Umbral Strike Physical ST
Wailing Claw Physical Water AoE
Full Throttle Paine Fright Physical Dark ST
Levin Physical Lightning ST
Whelmen Physical Water ST
Fundamental Force Galactic Sunder Physical AoE
Gabranth -Neo Vision- Sentence Physical AoE
Gastronomist Quina Cyclone Breath Magic Wind AoE
Sand Breath Magic Earth AoE
Geomancer Ingus Attack (Geomancer Ingus) Physical attack with magic damage ST
Flame Burst (FFIII) Magic Fire AoE
Rune Bell (FFIII) Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Whirlpool (FFIII) Magic Water AoE
Ghost of Winter Past Beryl Condemned Guilt Physical AoE
Cute Doll - Hell Mode Physical ST
Giant of Babel Darkness Cannon Magic Dark AoE
Glacial Cannon Magic Ice AoE
Gilgamesh (FFV) Secret Sword Art - Excalibur Physical Light ST from NV
Gilgamesh (WOTV FFBE) Heaven's Blade Hybrid AoE
Gladiolus Powercast - Tempest Physical ST from NV
Tempest Physical AoE
Godrea Charge - Ultraviolet Laser Physical AoE
Graceful Champion Fang Aerial Loop Physical AoE
Grand Couture Ayaka White Comet Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Grim Lord Sakura Grim - Shock Blade Magic Lightning ST
Grim - Soul Blade Physical attack with magic damage ST from 7-star★
Grim - Spectral Webbing Physical attack with magic damage AoE from 7-star★
Guardian Blade Charlotte Slashing Hail Physical Ice AoE
Wind Strike Physical Wind ST
Guardian of the Underworld Chow Malediction of Light Magic Light ST
Malediction of Shadow Magic Dark ST
Malediction of Water Magic Water ST
Netherworld Shadow Magic Dark AoE
Netherworld Shine Magic Light AoE
Netherworld Stream Magic Water AoE
Time to Play Magic Water ST
Haveh Getting Stronger and Stronger Physical ST
Messer Tanz Physical AoE
Haveh's Boots Support of the Forest Spirits None AoE Equipment
Hell Sabre Shocking Slash Physical Dark AoE Equipment
Hero Dai Wave Slash Physical AoE
Zapple Magic Lightning ST
Hero Resurrected Taivas Helt Sverd Physical AoE
Holy Mother Reborn Elly Anemo Wave Magic Wind AoE
Aqua Lord Magic Water AoE
Terra Ghost Magic Earth AoE
Thermo Largo Magic Fire AoE
Hyoh & Panthera Ultimus Blade Crack Physical ST
Breaker Claw - Magic Physical ST
Breaker Claw - Physical Physical ST
Ibara Shocking Physique Magic Lightning ST
Void Entity Magic Dark ST
Ice Reaper Kurasame Crystal, guide the dominion! Physical AoE
Hades Flash Physical Dark AoE
Icicle Flash Physical Ice AoE
Ignis Final Blow Physical AoE from 6-star★
Spelldaggers - Fire Physical Fire ST from NV
Spelldaggers - Ice Physical Ice ST from NV
Spelldaggers - Lightning Physical Lightning ST from NV
Immortal Hyunckel Air Strike Physical ST
Upgrade Attack (Hyunckel) Physical ST
Wave Strike Physical AoE
Immortal Knight Garland Round Edge Physical Dark AoE from 7-star★
Imperial Shield Wilhelm Imperial Army's Fury Physical ST
Transfusing Lance Physical AoE
Infernal Fire Rain Fire Beast's Sword Dance None Fire ST from NV
Summon Flames Evoke damage Fire ST from NV
Irvine Quick Shot (FFVIII) Physical ST from 6-star★
Itachi Hisame Arts - Arm Binding Physical AoE from 6-star★
Hisame Arts - Body Binding Physical AoE from 6-star★
Hisame Arts - Magic Binding Physical AoE from 6-star★
Hisame Arts - Merciless Assault Physical AoE from 7-star★
Hisame Arts - Purging Strike Physical ST
Hisame Arts - Snow Shuriken Physical Ice ST from 6-star★
Hisame Arts - Spirit Binding Physical AoE from 6-star★
Hisame Arts - Subzero Shuriken Physical AoE from 7-star★
Jade Crushed Ice Physical Ice ST from 6-star★
Dire Fire Physical Fire ST from 6-star★
Frightening Lightning Physical Lightning ST from 6-star★
Lightning Storm Physical Lightning AoE from 7-star★
Lightning Storm Supreme Physical Lightning AoE from 7-star★
Multithrust Physical ST from 6-star★
Pink Tornado Physical AoE from 7-star★
Pink Typhoon Physical AoE from 7-star★
Jayden Rundall Suppressive Shot Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Jecht Jecht Flood Physical ST from 7-star★
Jill Warrick Piercing Rush Physical AoE
Kaito Liquid Infusion Physical AoE
Kaktiria Desert's Fury Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Oasis's Retribution Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Kall Antimaskine Physical ST
Vinterstorm None Ice AoE
Kalmia Aggressive Surgery Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Karlette Aquatic Creation Hybrid Water ST from 6-star★
Combination Assault Hybrid AoE
Karten Full Moon - Bestial Barrage Physical ST from 6-star★
Full Moon - Bestial Slash None ST
Full Moon - Bestial Wrath None ST
Full Moon - Crimson Blitz Physical ST from 7-star★
Full Moon - Dark Side None Dark AoE from 6-star★
Full Moon - Savage Awakening Physical AoE from 7-star★
Full Moon - Terrifying Howl None Dark AoE from 6-star★
Full Moon - Wild Slash Physical ST from 7-star★
Kelger Lupine Claw Physical Wind ST
Kid Heavy Attack (100%) Physical attack with magic damage ST
Weak Attack (100%) Physical attack with magic damage ST
Killing Machine Thunder Slash Physical Lightning ST from 5-star★
King Behemy Boulder Claw Physical Earth ST
Meteor Shield Physical AoE
Royal Rake Physical ST
King of Bal Galuf Gleaming Dawn Physical AoE
King of Destruction Zoma Kacrack (King of Destruction Zoma) Magic Ice AoE
Kiros & Ward Splash Anchor Physical Water AoE
Knight of Pluto Zidane Air Rush Physical ST from 6-star★
Rumble Rush Physical ST
Knightly Paragon Lawrence Sneak Assault Physical AoE
Knights of Grandshelt Shining Breakdown Physical Light AoE
Knights of Pluto Captain Steiner Charge! Physical ST
Doomhazzard Physical AoE
Kryla Jinx - Eventide Brew Magic LightDark ST
Jinx - Geysershock Brew Magic LightningWater AoE
Jinx - Weakening Concoction Magic LightDark ST from 7-star★
Lady Blackpearl Crushing Impact Physical AoE
Lady Shantotto Divine Malison (Lady Shantotto) Magic Light ST
Salvation Scythe (Lady Shantotto) Magic Dark ST
Laguna Fullmetal Shot Physical AoE
Rain Bullets Physical Water AoE
Land Rider Larhart Dark Armour Spear Rapid Strike Physical AoE
Lara Croft -Neo Vision- Explosive Shot Physical ST
Hot Shot Physical ST
Queen of the Jungle Physical ST
Shots in the Air Physical ST
Suppressing Fire Physical Fire AoE Limit Burst
Volatile Ammunition Physical ST
Lasswell -Dark Lineage- Ice Barrage Magic Ice AoE
Magitek Flash Physical AoE
Obliterating Magic Blade+ Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Storm Barrage Magic Wind AoE
Lasswell -Esper of Destruction- Ebb and Flow Physical AoE
Lasswell -FFIV Form- Hess Lineage Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Obliterating Magic Blade+ Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Sword of Polaris+ None FireIce ST
Legendary Hero Avan Justice with Strength Physical AoE
Wave Slash Physical AoE
Legendary Hero Sephiroth Do You Dream of Me? Physical ST
Levinson Bag O' Toys - Toy Army Hybrid AoE from 7-star★
Lightning Blade of Thunder Physical Lightning ST from 7-star★
Crashing Thunder Slash Physical Lightning AoE from 7-star★
Rising Thunder Bullet Physical AoE from NV
Lightning-Fast Zidane Mug (Lightning-Fast Zidane) Physical ST
True Free Energy Physical AoE
Lion Shark Bite Physical AoE
Liquid Metal Slime Sizzle Magic Lightning AoE
Little Great Mage Popoi Cross Throw Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Little Summoner Eiko Fenrir's Galeforce Rend Evoke damage Wind AoE
Madeen's Holy Light Evoke damage Light AoE
Phoenix Flame Evoke damage Fire AoE
Livid Shantotto Pure Genius of the Magicking World Magic Wind ST from 7-star★
Wind Crusher Magic Wind AoE from 7-star★
Lone Lion Squall Accelerator Edge Physical AoE from 7-star★
Lion's Counter Physical ST from 7-star★
Lord of Light The Power of Miracles Physical ST
Lord of the Seas Nichol Crashing Tides Evoke damage Water AoE
Louise Shielding Ionic Blaster Physical attack with magic damage ST
Loving Father Sazh Cryoshot Physical Ice ST
Electroshot Physical Lightning ST
Hydroshot Physical Water ST
Pyroshot Physical Fire ST
Slash Physical AoE
Loyal Knight Steiner Charge! Physical ST
Charge! Physical ST
Lucius Blazing Illusion Physical Fire ST from NV
Dark Illusion Physical Dark ST from NV
Shadow Assault Physical ST from NV
Lunar Festival Cleome Gallant Crescendo Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Lynx Heavy Attack (100%) Physical attack with magic damage ST
Weak Attack (100%) Physical attack with magic damage ST
Machina I'll protect everyone! Physical ST from 7-star★
Vermilion Slash Physical Fire ST from 7-star★
Machina Maw Rikku Shockstorm Physical Lightning AoE
Stop Missile Physical ST
Maeve Gifted Swing Magic Earth AoE
Practiced Swing Physical AoE
Mage Popp Donk Magic Earth ST
Magic Markswoman Physalis Storm Volley Shot Physical AoE
Magic Mermaid Freesia Wind Coral Magic Wind ST
Magus Angela Loud and Lonely Lass Physical attack with magic damage ST
Malphasie Aerial Dive Hybrid Wind ST from 6-star★
Tenebrous Dive Hybrid Dark ST from 6-star★
Turmoil Hybrid AoE from 7-star★
Mana Sword Hero Randi Cartwheel Slash Physical AoE
Power of Sylphid Physical Wind ST
Power of Undine Physical Water ST
Marine-Type Runda Runda Torpedo - Delta Physical ST
Marquis de Léon Sizzle Magic Lightning AoE
Martial Artist Maam Tiger Shatter Fist Physical ST
Warrior Master Style Combo Fist Physical Light AoE
Master Machinist Abigail Support Drone - Flamethrower Magic Fire AoE
Mastermind Xon Mug Life Physical ST
Paralyzing Darkness Physical ST from 6-star★
Thief in the Night Physical AoE from 7-star★
Time Burglar Physical ST from 6-star★
Materia Hunter Yuffie Fire Ninjutsu Physical Fire AoE
Giant Shuriken Throw Physical AoE
Ice Ninjutsu Physical Ice AoE
Lightning Ninjutsu Physical Lightning AoE
Wind Ninjutsu Physical Wind AoE
Melia Egg-splosive Barrage Magic Earth AoE
Oak Assault Physical ST
Melo Lingering Drops Magic Water ST
Narrow Splash Magic Water ST
Mercenary Ramza Righteous Knight's Blade Physical AoE from 6-star★
Metze Bein Skera Physical AoE
Mid Blast Lance Physical ST
Morgana Spectral Cutter Evoke damage AoE from 7-star★
Myra Fighting! Physical attack with magic damage AoE from 6-star★
Mystical Ice Lasswell Silver Edge Physical AoE
Mythril Saber (FFVII REMAKE)+ Deadly Dodge Physical ST Equipment
Nalu Lightning Beast Claw Physical Lightning AoE from 7-star★
Storm Claw Thrust Physical Lightning AoE from 7-star★
Neilikka Beat Up Physical ST
Fists of Heavy Machinery Physical Lightning AoE
Furious Beatdown Physical Lightning AoE
Thunderfist Wygar Physical Lightning AoE
Nerine Auspicious Breeze Blade Physical Wind AoE from 7-star★
Verdant Breeze Blade Physical Wind ST from NV
New Guardian Tidus Quick Hit+ Physical ST
Nichol -The Return- Crashing Waterfall Magic Water ST
Vanquishing Waters Magic Water AoE Limit Burst
Nightblade Hawkeye True Needle Shower Physical ST
You should thank me, really Physical ST
Ninja Edge Flame+ Physical Fire AoE
Flood+ Physical Water AoE
Inherited Ninjutsu Physical ST
Ninja Master Hawkeye You should thank me, really Physical ST
Noppy Adorable Decoy Physical ST
Clumsy Swing Physical AoE
Kupo Swing Physical ST
Nyx Full-Force Edge Physical ST from 7-star★
Olivera Perfect Melody Magic Dark ST
Olivera & Rivera Remarkable Composition Magic Dark ST
Symphonic Harmony Magic Dark ST
One-Winged Angel Sephiroth Do You Dream of Me? Physical ST
Operative Zyrus Electrical Bypass Magic Lightning AoE from 6-star★
Salvage Operation Magic ST
Ultrasonic Weapon Magic AoE from 6-star★
Voltaic Specter Magic Lightning AoE from 7-star★
Oracle Maiden Lunafreya Blessing of the Colossal Gods Magic Light AoE Limit Burst
Light of Virtue Magic Light AoE
Orlandeau Righteous Knight's Blade Physical AoE from 6-star★
Paladin Sylvie Clever Paladin Strike Physical AoE
Magical Wish - Demon Physical attack with magic damage ST
Magical Wish - Insect Physical attack with magic damage ST
Magical Wish - Stone Physical attack with magic damage ST
Powerful Wish - Demon Physical ST
Powerful Wish - Insect Physical ST
Powerful Wish - Stone Physical ST
Paus Learned from Fina Magic Light ST
Liquidus Blade Magic Water ST
Lucidus Blade Magic Light ST
Petite Jewel Lehftia Carbuncle Blast Evoke damage Light AoE
Phantom Thief Xon Trick Reversal Physical AoE
Physalis -Neo Vision- Ice Volley Shot Magic Ice AoE
Water Volley Shot Magic Water AoE
Wind Volley Shot Magic Wind AoE
Planet Destroyer Kuja Attack (Planet Destroyer Kuja) Magic Fire AoE
True Seraphic Star Magic Light AoE
Poppy Paint Slap Physical attack with magic damage ST
Poppy -Warrior's Prayer- Time to draw! Pillar of light! Magic Light AoE
Princess of Cornelia Sarah Merciful Sunbeam Magic Light AoE
Princess of Liberty Ashe Heaven's Wrath - Radiance Magic Light AoE
Heaven's Wrath - Thunder Magic Lightning AoE
Prompto All in bullet time, baby. Physical Lightning ST from 7-star★
Undermining Shot Physical ST from 7-star★
Pure-Hearted Vivi I Really Learned a Lot Physical attack with magic damage AoE
We're Not Puppets Made for Killing Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Qator Magitek Rockets Physical AoE
Queen Bolt Thrust Physical Lightning ST from 7-star★
Leave it to me! (Queen) Physical AoE from 7-star★
Rab Air Raiser Hybrid Wind ST from 7-star★
Bleak Blade Hybrid Dark ST
Bluster Blade Hybrid Lightning ST
Hand of God Hybrid Lightning ST from 7-star★
Hardclaw Hybrid ST from 6-star★
Kazammle Hybrid Dark ST from 7-star★
Propeller Blade Hybrid Wind ST
Wild Animaul Hybrid ST from 7-star★
Radiant Lightning Buster Impulse Magic Lightning ST from 7-star★
Buster Thunder Magic Lightning ST from NV
Claire's Saber Magic Lightning ST from NV
Crushing Blow+ Physical ST
Radiant Smile Addison Rae Sorcerous Shuffle Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Raegen -Dark Lineage- Multitrigger Physical ST
Raegen -The Return- Dawn's Edge Physical Light AoE
Daybreak's Flame Physical Fire AoE
Rain -Esper of Destruction- Deep Edge Physical AoE
Rain -FFI Form- Blaze Saber+ Physical Fire ST
Earth Saber+ Physical Earth ST
Magma Saber None FireEarth ST
Rain -Warrior's Prayer- Black Longsword Physical Dark ST
Ramza Righteous Knight's Blade Physical AoE from 6-star★
Randi Power of Sylphid Physical Wind ST from 7-star★
Power of Undine Physical Water ST from 7-star★
Reberta Crimson Raid Physical AoE from 7-star★
Death Crimson Physical ST from 6-star★
Fire Breath Magic attack with physical damage Fire AoE
Ice Breath Magic attack with physical damage Ice AoE
Lightning Breath Magic attack with physical damage Lightning AoE
Mystic Assault Physical AoE from 6-star★
Red XIII A Son Proud of His Father Physical ST
Red-Eyed Sage Sol Silver Light of Destruction Magic Light AoE
Regis Armiger Strike Physical AoE
Relentless Might Elbis Bursting Sinew Physical Fire AoE from 6-star★
Reno (FFVII REMAKE) Shock Swipe - Mk 3 Physical Lightning ST from 6-star★
Time for a Beating Physical Lightning ST from 6-star★
Rhus Stormblade Wygar Physical Water AoE
Waterfall Piercer Physical Water ST
Waterfall Piercer - Transcend Physical Water ST
Ricard & Wyvern Scorching Breath Physical Fire AoE
Richt Crystal Resonance Physical ST
Determination to Protect Physical AoE
Hope Entrusted Physical AoE
Lightspeed Strike Physical AoE Limit Burst
Lumishield - Demon Physical AoE
Rico Rodriguez Back Off! Physical AoE from 7-star★
Fuel Barrels Physical Fire AoE from 7-star★
Let's Roll Physical AoE from 7-star★
Up and Away! Physical AoE from 7-star★
Riddar Howling Sword Physical AoE
Rikku Lightning Rod Physical Lightning ST from 6-star★
Rivera Acoustic Echo Magic AoE from 6-star★
Anthem of the Brave Magic Light AoE from 7-star★
Roca Go, Boomer! Physical attack with magic damage ST
Roca -Dark Lineage- Go, Boomer! Physical attack with magic damage ST
Ronso Warrior Kimahri Aqua Breath (Ronso Warrior Kimahri) Magic Water AoE
Fire Breath (Ronso Warrior Kimahri) Magic Fire AoE
Seed Cannon+ Physical ST
Rufus Shinra (FFVII REMAKE) Guns Akimbo Physical ST from 6-star★
Ruin Explorer Nora Enigma Wave Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Historia Fistoria Physical AoE
Runda Runda Laser Physical AoE
Rydia & Mist Dragon Frozen Breath Evoke damage Ice ST
Sacred Shield Charlotte Knight's Dawning Blade Physical AoE from 7-star★
Sage of Thunder Sakura Sage's Support Evoke damage Lightning AoE
Sakura & Ayaka Electrifying Touch None ST from 7-star★
Magnetizing Wink Magic Lightning ST from 6-star★
Shiny Uniform Magic Light ST from 6-star★
V-I-C-T-O-R-Y! None ST from 7-star★
Sakura -The Return- Eternal Bolt Magic Lightning AoE Limit Burst
Quick Tremulous Thunder Magic Lightning ST
Vanquishing Thunder Magic Lightning AoE Limit Burst
Samurai Chizuru Beast Pulverizer Physical AoE
Dedicated Samurai Slash Physical AoE
Determined Samurai Slash Physical AoE
Devastating Samurai Slash Physical AoE
Insect Pulverizer Physical AoE
Plant Pulverizer Physical AoE
Stone Pulverizer Physical AoE
Samurai Galuf Gleaming Dawn Physical AoE
Savior of Souls Lightning Defaithga Magic AoE
Deshellga Magic AoE
Electric Blitz (LIGHTNING RETURNS) Physical Lightning AoE
Surge Magic Lightning AoE
Tornado (LIGHTNING RETURNS) Magic Wind AoE
Scarlet Wave Scarlet Wave Magic Fire ST Materia
SeeD's Blue Mage Quistis Sacred Judgment Evoke damage Light ST
Seibzehn Magneto (Seibzehn) Magic Fire ST
Seibzehn Hammer Magic Light AoE
Seifer Zantetsuken Reverse Physical ST from 7-star★
Selphie Speedy Nunchaku Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Sephiroth (KH) Vanisher Physical ST from 6-star★
Serafina Cyclone Flower Magic Wind ST
Salamander's Spear Magic Fire ST
Twinkle Ball Magic Light AoE
Serah Breaking Ground Magic Earth ST from 7-star★
Bright Slash Magic Light AoE from NV
Shining Shot Magic Light ST from 7-star★
Stone Blow Magic Earth ST from 7-star★
Serge Heavy Attack (100%) Physical attack with magic damage ST
Weak Attack (100%) Physical attack with magic damage ST
Seymour Pyrefly Manipulation Evoke damage Dark AoE from 7-star★
Shadow Lord Blighting Blitz Physical Dark ST from NV
Ominous Memories Physical Dark ST from 7-star★
True Cross Smash Physical ST from 7-star★
Sheratan Flash of Genius: Petal Storm Magic Light AoE
Shiloh Windwalker (Legend of Mana) Physical AoE
Shrine Maiden Tsukiko Blazing Karmic Retribution Evoke damage Fire AoE
Fox Spirit Blaze Magic Fire ST
Fox Spirit Pulse Magic Light ST
Fox Spirit Tremor Magic Earth ST
Fox's Karma - Earthquake Evoke damage Earth AoE
Fox's Karma - Firestorm Evoke damage Fire AoE
Fox's Karma - Quicksand Evoke damage Earth AoE
Fox's Karma - Solar Flare Evoke damage Light AoE
Shining Karmic Retribution Evoke damage Light AoE
Shui Yu Cleansing Lake Magic Water AoE
Lian Hua Salvation Magic Water AoE
Lotus Rebirth Magic Water AoE
Sice Moxie - ATK Physical AoE from 5-star★
Moxie - DEF Physical AoE from 5-star★
Moxie - MAG Physical AoE from 4-star★
Moxie - SPR Physical AoE from 4-star★
Moxie: Attack↑ Physical AoE from 5-star★
Moxie: Defense↑ Physical AoE from 5-star★
Moxie: Magic Attack↑ Physical AoE from 4-star★
Moxie: Magic Defense↑ Physical AoE from 4-star★
Silent Knight Charlotte Elegant Gale Physical attack with magic damage Wind AoE
Merry Strike Physical attack with magic damage ST
Skye Furious Skyfall Physical ST
Slayer of God Fei Tenbu Physical AoE
Slime Sizzle Magic Lightning AoE from 4-star★
Slime Knight Sizzle Magic Lightning AoE from 5-star★
Thunder Slash Physical Lightning ST
Snovlinka Hjördrífa Physical AoE
Solitary Warrior Veritas of the Frost Defiant Blade Physical AoE
Katana Flick Physical ST
Sonon Swirling Storm Physical ST
Sophie Dazzling Drop Evoke damage Water AoE
Sorceress of the Present Edea Astral Prism Magic Light AoE
Sorceress's Knight Squall Accelerator Edge Physical AoE
Soul Heritor Hym Pawn Rush Physical AoE
Sovereign Supreme Vearn Sovereign Eye Beam Magic Fire AoE
Spirited Friend Penelo Resplendence Magic Light AoE
Spirited Heart Primm Air Razor Magic Wind AoE
Meteor Kick Physical AoE
Star Player Tidus Quick Flash Physical Light ST from 7-star★
Quick Hit+ Physical ST
Starlight Elena Crystal, Purify All! Hybrid Water ST
Crystal, Shine Bright! Hybrid Light ST
Gemini Blade Hybrid ST
Star Supernova Hybrid AoE
Steadfast Knight Agrias Sky Splitter Physical AoE
Steadfast Soldier Machina Elemental Weakening Physical ST from 6-star★
Enfeeblement Drive Physical ST from 6-star★
Fear Slash Physical AoE from 7-star★
Flame Spin Physical Fire ST
Lightning Spin Physical Lightning ST
Siphon Sword+ Physical ST
Stunning Slash+ Physical ST
l'Cie's Duty Physical ST from 7-star★
Steel Wings of Bonds Maria Robo Beam (Steel Wings of Bonds Maria) Magic Light ST
Robo Punch (Steel Wings of Bonds Maria) Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Steiner Charge! Physical ST from 5-star★
Storm Seeker Esther Bolting Slice Physical ST
Calm Before The Storm Physical ST
Shatterbolt Physical ST
Successor Sorceress Rinoa Meteor (Angel Wing) Physical attack with magic damage Dark ST
Meteor (Angel Wing) Physical attack with magic damage Dark ST
Summer Sniper Physalis F-Type Strongest Ice Shaver Shot Magic Ice ST
F-Type Strongest Ocean Wave Shot Magic Water ST
Summer Shot Magic Water AoE
Summoner Inferno (FFIII) Evoke damage Fire AoE
Mega Flare (FFIII) Evoke damage AoE
Summon: Splash Evoke damage Water AoE
Zantetsuken (FFIII) Evoke damage AoE
Superior Being Hadlar Dark Fire Energy Magic Fire AoE
Hell's Chain Physical attack with magic damage ST
Supreme Deva Akstar Deva's Strikes Physical AoE
Sweet Friendship [[[VC] Whipped Cream Garden]] Physical AoE Vision Card
Sword Saint Orlandeau Sword Saint Assault Physical AoE
Sword of Kings Power to Destroy Nethicite Magic AoE Equipment
Sylvando Hit Parade Physical AoE from 7-star★
Hot Lick Physical Fire AoE
Kiss Me Deadly Physical ST
That's Amore Physical ST from 6-star★
Sylvie Bunny Kick Physical ST from 6-star★
Mystical Egg Physical attack with magic damage ST from 6-star★
Taivas Flamme Sverd Physical Fire AoE
Is Sverd Physical Ice AoE
The Dragonlord's True Form Fangs a Lot Physical attack with magic damage ST from NV
Thief of Tantalus Zidane Mug (Lightning-Fast Zidane) Physical ST
Rumble Rush Physical ST
Wild Hunt Physical Wind AoE
Tide Bringer Kaito Cascading Slash Physical ST
Cleansing Edge Physical ST
Crest Blade Devastation Physical AoE Limit Burst
Deadly Stream Physical AoE
Deep Submersion+ Physical ST
Destabilizing Form Physical AoE
Natural Flux Physical AoE
Purifying Edge Physical ST
Torrential Bladestorm Physical ST
Torrential Devastation Physical ST
Tranquil Flow Physical AoE
Tifa Essence of Zangan's Teachings Physical ST
Trance Kuja Attack (Trance Kuja) Magic Light AoE
True Seraphic Star Magic Light AoE
Trap Element - Free Fall Element - Free Fall Magic Dark ST Materia
Treasure Hunter Locke Sonic Rampage Physical AoE
True Dark King Vearn Oppressive Dark Aura Magic Fire AoE
True King Noctis Armiger Strike Physical AoE
Tsukiko Spirit Fire - Fox Torrent Magic Water AoE from 6-star★
Spirit Fire - Nine Tails None ST from 7-star★
Spirit Fire - Purifying Water Magic Water AoE from 7-star★
Tulien Flamme Oeks Physical Fire AoE
Jord Ringe Physical Earth AoE
Twin Dragon Crests Dai Crest Beam Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Kaswoosh Magic Wind AoE
Kazap Magic Lightning AoE
Super Knight Strike Physical AoE
Zapple Magic Lightning ST
Ultimate Power Hyoh Blade Crack Physical ST
Machine Killer Claw Physical ST
Shield Claw Physical AoE
Umbral Dragon Dark Fina Dark Dysphoria Magic Dark ST
Earth Dysphoria Magic Earth ST
Wind Dysphoria Magic Wind ST
Unsung Hero Ramza Knight House's Blade Physical AoE
Shockwave Physical Earth AoE
Untamed Wolf Edel Shining Art - Wind Magic Bullet Evoke damage Wind ST from NV
Vacation Voyager Fina Sparkling Joy Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Vanharma Eisen Schwall Physical AoE
Vayne Battering Ram Physical AoE from 7-star★
Veritas of the Frost Cleaving Execution Physical ST
Vermilion Blade Ardyn I Remembered I'm Immortal Physical ST
Vermilion Class Zero Ace Burst++ Physical attack with magic damage ST
Exa Burst+ Physical attack with magic damage ST
Offensive Card Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Peta Burst+ Physical attack with magic damage ST
Tera Burst+ Physical attack with magic damage ST
Vermilion Class Zero Deuce March of Light Magic Light AoE
Vermilion Class Zero Trey Spread Barrage Physical AoE
Veronica Whipcrackle Physical attack with magic damage Lightning AoE from 7-star★
Vierge Anemo Wave Magic Wind AoE
Aqua Lord Magic Water AoE
Terra Ghost Magic Earth AoE
Thermo Largo Magic Fire AoE
Voidmage Roca Atomos Blast Evoke damage Dark AoE
Comet & Wormhole Magic Dark ST
Vossler Dark Sword Physical Dark ST from 6-star★
Enrage (Vossler) Physical ST from 7-star★
Pulsing Sword Physical Lightning ST from 6-star★
Wakka Drain Tackle Physical ST from 7-star★
Stay down! Physical AoE from 7-star★
Water Ball+ Physical Water ST from 5-star★
Warrior of Dawn Dorgann Protector of Worlds (Dorgann) Physical ST
Water Dragon Rising Tide Physical Water ST Equipment
Water Dragon - Replica Rising Tide Physical Water ST Equipment
Weltall-2 Juji Physical AoE
Kosho X Physical ST
Whimsical Winter Tiana Unstable Earth Magic Earth ST
Unstable Water Magic Water ST
Unstable Wind Magic Wind ST
Wild Card Ace Burst++ Physical attack with magic damage ST from 7-star★
Exa Burst+ Physical attack with magic damage ST from 7-star★
Exa Burst+ Physical attack with magic damage ST from 7-star★
Exa Burst+ Physical attack with magic damage ST from 7-star★
Exa Burst+ Physical attack with magic damage ST from 7-star★
Offensive Card Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Peta Burst+ Physical attack with magic damage ST from 7-star★
Tera Burst+ Physical attack with magic damage ST from 7-star★
Wild Rose Firion Weapon Raid Physical AoE
Wing of Destiny Sterne Spiral Blade Physical AoE
Winged Officer Celeste Battlefield Blur Physical ST
Cybernetic Strike Physical ST
Energy Slash Physical AoE
Speedy Slash Physical AoE
Wings of Midnight Malphasie Aerial Ambush Physical ST
Rapid Peck Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Swift Divebomb Physical AoE
Wondrous Flash Lightning Blitz (Lightning) Physical AoE
World Wayfarer Bartz Violent Gale Physical Wind AoE
World's Hero Gilgamesh Secret Sword Art - Ragnarok Physical AoE
Wylk Cloud Style - Hurricane Fist Physical ST
Dragon's Reincarnation Physical AoE
Emerald Onslaught Physical ST
Frenzied Claws Physical ST
Rock Style - Quake Blade Physical ST
Vengeance Against the Draconaught Physical ST
Xuan Wu & Qing Long Azure Dragon - Debilitating Acupoint Physical attack with magic damage AoE from 7-star★
Azure Dragon - Enervating Acupoint Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Azure Dragon - Enhanced Chi Physical attack with magic damage ST from 7-star★
Azure Dragon - Fatal Acupoint Physical AoE from 7-star★
Element Arts - Inferno Fist Physical attack with magic damage Fire ST from 6-star★
Element Arts - Whirlwind Kick Physical attack with magic damage Wind ST from 6-star★
Special Arts - Palm Strike Physical attack with magic damage AoE from 7-star★
Yego Disastrous Whip Physical Earth AoE from 6-star★
Wild Whip Physical AoE from 6-star★
Yeti of Narshe Umaro You Try Stop Me, You Fly! Physical AoE
Ygni Laws of Nature Physical attack with magic damage ST
Yoshikiri Finishing Combo Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Ice Scroll Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Ninjutsu: Hakairyoku Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Water Scroll Physical attack with magic damage AoE
Young Hero Zack Meteor Shots (Young Hero Zack) Physical AoE
Youth from Rabanastre Vaan Flaming Smash Physical Fire ST
Zephyr Pole (FFXII) Physical Wind ST
Yshe Vinter Anfall Physical Ice ST
Yuffie Suiton - Snow Flower Physical Ice ST from 6-star★
Ultimate Suiton - Crushing Ice Physical Ice AoE from 7-star★
Yuna & Valefor Energy Ray (Summoner Yuna) Evoke damage Light AoE
Zell Combo Rampage Physical ST from 7-star★
Reckless Hot-Head Physical ST from 7-star★
Zeno of the Beta Star Crimson Flash Physical AoE from 6-star★
Überkilling Machine Thunder Slash Physical Lightning ST from 5-star★