Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki

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Icon Name Stats How to obtain
Priceless Egg Priceless Egg SPR+87
Element: Earth
Effect: Golden RadianceGolden Radiance
Golden RadianceGolden Radiance
Increase LB gauge fill rate (50%)
(Sylvie only)
Reward: (Event) Armeggeddon
Wintry Wreath Wintry Wreath MAG+120, SPR+58, MAG +20%
Resistance: Fire (+15%), Wind (+15%)
Effect: Unbridled WreathUnbridled Wreath
Unbridled WreathUnbridled Wreath
Recover MP (7%) per turn
Decrease chance of being targeted (75%)
Reward: (Event) Ochunenbaum
Wintry Wreath+ Wintry Wreath+ MAG+145, SPR+162, MAG +20%
Resistance: Fire (+15%), Wind (+15%)
Effect: Unbridled WreathUnbridled Wreath
Unbridled WreathUnbridled Wreath
Recover MP (7%) per turn
Decrease chance of being targeted (75%)
Recipe: (Event) Ochunenbaum
Deck of Disquiet Deck of Disquiet MAG+145, SPR+145
Effect: Emotionless EvocationEmotionless Evocation
Emotionless EvocationEmotionless Evocation
Increase evoke damage (50%)
Reward: (Event) June Equipment Enhancement Event
Vengeant Cards Vengeant Cards MAG+214, SPR+214
Effect: Leader's SuccessorLeader's Successor
Leader's SuccessorLeader's Successor
Increase LB damage (50%)
, Hollow-Rejecter's CardsHollow-Rejecter's Cards
Hollow-Rejecter's CardsHollow-Rejecter's Cards
Increase static MAG and SPR (750)
Exclusive: Diverti
, Damage range 105% - 125%
STMR: Diverti
Demonic Scroll Demonic Scroll MAG+180
Effect: Demonic ScrollDemonic Scroll
Demonic ScrollDemonic Scroll
Increase equipment MAG (50%) when dual wielding
STMR: Ibara
Mechanized Tiger Temari Mechanized Tiger Temari HP+5000, MAG+220
Effect: HP +100%, Omega Dispersal PrayerOmega Dispersal Prayer
Omega Dispersal PrayerOmega Dispersal Prayer
Increase physical and magic damage against machinas (75%)
Increase equipment MAG (100%) when single wielding any weapon
, Damage range 130% - 170%, Accuracy+50%
Two-handed weapon
STMR: Lehftia -Warrior's Prayer-
Pinwheel (FFVIII) Pinwheel MAG+237
Effect: Bird Killer+Bird Killer+
Bird Killer+Bird Killer+
Increase physical and magic damage against birds (75%)
, Bug Killer+Bug Killer+
Bug Killer+Bug Killer+
Increase physical and magic damage against insects (75%)
, Sorceress SuccessorSorceress Successor
Sorceress SuccessorSorceress Successor
Increase static MAG (500)
, Damage range 105% - 125%
STMR: Rinoa & Angelo
Fixed Dice (FFVI) Fixed Dice ATK+123
Effect: Damage range 30% - 190%, Accuracy+10%
Two-handed weapon
TMR: Setzer
Recipe: Heroic Quests
Yellow Egg Yellow Egg ATK+10, SPR+50
Element: Lightning
Effect: Natural VigorNatural Vigor
Natural VigorNatural Vigor
Increase HP/SPR (15%)
(Sylvie only)
Reward: (Event) Eggstinction
Boomerang Boomerang ATK+16
Effect: Bird KillerBird Killer
Bird KillerBird Killer
Increase physical damage against avians (50%)
Shop: Port City Lodin
Recipe: Port City Lodin
Chest: Dalnakya Cavern - Exploration
Hawkeye (FFXIII) Hawkeye ATK+43, MAG+156
Effect: Bird KillerBird Killer
Bird KillerBird Killer
Increase physical damage against avians (50%)
, M Bird KillerM Bird Killer
M Bird KillerM Bird Killer
Increase magic damage against birds (50%)
Chest: (Event) The Gapra Whitewood - Exploration, (Event) The Gapra Whitewood - Exploration (Update)
Dark Rising Sun Dark Rising Sun ATK+20 Reward: (Event) Dark Visions - The Advent of Chaos
Chakram Chakram ATK+21
Effect: Bird KillerBird Killer
Bird KillerBird Killer
Increase physical damage against avians (50%)
Shop: Grandport
Recipe: Grandport
Chest: Lanzelt Highlands - Exploration
Beach Ball Beach Ball ATK+25, MAG+68, SPR+68
Element: Water
Recipe: (Event) Sun, Sand, and Sea
Yin Yang Charm Yin Yang Charm ATK+25, MAG+79 Recipe: (Event) Dracotaur Lancer
Moon Ring Blade Moon Ring Blade ATK+26
Effect: Bird KillerBird Killer
Bird KillerBird Killer
Increase physical damage against avians (50%)
Shop: Town of Kolts, Town of Amore, Raven's Hideaway
Recipe: Lanzelt Ruins - Exploration
Reward: (Quest) Lootiful Dreamer
Ninja's Trump Ninja's Trump ATK+28, MAG+75
Exclusive: Popoi
Reward: (Event) Mana Mystery
Eagletalon (FFXIII) Eagletalon ATK+28, MAG+84
Effect: M Bird KillerM Bird Killer
M Bird KillerM Bird Killer
Increase magic damage against birds (50%)
Reward: (Event) The Gapra Whitewood
GE-64 GE-64 ATK+30, MAG+70
Element: Fire
Recipe: (Event) The Son of Medici
Reward: (Event) Trial Marathon: Collaboration Festival
Kangaroo Kangaroo ATK+32
Effect: Bird KillerBird Killer
Bird KillerBird Killer
Increase physical damage against avians (50%)
Reward: (Colosseum) Advanced A-4
Switch Hitter Switch Hitter ATK+35 Chest: (Event) Macalania Woods
Hawkeye (Item) Hawkeye ATK+36, MAG+42
Effect: Bird KillerBird Killer
Bird KillerBird Killer
Increase physical damage against avians (50%)
Chest: Vesta Ruins - Exploration, Runferia Castle - Exploration
Seilan Shuriken Seilan Shuriken ATK+40, SPR+120
Effect: Bladed StarBladed Star
Bladed StarBladed Star
Increase SPR (40%)
TMR: Yoshikiri
Platinum Edge Platinum Edge ATK+42
Effect: Bird KillerBird Killer
Bird KillerBird Killer
Increase physical damage against avians (50%)
Shop: Unbound Offensive
Recipe: (Silver Chest) Energy Extraction Station - Exploration
Chest: Town of Sian
Wild Card (FF Type-0) Wild Card ATK+44, MAG+167, MAG +20%
Effect: Mysterious CardMysterious Card
Mysterious CardMysterious Card
Increase physical and magic damage against demons and machinas (40%)
TMR: Wild Card Ace
Recipe: (Event) Chronicle Battle: Lieutenant Colonel Charlot
Wild Card (FF Type-0)+4 Wild Card+4 ATK+44, MAG+188, MAG +20%
Effect: Mysterious CardMysterious Card
Mysterious CardMysterious Card
Increase physical and magic damage against demons and machinas (40%)
, Master Dealer+Master Dealer+
Master Dealer+Master Dealer+
Increase LB damage (50%)
Increase static MAG (500)
Exclusive: Ace, Wild Card Ace
Recipe: (Event) Chronicle Battle: Lieutenant Colonel Charlot
EMP Grenade EMP Grenade ATK+45
Ability: EMPEMP
Increase physical damage against machinas (100%) for 1 turn to caster
Fixed attack with physical damage.
See the mechanics page.
Physical* damage (1x) to one enemy
Recipe: (Event) Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Reward: (Event) Trial Marathon: Collaboration Festival
Shooting Star Shooting Star ATK+48, MAG+118, HP +15% TMR: Rinoa
Battle Hoop Battle Hoop ATK+50, DEF+20
Effect: GracefulGraceful
Decrease chance of being targeted (10%)
(Soleil only)
Reward: (Event) The Auracite Chosen
Nue Nue ATK+51, MAG+82 TMR: Hope
Twin Viper Twin Viper ATK+52, MAG+16 Chest: (Event) Mt. Nibel - Exploration
Hyper Ball Hyper Ball ATK+55 Recipe: (Event) Macalania Woods
Slick Dart Slick Dart ATK+60, SPR+32 Recipe: (Event) The Shadow Lord Invades
Flask of Uncertainty Flask of Uncertainty ATK+60, MAG+170, MAG +30% STMR: Tiana
Black Trump Black Trump ATK+62, MAG+169 STMR: Ace
Tezcatlipoca Tezcatlipoca ATK+65, HP +20%
Exclusive: Hope
Reward: (Event) The Hanging Edge
Death Tarot Death Tarot ATK+77, SPR+167
Effect: Gambling One's LifeGambling One's Life
Gambling One's LifeGambling One's Life
Chance to ignore fatal damage (15%) when HP is above 1% (7% HP lock, max 7 times)
STMR: Dashing Gambler Setzer
Akademeia Deck Akademeia Deck ATK+77, MAG+232
Effect: Cards' Hidden PowerCards' Hidden Power
Cards' Hidden PowerCards' Hidden Power
Increase physical and magic damage against humans and machinas (75/75%)
, Concentrated Magic CardConcentrated Magic Card
Concentrated Magic CardConcentrated Magic Card
Increase static MAG (500)
, Damage range 105% - 125%
STMR: Vermilion Class Zero Ace
Valkyrie Valkyrie ATK+81, MAG+193
Effect: War Maiden's BladeWar Maiden's Blade
War Maiden's BladeWar Maiden's Blade
Increase physical and magic damage against humans (50%)
Chest: (Event) Dollet - Exploration
Reward: (Event) The Grudge-Filled Ruins
Four-Point Shuriken Four-Point Shuriken ATK+82
Effect: Accuracy+50%
Recipe: (Event) Floating Continent: Skies
True Shooting Star True Shooting Star ATK+93, MAG+123
Effect: Damage range 105% - 125%
Reward: (Event) Servant of the Sorceress from the Future
Recipe: (Event) Servant of the Sorceress from the Future
Darts Darts ATK+176, SPR+88 Recipe: (Event) Resurrection of the Eight Legendary Dragons
Reward: (Event) Glittering Desert Sand's Temptation
Rising Sun Rising Sun ATK+107
Effect: Bird KillerBird Killer
Bird KillerBird Killer
Increase physical damage against avians (50%)
TMR: Locke
Rising Sun (FFVII) Rising Sun ATK+108, MAG+45
Effect: Bird KillerBird Killer
Bird KillerBird Killer
Increase physical damage against avians (50%)
Reward: (Event) The Will of the Planet
Over the Top (FFX) Over the Top ATK+117 TMR: Wakka
Recipe: (Event) Journey From Besaid
Whirlwind Whirlwind ATK+130
Element: Wind
Effect: Bird KillerBird Killer
Bird KillerBird Killer
Increase physical damage against avians (50%)
TMR: Pecciotta
Cissnei's Shuriken Cissnei's Shuriken ATK+144, MAG+212
Effect: Red-Bladed ShurikenRed-Bladed Shuriken
Red-Bladed ShurikenRed-Bladed Shuriken
Increase physical evasion (20%)
, Turks' EliteTurks' Elite
Turks' EliteTurks' Elite
Increase static MAG (500)
Exclusive: Cissnei
, Damage range 130% - 170%, Accuracy+50%
Two-handed weapon
STMR: Cissnei
Dark Rising Sun+ Dark Rising Sun+ ATK+150 Recipe: (Event) Dark Visions - The Advent of Chaos
Hisame Clan Shuriken Hisame Clan Shuriken ATK+150
Effect: Disease (100%), Secret of the HisameSecret of the Hisame
Secret of the HisameSecret of the Hisame
Auto-cast Secret of the Hisame at the start of a battle
(Itachi only)
TMR: Itachi
Raspberyl Raspberyl ATK+152
Effect: Keep Your Eyes on the PrizeKeep Your Eyes on the Prize
Keep Your Eyes on the PrizeKeep Your Eyes on the Prize
Increase physical damage against birds, humans, dragons, and plants (50%)
STMR: Stylish Steward Pecciotta
Rematch (FFX) Rematch ATK+170
Effect: Machine Killer+Machine Killer+
Machine Killer+Machine Killer+
Increase physical and magic damage against machinas (75%)
, Physical Evasion +30%Physical Evasion +30%
Physical Evasion +30%Physical Evasion +30%
Increase physical evasion (30%)
Chest: (Event) Isaaru's Aeons
Conformer (FFVII) Conformer ATK+186, MAG+69
Effect: Bird KillerBird Killer
Bird KillerBird Killer
Increase physical damage against avians (50%)
, Wrath's JudgmentWrath's Judgment
Wrath's JudgmentWrath's Judgment
Increase ATK (120%) when HP drops below 80%
, Damage range 130% - 170%, Accuracy+50%
Two-handed weapon
STMR: Yuffie
Rising Sun (FFBE) Rising Sun ATK+186
Effect: Dawning SunDawning Sun
Dawning SunDawning Sun
Increase physical damage against machinas (75%)
Increase physical damage against birds (50%)
Reward: (Trial) Scorn of the Legendary Stag
Sniper Sniper ATK+189
Effect: Art of the BoomerangArt of the Boomerang
Art of the BoomerangArt of the Boomerang
Increase physical damage against birds (100%)
STMR: Locke -Neo Vision-
World Champion (FFX) World Champion ATK+189
Effect: Power of JupiterPower of Jupiter
Power of JupiterPower of Jupiter
Increase physical evasion (30%)
Increase Ifrit's bonus stats (100%)
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%)
, LB Damage +50%LB Damage +50%
LB Damage +50%LB Damage +50%
Increase LB damage (50%)
, Damage range 130% - 170%, Accuracy+50%
Two-handed weapon
STMR: Wakka
Recipe: (Event) Channels of Absolution
Steel Reaper (FFVIIR INTERGRADE) Steel Reaper ATK+220
Effect: Undead Killer+ IUndead Killer+ I
Undead Killer+ IUndead Killer+ I
Increase physical and magic damage against reapers (100%)
, Lethal Triple SickleLethal Triple Sickle
Lethal Triple SickleLethal Triple Sickle
Increase static ATK (500)
, Damage range 130% - 170%, Accuracy+50%
Two-handed weapon
STMR: Materia Hunter Yuffie
Dark Rising Sun++ Dark Rising Sun++ ATK+286
Ability: Dark ThrowDark Throw
Dark ThrowDark Throw
Physical damage (40x) to all enemies
Recipe: (Event) Dark Visions - The Advent of Chaos

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