Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki

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Icon Name Stats How to obtain
Blackened Mail (Legend of Mana) Blackened Mail ATK+35, SPR+10
Effect: True DoublehandTrue Doublehand
True DoublehandTrue Doublehand
Increase equipment ATK (50%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Reward: (Event) The Fleeting Fate of the Jumi
Recipe: (Event) The Fleeting Fate of the Jumi
Dark Armour Spear (Armour) Dark Armour Spear ATK+30, SPR+50
Resistance: Fire (+20%), Ice (+20%), Water (+20%), Wind (+20%), Earth (+20%), Light (+20%), Dark (+20%)
Exclusive: Magic Tank
Reward: (Event) DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of Dai
Recipe: (Event) DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of Dai
Celestite Vest of Will Celestite Vest of Will ATK+25, DEF+5, MAG+25, SPR+5
Effect: Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Auto-cast Bountiful Morale at the start of a battle
Reward: Xenostone Shard Exchange
Stone Vest Stone Vest ATK+5, DEF+10, SPR+5
Resistance: Earth (+10%)
Effect: Stone Set (Vest)Stone Set (Vest)
Stone Set (Vest)Stone Set
Increase ATK/SPR (10%) when equipped with Stone Bracer
, LivelinessLiveliness
Increase ATK (10%)
, CheerfulnessCheerfulness
Increase HP (10%)
Exclusive: Sylvie
Recipe: (Event) Eggstinction
Toy Soldier's Uniform Toy Soldier's Uniform ATK+45, DEF+10, MAG+45, SPR+10
Resistance: Fire (+30%), Earth (+30%)
Effect: Toy Soldier's Uniform (Ability)Toy Soldier's Uniform (Ability)
Toy Soldier's Uniform (Ability)Toy Soldier's Uniform
Increase ATK/MAG (10%)
STMR: Felix
Leather Plate Leather Plate DEF+12 Shop: Town of Mitra, Royal Capital Grandshelt
Recipe: Town of Mitra
Chest: Royal Capital Grandshelt, Earth Shrine - Exploration
Copper Cuirass Copper Cuirass DEF+14 Shop: Royal Capital Grandshelt, Port City Lodin
Recipe: (Quest) A Knight's Duty
Rider's Armor Rider's Armor ATK+68, DEF+14, SPR+18
Resistance: Wind (+80%)
Effect: Custom Made for a Chocobo KnightCustom Made for a Chocobo Knight
Custom Made for a Chocobo KnightCustom Made for a Chocobo Knight
Increase jump damage (100%)
, Mutual Trust with His ChocoboMutual Trust with His Chocobo
Mutual Trust with His ChocoboMutual Trust with His Chocobo
Increase static ATK (500)
Exclusive: Fohlen
STMR: Fohlen
Heroic Knight's Light Armor Heroic Knight's Light Armor ATK+45, DEF+15
Resistance: Fire (+30%)
Effect: MP Regen IMP Regen I
MP Regen IMP Regen I
Recover MP (5%) per turn
Reward: Capital of Sherna, Rohlestan
Recipe: Rohlestan Plains
Toy Elf's Tunic Toy Elf's Tunic ATK+5, DEF+15, SPR+15
Resistance: Wind (+15%)
Effect: Toy Set (Tunic)Toy Set (Tunic)
Toy Set (Tunic)Toy Set
Increase SPR/MP (10%) when equipped with Toy's Wind-Up Key
Recipe: (Event) Save Your Elf, (Event) Save Your Elf (Update)
Raegen's Overcoat Raegen's Overcoat ATK+36, DEF+16, SPR+22
Resistance: Fire (+40%), Ice (+40%)
Effect: Hidden CrimsonHidden Crimson
Hidden CrimsonHidden Crimson
Increase LB gauge fill rate (50%)
STMR: Raegen
Festive Elf Suit Festive Elf Suit ATK+10, DEF+20, SPR+20
Resistance: Wind (+30%)
Effect: Festive Set (Suit)Festive Set (Suit)
Festive Set (Suit)Festive Set
Increase SPR/MP (20%) when equipped with Festive Snow Globe
Recipe: (Event) Save Your Elf, (Event) Save Your Elf (Update)
Celestite Vest of Will+ Celestite Vest of Will+ ATK+55, DEF+20, MAG+55, SPR+20
Effect: Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Auto-cast Bountiful Morale at the start of a battle
Recipe: Xenostone Shard Exchange
Hervor's Armor Hervor's Armor ATK+45, DEF+20, SPR+35
Effect: Physical Evasion +10%Physical Evasion +10%
Physical Evasion +10%Physical Evasion +10%
Increase physical evasion (10%)
Reward: (Event) A Culling Mission for Yshe's Elites
Dark Armor (Xenogears) Dark Armor ATK+45, DEF+20, SPR+45
Effect: Shadow-Harboring ArmorShadow-Harboring Armor
Shadow-Harboring ArmorShadow-Harboring Armor
Increase ATK/SPR (30%)
Reward: (Event) The Second Gate - The Light of Babel
Iron Plate Iron Plate DEF+22 Shop: Village of Kol, Grandport
Recipe: Village of Kol, Grandport
Chest: Wolfsfang Peak - Exploration
Black Cloak Black Cloak ATK+28, DEF+22, SPR+16
Effect: Darkness-Welcoming HeartDarkness-Welcoming Heart
Darkness-Welcoming HeartDarkness-Welcoming Heart
Increase ATK (20%) when equipped with a dagger
Increase ATK (20%) when equipped with a sword
Increase ATK (20%) when equipped with a great sword
Increase ATK (20%) when equipped with a katana
TMR: Young Xehanort (KHDR)
Scion Thief's Tunic Scion Thief's Tunic DEF+25, HP +10%, ATK +10%
Exclusive: Thancred
Recipe: (Event) March on Ifrit, (Event) March on Titan, (Event) March on Garuda
Tectonic Vest Tectonic Vest ATK+10, DEF+25, SPR+10, HP +10%
Resistance: Earth (+20%), Petrify (+50%)
Effect: Tectonic Set (Vest)Tectonic Set (Vest)
Tectonic Set (Vest)Tectonic Set
Increase ATK/SPR (15%) when equipped with Tectonic Bracer
, LivelinessLiveliness
Increase ATK (10%)
, CheerfulnessCheerfulness
Increase HP (10%)
Exclusive: Sylvie
Recipe: (Event) Eggstinction
Irvine's Coat Irvine's Coat ATK+15, DEF+25, SPR+25
Effect: Calculated BallisticsCalculated Ballistics
Calculated BallisticsCalculated Ballistics
Increase ATK (30%) when equipped with a gun
Recipe: (Event) Deling City Gateway
Seifer's Coat Seifer's Coat HP+500, ATK+15, DEF+25, SPR+25
Effect: Pride of the Disciplinary CommitteePride of the Disciplinary Committee
Pride of the Disciplinary CommitteePride of the Disciplinary Committee
Increase counter chance (25%)
Reward: (Event) Lunatic Pandora, (Event) A Fate Written Before Time
Galbadian Army Uniform (FFVIII) Galbadian Army Uniform HP+800, DEF+25, SPR+50
Resistance: Fire (+20%), Water (+20%)
Reward: (Event) The First Shoot
Mythril Plate Mythril Plate DEF+28 Recipe: (Gale Key) Village of Ambel
Chest: Mystic Woods - Exploration
Reward: (Earth Key) Lanzelt Ruins - Exploration
Purchase: Premium Bundle
Kelger's Armor (FFV) Kelger's Armor ATK+60, DEF+28, SPR+21
Effect: Physical Evasion +15%Physical Evasion +15%
Physical Evasion +15%Physical Evasion +15%
Increase physical evasion (15%)
TMR: Kelger
Gleaming Feather Armor Gleaming Feather Armor ATK+30, DEF+28, SPR+28
Resistance: Wind (+50%)
Effect: Chocobo FormationChocobo Formation
Chocobo FormationChocobo Formation
Increase HP/MP (15%)
Increase LB gauge (1) per turn
Reward: (Trial) Charge of the Chocobo Battalion
Resistance Armor (FFXII) Resistance Armor ATK+26, DEF+28, SPR+32
Effect: Resisting Imperial DominationResisting Imperial Domination
Resisting Imperial DominationResisting Imperial Domination
Increase ATK (30%) and SPR (10%) when equipped with a great sword
Recipe: (Event) Sochen Cave Palace, (Event) Chronicle Battle: Judge Ghis
Reward: (Event) Chronicle Battle: Judge Ghis
Cloud's Uniform Cloud's Uniform HP+500, ATK+15, DEF+30, SPR+15 Reward: (Event) Destroy the Reactor - Exploration
Magical Armor Magical Armor DEF+30, SPR+20
Resistance: Fire (+10%), Water (+10%), Wind (+10%), Earth (+10%)
Recipe: (Event) The Mana Beast
Fiendish Armor Fiendish Armor DEF+30, SPR+30, HP +10% Reward: (Event) Sworn to Slay a Demon
Military Plate Military Plate DEF+31, SPR+7 Reward: (Event) Shadow of the Empire
Seductress Armor Seductress Armor DEF+32
Effect: EvadeEvade
Increase physical evasion (10%)

Females only
Reward: (Event) An Eerie Invitation, (Event) Holiday Road
Knights of Pluto Uniform (FFIX) Knights of Pluto Uniform DEF+32, SPR+5 Chest: (Event) Escape from Alexandria Castle
Reward: (Event) Something to Protect
Chocobo Armor Chocobo Armor ATK+10, DEF+32
Resistance: Wind (+50%)
Effect: Chocobo TeamworkChocobo Teamwork
Chocobo TeamworkChocobo Teamwork
Increase MP (15%)
Increase LB gauge (1) per turn
(Chocobo Rain only)
Reward: (Event) Farplane de Chocobo!
Silver Cuirass Silver Cuirass DEF+34 Shop: Felicitas Town, Industrial City Dilmagia, Village of Ambel, Town of Kolts, Aquapolis Olderion, Town of Amore, Raven's Hideaway, Downtown Zoldaad
Recipe: Junkyard - Exploration
Reward: (Earth Key) Lanzelt Highlands - Exploration
Arenalorika Arenalorika DEF+34
Resistance: Water (+20%)
Chest: Ilteah Town
Sephiroth's Longcoat Sephiroth's Longcoat MP+30, ATK+15, DEF+35, SPR+35 Reward: (Event) Mt. Nibel - Exploration
Seifer's Coat (Disciplined) Seifer's Coat HP+750, ATK+20, DEF+35, SPR+35
Effect: Pride of the Sorceress' KnightPride of the Sorceress' Knight
Pride of the Sorceress' KnightPride of the Sorceress' Knight
Increase counter chance (50%)
Recipe: (Event) Lunatic Pandora, (Event) A Fate Written Before Time
Ruby Breastplate Ruby Breastplate DEF+36 Reward: (Event) The Dreadnought
Leichtpanzer Leichtpanzer DEF+38
Effect: Archer's MethodArcher's Method
Archer's MethodArcher's Method
Increase ATK/SPR (30%) when equipped with a bow
TMR: Amy
Adamant Vest Adamant Vest DEF+38, HP +10%
Resistance: Fire (+50%), Ice (-50%)
Reward: (Event) Henne Mines
Rain's Clothes Rain's Clothes DEF+38, SPR+12, MP +10%
Effect: Push ForwardPush Forward
Push ForwardPush Forward
Increase resistance to blind, paralyze and petrify (100%)
Reward: Trial of the Burning Soul
Lasswell's Clothes Lasswell's Clothes ATK+10, DEF+38, SPR+12
Effect: Absolute SecurityAbsolute Security
Absolute SecurityAbsolute Security
Increase resistance to sleep, paralyze and confuse (100%)
Reward: Trial of the Tranquil Will
Lion Armor Lion Armor HP+434, ATK+38, DEF+38
Effect: Wall of FieldWall of Field
Wall of FieldWall of Field
Increase LB damage (50%)
Increase dark resistance (50%)
STMR: Sterne Leonis
Kirin's Osode Kirin's Osode MP+30, DEF+39, ATK +5%, DEF +5%, MAG +5%, SPR +5%
Resistance: Light (+50%)
Reward: (Event) Shrine of Ru'Avitau - Exploration
Onion Armor Onion Armor ATK+10, DEF+40
Effect: NaughtyNaughty
Increase HP (15%)
Dropped from: Yellow Dragon, Green Dragon, Red Dragon
Chest: (Event) The Crystal Tower - Exploration
Reward: (Event) Castle Hein, (Event) Cave of Shadows
Recipe: (Event) The Crystal Tower - Exploration
Parade Cuirass Parade Cuirass DEF+40, HP +10% Recipe: (Event) The Shadow Lord Invades
Riot Gear Riot Gear DEF+40, SPR+16 Recipe: (Event) Vanquish Jie Revorse!
Reward: (Event) Trial Marathon: Collaboration Festival
Assassin's Vest Assassin's Vest DEF+40, SPR+20
Resistance: Poison (Null), Paralyze (Null)
Effect: EvadeEvade
Increase physical evasion (10%)
Reward: (Trial) The Lure of Echidna
Fiendish Armor+ Fiendish Armor+ DEF+40, SPR+40, HP +15%
Resistance: Silence (+50%), Paralyze (+50%)
Effect: Self-Proclaimed DemonSelf-Proclaimed Demon
Self-Proclaimed DemonSelf-Proclaimed Demon
Auto-cast Self-Proclaimed Demon at the start of a battle, upon revival, or after brave shift
Recipe: (Event) Sworn to Slay a Demon
Celestite Vest of Will++ Celestite Vest of Will++ ATK+85, DEF+40, MAG+85, SPR+40
Effect: Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Auto-cast Bountiful Morale at the start of a battle
Recipe: Xenostone Shard Exchange
Brigandine Brigandine DEF+41 Shop: Underworld Gaberada
Recipe: (Silver Chest) Mystic Woods - Exploration
Chest: Maranda Coast - Exploration
Reward: (Colosseum) Beginner A-4
Purchase: Premium Bundle
Golden Vest Golden Vest DEF+42 Recipe: (Aurora Key) Mysidia Tower - Exploration
Reward: (Quest) Survey the Shrine, (Colosseum) Advanced D-4
Purchase: Premium Bundle
Chobham Armor Chobham Armor DEF+42, HP +5% Recipe: (Event) Imperial Infiltration
Force Drive Armor Force Drive Armor ATK+100, DEF+43, MAG+100, SPR+14
Resistance: Ice (+30%)
Effect: Close Combat ThrusterClose Combat Thruster
Close Combat ThrusterClose Combat Thruster
Increase equipment ATK (50%) and physical accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Increase equipment MAG (50%) and magic accuracy (25%) when single wielding any weapon
Increase equipment ATK (50%) when dual wielding
Increase equipment MAG (50%) when dual wielding
, Armor Activated by SpiritArmor Activated by Spirit
Armor Activated by SpiritArmor Activated by Spirit
Increase static ATK and MAG (500)
STMR: Lasswell -Dark Lineage-
Jessie's Light Armor (FFVII REMAKE) Jessie's Light Armor DEF+44, SPR+14
Resistance: Fire (+25%), Lightning (+25%)
Reward: (Event) The Town That Never Sleeps
Orange Jakkesaet Orange Jakkesaet ATK+150, DEF+45
Effect: Energy ForstaerkningEnergy Forstaerkning
Energy ForstaerkningEnergy Forstaerkning
Increase LB gauge fill rate (100%)
, Caledfwlch-Style BoxingCaledfwlch-Style Boxing
Caledfwlch-Style BoxingCaledfwlch-Style Boxing
Increase static ATK (500)
Increase ability modifier (700x): Smart Straight Punch
Exclusive: Neilikka

Exclusive: FFBE
STMR: Neilikka
Monster Breastplate Monster Breastplate ATK+12, DEF+46, MAG+12 Reward: (Event) The Orders and the Magitek Ruins
TMR: Lawrence
Carabini Mail Carabini Mail DEF+47
Effect: Auto-RegenAuto-Regen
Auto-heal (60 HP, 1.2x) per turn
Chest: Magi Nation Mysidia, Cavern of Desolation, Energy Extraction Station - Exploration
Platinum Breastplate Platinum Breastplate DEF+48 Shop: City of Trials Dendalio, Town of Desolation Visectrum, Unbound Offensive
Recipe: (Silver Chest) Ilteah Town
Chest: Foggy Thicket - Exploration, Industrial City Dormdry
Catastrophic Vest Catastrophic Vest ATK+30, DEF+50, SPR+30, HP +15%
Resistance: Earth (+30%), Petrify (+50%)
Effect: Catastrophe Set (Vest)Catastrophe Set (Vest)
Catastrophe Set (Vest)Catastrophe Set
Increase ATK/SPR (40%) when equipped with Catastrophic Bracer
Reward: (Trial) Chamber of the Vengeful - Armeggeddon
Samurai Princess's Armor Samurai Princess's Armor DEF+50, SPR+32
Resistance: Fire (+25%), Lightning (+25%), Dark (+25%)
TMR: Kaede
Celestite Chainmail of Will Celestite Chainmail of Will ATK+135, DEF+50, MAG+135, SPR+50
Effect: Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Auto-cast Bountiful Morale at the start of a battle
Recipe: Xenostone Shard Exchange
Crimson Slayer Crimson Slayer DEF+52
Resistance: Fire (+25%)
Effect: Fist of FireFist of Fire
Fist of FireFist of Fire
Increase ATK (30%) when equipped with a fist
TMR: Yun
Diamond Breastplate Diamond Breastplate DEF+54 Shop: Special Forces Training Grounds
Recipe: (Silver Chest) Visectrum Underground Waterway - Exploration
Edgar's Armor (FFVI) Edgar's Armor ATK+58, DEF+58, SPR+58
Effect: Wise King's MajestyWise King's Majesty
Wise King's MajestyWise King's Majesty
Increase static ATK (500)
TMR: Embracer of Duty Edgar
Dark Crimson Armor Dark Crimson Armor ATK+55, DEF+60, SPR+50
Resistance: Fire (+30%), Dark (+30%)
Effect: Man-Eater+Man-Eater+
Increase physical and magic damage against humans (75%)
, Protector of the Future's AttireProtector of the Future's Attire
Protector of the Future's AttireProtector of the Future's Attire
Increase ATK and HP (20%)
TMR: Flaring Aether Rain
Knights of Pluto Uniform (FFIX)+ Knights of Pluto Uniform+ DEF+61, SPR+45 Recipe: (Event) Something to Protect
Olberic's Surcoat Olberic's Surcoat HP+1000, DEF+62, SPR+55
Effect: Olberic's Surcoat (Ability)Olberic's Surcoat (Ability)
Olberic's Surcoat (Ability)Olberic's Surcoat
Increase HP (10%) and ATK/DEF (20%)
STMR: Olberic
Conductor's Celestite Chainmail of Will Conductor's Celestite Chainmail of Will ATK+165, DEF+65, MAG+165, SPR+65
Effect: Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Auto-cast Bountiful Morale at the start of a battle
, Conductor's TenetConductor's Tenet
Conductor's TenetConductor's Tenet
Increase chain modifier for normal chain (200%)
Increase chain modifier for elemental chain (200%)
Recipe: Xenostone Shard Exchange
Ninja's Celestite Chainmail of Will Ninja's Celestite Chainmail of Will ATK+165, DEF+65, MAG+165, SPR+65
Effect: Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Auto-cast Bountiful Morale at the start of a battle
, Ninja's TenetNinja's Tenet
Ninja's TenetNinja's Tenet
Increase physical evasion (50%)
Decrease chance of being targeted (100%)
Recipe: Xenostone Shard Exchange
Ruler's Celestite Chainmail of Will Ruler's Celestite Chainmail of Will ATK+165, DEF+65, MAG+165, SPR+65
Effect: Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Auto-cast Bountiful Morale at the start of a battle
, Ruler's TenetRuler's Tenet
Ruler's TenetRuler's Tenet
Increase static ATK/MAG (300)
Recipe: Xenostone Shard Exchange
Guardian's Celestite Chainmail of Will Guardian's Celestite Chainmail of Will ATK+165, DEF+65, MAG+165, SPR+65
Effect: Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Auto-cast Bountiful Morale at the start of a battle
, Guardian's TenetGuardian's Tenet
Guardian's TenetGuardian's Tenet
Auto-cast Guardian's Tenet at the start of a battle, upon revival, or after brave shift
Recipe: Xenostone Shard Exchange
Avatar's Celestite Chainmail of Will Avatar's Celestite Chainmail of Will ATK+165, DEF+65, MAG+165, SPR+65
Effect: Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Bountiful MoraleBountiful Morale
Auto-cast Bountiful Morale at the start of a battle
, Avatar's TenetAvatar's Tenet
Avatar's TenetAvatar's Tenet
[1 use per battle]
Increase resistance to all elements (150%) for 1 turn to caster
Recipe: Xenostone Shard Exchange
Fiendish Armor++ Fiendish Armor++ DEF+78, SPR+68, HP +20%
Resistance: Silence (Null), Paralyze (Null)
Effect: Self-Proclaimed Demon+Self-Proclaimed Demon+
Self-Proclaimed Demon+Self-Proclaimed Demon+
Auto-cast Self-Proclaimed Demon+ at the start of a battle, upon revival, or after brave shift
Recipe: (Event) Sworn to Slay a Demon

Equippable By[]

Pages in category "Light Armors"

The following 77 pages are in this category, out of 77 total.
