A gem infused with the power of great calamity. These are mainly used by extracting the enormous power held within them which sealed away by a powerful magic spell. The string that wraps around the gem itself is so sturdy that neither sword nor fire can even damage it. However, since the calamitous power held within the gem is known to take control of the hearts of those who come near it, it is said that only those firm of spirit can even hold one.
Awakening Material
- 2B
- 9S
- A2
- Adam
- Adam Jensen
- Adventurer Locke
- Aelia
- Aerith
- Agent Olive
- Agrias
- A.I. Katy
- Akstar
- Almaz
- Aloha Lasswell
- Alphonse Elric
- Amber
- Amelia
- Aranea
- Archmage Kefka
- Ardyn
- Arngrim
- Ashteroze
- Assassin Shadow
- Atoning Dragoon Kain
- Aura
- Auron
- Awakened Onion Knight
- Awakened Rain
- Awakened Warrior of Light
- Bai Hu & Zhu Que
- Balthier
- Barbariccia
- Barret
- Bartz
- Barusa
- Basch
- Beatrix
- Beowulf
- Beryl
- Billy
- Black Cat Lid
- Black Mage Golbez
- Black Mage Vivi
- Camille
- Cecil
- Cedona
- Charlotte
- Chizuru
- Chocobo Rain
- Chow
- Cid (FFIV)
- Circe
- Citan
- Cloud
- Cloud (FFVII: AC)
- Cloud (KH)
- Cloud of Darkness
- Colundo
- Cor
- Court Jesters Zorn & Thorn
- Crimson
- Crowe
- Crown Prince Noctis
- Cupid Artemios
- Dark Fina
- Dark Knight Cecil
- Dark Knight Leon
- Dark Knight Luneth
- Dark Mage Exdeath
- Dark Spirit Sol
- Demon Rain
- Deuce
- Dietlinde
- Doctor Aiden
- Doga
- Drace
- Dracu Lasswell
- Dragon Knight Freya
- Dragonlord
- Dressy Aileen
- Edward Elric
- Elbis
- Elena
- Eleven
- Elfreeda
- Ellesperis
- Elza
- Emilia
- Emperor
- Emperor Foo
- Emperor Shera
- Erik
- Estark
- Esther
- Eve
- Exdeath
- Explorer Aileen
- Fayt
- Felix
- Fidel
- Firion
- Flammie
- Fohlen
- Folka
- Four Winds Physalis
- Friese
- Gaffgarion
- Garland
- Gentiana
- Gilgamesh
- Gilgamesh (WOTV FFBE)
- Gladiolus
- Glauca
- Godrea
- Goken
- Grace
- Graceful Champion Fang
- Gravey
- Great Dragon
- Grinfield
- Hallowed Aegis Charlotte
- Hayate
- Heavenly Technician Lid
- Hein
- Helena
- Heliarc
- Heltich
- Hess King Lasswell
- High Seraph Ultima
- Holy Night Amelia & Emilia
- Hyoh
- Ignacio
- Ignis
- Illusionist Nichol
- Immortal Flame Katy
- Immortal Knight Garland
- Infernal Fire Rain
- Isaaru
- Jade
- Jasper Unbound
- Jecht
- Jiraiya
- Joachim
- Juraga of the Nu Star
- Kadaj
- Kaito
- Kaliva
- Karlette
- Karten
- Kenny Crow
- Killian
- King Bradley
- King Edgar of Figaro
- Knight Delita
- Kryla
- Kupolkan
- Kurasame
- Kyanos
- Lasswell
- Lenneth
- Leopold
- Levinson
- Lexa
- Lezard Valeth
- Libertus
- Lightning
- Lila
- Lilisette
- Lilith
- Livid Shantotto
- Loren
- Lovely Katy
- Lucas
- Lucian
- Lucius
- Lulu
- Lunafreya
- Luneth
- Machina
- Macmedi
- Madam Edel
- Magitek Warrior Terra
- Magna
- Malphasie
- Maria (Xenogears)
- Mario Frigo
- Maritime Strategist Nichol
- Marquis de Léon
- Mastermind Xon
- Maxwell
- Mediena
- Medius
- Meliadoul
- Mercedes
- Miyuki
- Monk Sabin of Kolts
- Mordegon
- Morgana
- Myra
- Mystical Ice Lasswell
- Mystina
- Nagi
- Nalu
- Nameless Gunner Jake
- Neisha
- Neverending Hope
- Nine
- Noctis
- Nyx
- Ohga
- Olberic
- Olive
- Onion Knight
- Onion Knight Refia
- Operative Zyrus
- Orochi
- Orran
- Ozetta
- Paine
- Paladin Cecil
- Papalymo
- Pecciotta
- Physalis
- Pirate Jake
- Primrose
- Prishe
- Prompto
- Qin
- Queen
- Rab
- Radiant Lightning
- Raegen
- Rain
- Rakish Thief Zidane
- Randi
- Rasler
- Ravus
- Reberta
- Red XIII
- Regina
- Regis
- Reimi
- Rico Rodriguez
- Rikku
- Rikku (FFX-2)
- Riku
- Rinoa
- Rivera
- Riza Hawkeye
- Roy
- Roy Mustang
- Rubicante
- Ruggles
- Sacred Shield Charlotte
- Sakura & Ayaka
- Sandee
- Scartio
- Seabreeze Dark Fina
- Seaside Nichol
- Sephiroth
- Sephiroth (KH)
- Setzer
- Seven
- Seymour
- Shadow Lord
- Shatal
- Shine
- Shinju
- Sieghard
- Sieghard & Ignacio
- Slime Knight
- Snow
- Sol
- Sophia
- Sora
- Squall
- Star Player Tidus
- Steiner
- Summer Fina & Lid
- Summer Folka & Citra
- Summertime Luka
- Supreme Deva Akstar
- Suzume
- Sweet Luka
- Sylvando
- Sylvie
- The Lord of Shadows
- Theobald
- Therion
- Tiana
- Tidus
- Tifa (FFVII: AC)
- Tinkerer Carrie
- Tomoe
- Tsukiko
- Überkilling Machine
- Ukiyo
- Ulrica
- Untamed Wolf Edel
- Vaan
- Václav Koller
- Vargas
- Vayne
- Veritas of the Dark
- Veritas of the Earth
- Veritas of the Flame
- Veritas of the Heavens
- Veritas of the Light
- Veritas of the Waters
- Verun
- Vesvia
- Victoria
- Viktor Marchenko
- Vincent
- Wadow
- Wakka
- War Hero Raegen
- Warrior of Dawn Galuf
- Warrior of Light
- Warrior of Light Bartz
- Warrior of Light Lenna
- Werei
- White Knight Noel
- White Lily Dark Fina
- Wild Rose Firion
- Wilhelm
- William
- Wizardess Shantotto
- Xande
- Xon
- Xuan Wu & Qing Long
- Y'shtola, the Sorceress
- Yang
- Yazoo & Loz
- Yda
- Yego
- Yubel
- Yuffie
- Yun
- Yunalesca
- Yuraisha
- Yuri
- Zack
- Zargabaath
- Zeid
- Zell
- Zeno of the Beta Star
- Zile
- Zolulu & Delulu
- Zyrus
How to obtain[]
Dropped from
Collected from