An ancient tome passed down among a certain dark god's believers. It describes the war of the gods, as well as the tales of how the world began and how it will end. The entire book is filled with puzzling messages that appear to be some sort of code, and they have been interpreted in many different ways by different scholars. It is thought that if you ever did understand everything written in this book, you would lose your mind. It is also sometimes used as a magic tool.
Awakening Material
How to obtain[]
Dropped from
Stolen from
Colosseum Steal
Level Rank Round Monster BGN C 5 Bomb BGN B 4 Bloody Eye
DamiaBGN A 2 Green Wisp
SkadiBGN A 3 Bas-relief BGN A 5 Wandering One BGN S 2 Aqua Elemental BGN S 5 Hunger