A crystal which brings out the potential of abilities. It is necessary in awakening black magic.
Crafting recipe[]
Ability Awakening Material
- As of batch 16.5 (2018-06-28)
- Totals shown are for +1 and +2 awakenings combined.
Skill | Unit | Total Needed |
Aeroga | Hope | 20 |
Black Mist | Dracu Lasswell | 20 |
Blade of Justice | Mercenary Ramza | 38 |
Blood Pulsar | Zyrus | 38 |
Blood Rend | Zyrus | 20 |
Chaos Wave | Trance Terra | 25 |
Crush Armor | Meliadoul | 20 |
Crush Weapon | Orlandeau | 20 |
Meliadoul | 20 | |
Dagger Boomerang | Rem | 38 |
Dark Spiral | Garland | 25 |
Doomsday | Vivi | 38 |
Feint Step | Ling | 20 |
Fire From Below | Emperor | 20 |
Flare | Papalymo | 25 |
Flare Star | Kuja | 38 |
Frost Flower Blitz | Fryevia | 38 |
Glacial Wave | White Knight Noel | 38 |
Icicle Press | Kaliva | 25 |
Into Darkness | Shine | 25 |
Kaboom | Liquid Metal Slime | 20 |
Kafrizzle | Dragonlord | 38 |
Light of Judgment (FFVI) | Kefka | 38 |
Manastrike | Fencer | 20 |
Meteor | Exdeath | 38 |
Victoria | 38 | |
Mind Break | Ramza | 20 |
Overflow | Victoria | 38 |
Rolling Ball | Juggler | 20 |
Shattering Shot | Olive | 20 |
Sizzle | Slime | 8 |
Thundaga | Kuja | 20 |
Twilight Bolt | Cupid Luna | 20 |
Ultima | Dark Fina | 38 |
Seabreeze Dark Fina | 38 | |
Trance Terra | 38 | |
Unlock Magic | Terra | 25 |
Utopia | Seabreeze Dark Fina | 38 |
Waterga | Hope | 20 |
Weapon Break | Ramza | 20 |
How to obtain[]
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