Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki

Black Alcryst

A small crystal which brings out the potential of abilities. It is necessary in awakening black magic.

Crafting recipe[]



Ability Awakening Material

  • As of batch 24 (2019-03-01)
  • Totals shown are for +1 and +2 awakenings combined.
Skill Unit Total Needed
Absolute Zero Christine 38
Aeroga Hope 38
Armor Eraser Loren 25
Arms Eraser Loren 25
Autarch of Flame Rubicante 38
Black Mist Dracu Lasswell 38
Blade of Justice Mercenary Ramza 50
Blood Pulsar Zyrus 50
Blood Rend Zyrus 38
Chaos Wave Trance Terra 38
Clever Smile Elfreeda 38
Cold Gem Silvia 38
Crush Armor Meliadoul 38
Crush Weapon Orlandeau 38
Meliadoul 38
Dagger Boomerang Rem 50
Dark Spiral Garland 38
Darklord Veritas of the Dark 50
Demonic Spark Jiraiya 38
Doomsday Vivi 50
Dragon Magic Dance Charie 25
Earthsplit Evasion 2 Wadow 38
Yuri 38
Feint Step Ling 38
Fire From Below Emperor 38
Flare Papalymo 38
Flare Star Kuja 50
Frost Flower Blitz Fryevia 50
Frostbite Elfreeda 38
Glacial Wave White Knight Noel 50
Grim - Eldritch Flames Grim Lord Sakura 38
Grim - Soul Barrage Grim Lord Sakura 50
Icicle Press Kaliva 38
Illusion - Terrifying Visions Illusionist Nichol 38
Impact Veritas of the Dark 50
Into Darkness Shine 38
Jinx - Sap MAG Pot Kryla 38
Kaboom Liquid Metal Slime 25
Kafrizzle Dragonlord 50
Liberation Heltich 50
Light of Judgment (FFVI) Kefka 50
Manastrike Fencer 25
Mind Blast Veritas of the Waters 38
Mind Break Ramza 38
Meteor Exdeath 50
Victoria 50
Overflow Victoria 50
Penetrating Shot Ang 50
Quake William 38
Rolling Ball Juggler 25
Shattering Shot Olive 38
Sizzle Slime 20
Strong Memory Chloe 25
Sunder Barbariccia 50
Thundaga Kuja 38
Twilight Bolt Cupid Luna 38
Ultima Dark Fina 50
Seabreeze Dark Fina 50
Trance Terra 50
Veritas of the Light 50
Unlock Magic Terra 38
Utopia Seabreeze Dark Fina 50
Warp Charge Nyx 38
Warp Strike Nyx 38
Waterga Hope 38
Weapon Break Ramza 38
Whirlwind Evasion 2 Yuri 38

How to obtain[]

Dropped from
