Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki


  • Origin: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
  • Type: Story Event
  • Reference: Announcement
  • Event Period: 9/13/19 00:00 - 9/26/19 23:59 PST

The area map has several stages which must be cleared in order. Parties and equipment can't be changed on the area map. You will not be able to return to the home screen until you complete all stages or give up. Losing on a battle will also return you to the home screen, losing all progress and energy used unless lapis is used to revive.

There are two types of stages, one being battle stages, in which wave battles occurs, and the other being scenario stages, in which story scenes play out.


Event Transcript: Story



Name Effect Materials

Accrual Rod
Accrual Rod

ATK+14, MAG+76
Ability: BlizzagaBlizzaga
BlizzagaBlizzagaBlack Magic Affinity Lvl 6 
Ice magic damage (20x) to all enemies

Float Sandals
Float Sandals

MAG+30, MP +10% Icon-Cosmo PowderCosmo Powder (90)
Icon-Meteorite FragmentMeteorite Fragment (80)
Icon-Light-Eating Black CrystalLight-Eating Black Crystal (70)
Icon-Golden Devil TailGolden Devil Tail (60)
Icon-Lifestone OreLifestone Ore (1)

Battle Info[]

Name Energy Rank EXP
Prodigious Scientist 15 675
Fellow Researcher 25 1154
Failure 35 1652
Power of the Crystal 45 2150
Ambition 55 2715
The Heart of Babel 65 3250
Abnormality 75 3748
Vanishing Light 85 4500
Bonus Stage 90 2073
Total 490 21917

Mission Checklist[]

Usage or kill missions are bolded. If you are using magic to fulfill elemental damage condition take note when a stage contains "no magic/black magic" and "deal elemental damage" combo, indicated with No Magic

Prodigious Scientist
Road to the Laboratory Heliarc in party (Companion included)
No items
No continues
The Magic Touch Deal ice damage to an enemy
No limit bursts
No continues
For the People Use black magic
No items
No continues
Long Road Ahead Use a limit burst
Deal fire damage to an enemy
No continues
Brought to a Stinging Halt Deal ice damage to an enemy
No items
Defeat the megalara using magic
Fellow Researcher
Trudging Along Clear without an ally being KO'd
No items
No continues
The Mystery of the Crystal Get a chain of 3 or more in 1 turn
No white magic
No continues
Rising Anxiety Deal fire damage to an enemy
No limit bursts
No continues
Dark Thoughts Use black magic
No recovery magic
No continues
Sentient Slime Use a limit burst
Deal earth damage to an enemy
Defeat the polluere with a limit burst
Lawless Laboratory Clear without an ally being KO'd
No items
No continues
Picking up the Pace Deal fire and light damage to an enemy
Use magic
No continues
A Bad Feeling Use a limit burst
No magic
No continues
Encroaching Footsteps Activate an element chain 2 times or more in 1 turn
No limit bursts
No continues
Savage Beast Use 2 or more limit bursts
Clear without an ally being KO'd
Defeat the pygmy dragon with magic
Power of the Crystal
The Way Home Clear without an ally being KO'd
No items
No continues
New Objective Deal fire damage 2 times or more to an enemy
No limit bursts
No continues
Path of Reflection Use 2 or more limit bursts
No recovery magic
No continues
Proliferating Idea Use 2 or more limit bursts
No items
No continues
Crawlers Deal ice damage 3 times or more to an enemy
No items
Defeat the hunger worm with a limit burst
Excessive Power Heliarc in party (Companion included)
No items
No continues
Restricted Magic Power Deal lightning damage 2 or more times to an enemy
Use a limit burst
No continues
Wavering Heart Activate an element chain 3 times or more in 1 turn
No items
No continues
Going Easy on Them Get a chain of 7 or more in 1 turn
No recovery magic
No continues
Sentries Activate an element chain 4 times or more in 1 turn
No items
Defeat the Aldore imperial sentinel with magic
The Heart of Babel
Steadfast Resolve Heliarc in party (Companion included)
Deal ice damage to an enemy
No continues
Overwhelming Power Use white and black magic
No recovery magic
No continues
Unwavering Assault Use a limit burst
No items
No continues
Eclipsa Use 2 or more limit bursts
Evoke an esper
Defeat Eclipsa with a limit burst
Parting Pertira in party (Companion included)
Deal lightning damage to an enemy
Clear without an ally being KO'd
For Better or Worse Deal fire damage to an enemy
No limit bursts
No continues
Persecution No Magic Deal ice damage 2 times or more to an enemy
No magic
No continues
A Change of Heart Evoke an esper
No limit bursts
No continues
Strength of a Titan Use 3 or more limit bursts
Use green magic
Defeat the mad ogre with a limit burst
Vanishing Light
A Few Hands Short Sol in party (Companion included)
Deal dark damage 3 times or more to an enemy
Clear without an ally being KO'd
State of the Town Deal fire damage 3 times or more to an enemy
No items
No continues
Faint Impression Deal light damage 3 times or more to an enemy
Use a limit burst
No continues
The Final Joint Struggle Deal fire and light damage to an enemy
Clear without an ally being KO'd
Defeat the ochomp with an esper
Bonus Stage
Bonus Stage 1 Evoke an esper
No limit bursts
Defeat the metal gigantuar lv. 100's party within 10 turns
Bonus Stage 2 Deal fire and light damage 2 times or more each to an enemy
No items
Defeat an ochu with magic
Bonus Stage 3 Use 2 or more limit bursts
No green magic
Defeat the white dragon with a limit burst
Cave of Crystals (Black)
Cave of Crystals (Black) 1 Clear without an ally being KO'd
Use a limit burst
Deal fire damage 3 times or more
Cave of Crystals (Black) 2 Activate an element chain 3 times or more in 1 turn
No recovery magic
No continues
Cave of Crystals (Black) 3 Evoke an esper
No items
Defeat Abaddon with a limit burst
Cave of Crystals (White)
Cave of Crystals (White) 1 Clear without an ally being KO'd
Use 2 or more limit bursts
No items
Cave of Crystals (White) 2 Evoke an esper
Deal fire and dark damage 3 times or more each
No continues
Cave of Crystals (White) 3 Use green magic
Activate an element chain 2 times or more in 1 turn
Defeat Addax with magic
Cave of Crystals (Green)
Cave of Crystals (Green) 1 Clear without an ally being KO'd
Use a limit burst
Deal light damage 3 times or more
Cave of Crystals (Green) 2 No magic
No Magic Deal fire and light damage 2 times or more each
No continues
Cave of Crystals (Green) 3 Clear without an ally being KO'd
No items
Defeat Batory with a limit burst
Cave of Crystals (Power)
Cave of Crystals (Power) 1 Clear without an ally being KO'd
Deal ice damage 4 times or more
No items
Cave of Crystals (Power) 2 No recovery magic
Use 3 or more limit bursts
Deal fire damage 2 times or more
Cave of Crystals (Power) 3 Deal fire and ice damage
Get a chain of 8 or more in 1 turn
Defeat Ettin with an esper
Cave of Crystals (Guard)
Cave of Crystals (Guard) 1 Clear without an ally being KO'd
Use 2 or more limit bursts
No magic
Cave of Crystals (Guard) 2 Use magic 3 or more times
Use 2 or more limit bursts
No items
Cave of Crystals (Guard) 3 Deal water and light damage 2 times or more each
Use white magic
Defeat a Red Roper with magic
Cave of Crystals (Tech)
Cave of Crystals (Tech) 1 Clear without an ally being KO'd
Deal ice and lightning damage
Get a chain of 5 or more in 1 turn
Cave of Crystals (Tech) 2 No magic
No Magic Deal lightning damage 3 times or more
No continues
Cave of Crystals (Tech) 3 Deal fire, water, and light damage
No items
Defeat Calixte with a limit burst
Cave of Crystals (Healing)
Cave of Crystals (Healing) 1 Clear without an ally being KO'd
Use a limit burst
Deal wind damage 3 times or more
Cave of Crystals (Healing) 2 Get a chain of 6 or more in 1 turn
Deal wind and earth damage 2 times or more each
No continues
Cave of Crystals (Healing) 3 Activate an element chain 2 times or more in 1 turn
No items
Defeat Leanan-Sidhe with magic
Cave of Crystals (Support)
Cave of Crystals (Support) 1 Clear without an ally being KO'd
Deal lightning and earth damage
Use a limit burst
Cave of Crystals (Support) 2 Deal earth damage 2 times or more
No recovery magic
No continues
Cave of Crystals (Support) 3 Deal lightning damage 3 times or more
Activate an element chain 3 times or more in 1 turn
Defeat the King Kraken with a limit burst


  • See testimonials and discussions.
  • Float Sandals recipe materials farming locations
  • For the bonus stage:
    • Stage 1 is a Plant race immune to all breaks.
      • Does 10,000 HP ST fixed damage every turn (which cannot be evaded or miraged)
      • If anyone used an ability the previous turn, the boss will instead use ST Icon-Berserk Status berserk (on even turns only) and 3x 10,000 HP ST fixed damage
    • Stage 2 is a Plant race vulnerable to DEF/SPR breaks only. It has +50% water/earth resistance and -50% fire/light resistance.
      • Does AoE physical earth damage every turn
      • Applies AoE Icon-Blind Resistance Blind, Icon-Silence Resistance Silence and Icon-Confuse Resistance Confusion on even turns, and uses it every turn under 30% HP
      • Uses AoE MP drain at the 80%/50%/30% HP threshold
      • The accompanying monsters will use:
        • AoE damage mitigation every 6 turns
        • Reduce earth resistance every 4 turns
        • Restore 3,000,000 HP to all allies every 4 turns
    • Stage 3 is a Dragon race vulnerable to DEF/SPR breaks only. It has +100% light/dark resistance and -50% lightning resistance
      • It has a random chance to use one of 2 different attack rotations
      • If it starts the fight with Protect, it will have a 50% DEF buff for the next 3 turns (this can be dispelled), and uses AoE water and ice magic damage
      • If it starts the fight with Haste, it will use ST and AoE physical damage
      • Both rotations have a chance to use ST Icon-Petrification Resistance Petrify and AoE water magic damage
      • Under 60% HP, it starts to use AoE Icon-Stop Status Stop, and will use a strong ST magic nuke if Stop was applied the previous turn
      • Every few turns, it will apply a MAG buff to itself, and then use an AoE magic attack which can't be covered
  • Be sure to watch for what rotation the boss on Stage 3 will use. Since it is not a pre-emptive, it's easy to be distracted and miss out on what it used, thus affecting what kind of cover you put up. However, it doesn't hit that hard especially on top of having defensive buffs up.


Example Strategy[]

First boss is against Metal Gigantuar (cactuar). It's break immune and uses 10,000 needles.

Second boss is against Ochu and 3x Microchu. It uses confusion, blind, silence, and AoE physical attacks.

The final boss uses strong Ice, Water, and Wind attacks, so a magic tank or resist on your team is recommended. Will also use stop below 60% health.


To be able to add an external link, you need to contribute by editing 3 or more times.
Username Description Units Link
Sinzar All Missions, Bonus Stage Sieghard, Myra, Rem, Kryla, Warrior of Light Bartz, Friend: Warrior of Light Bartz YouTube
[FR]ReiAyanamiTV Extra Stage, All Missions Sieghard, Sacred Shield Charlotte, Rem, Sylvie, Elena, Friend: Elena YouTube
Edward Thatch Bonus Stage Mogs and Ticket Pure Summoner Rydia,Auron, Mercenary Ramza, Elena, Sacred Shield Charlotte friend Elena YouTube
Spdy Gaming Bonus Stage w/ Zombie Strategy Leopold, Regina, Sylvie*6, Rikku, Reberta, Friend: Esther YouTube
Neptunesman 3 turns, all missions, no 5* TMR except own Ignacio, Kryla, Queen, Rivera, Elena, Friend: Elena YouTube
Jason Gaming All Missions Wilhelm, Sacred Shield Charlotte, Garnet, Sylvie, 2x Warrior of Light Bartz YouTube
d_frEak 2 tank 2 support 2 dps composition - All Missions Wilhelm, Basch, Sylvie, Maritime Strategist Nichol, Esther, Friend: Esther YouTube
dark_messenger All Missions with Guide 6* Sieghard, Awakened Rain, Zargabaath, Maritime Strategist Nichol, Zeno of the Beta Star, Friend: Zeno of the Beta Star YouTube
Edward Thatch Story Cutscenes YouTube
xxmitzburnxx Bonus Stage - No esper mission (Español MX) Heavenly Technician Lid, Sacred Shield Charlotte, Mercenary Ramza, Rena, Elena, Friend: Elena YouTube
Alkatrev 3xOTK, All Missions Elfreeda, Regina, Shera, Ace, Dietlinde, Friend: Sylvie YouTube
kaltric Playlist w/ Story & Cave missions div YouTube
Castelf Bonus Stage (rus ) Zargabaath , Squall , Lotus Mage Fina , Auron , Basch Friend : Esther YouTube